Specks 24′

Come on out and give it a shot! I’ve still g a few dates open for May and June.

May is the time when Speckled Sea trout arrive in MD waters of the Chesapeake Bay. I fish remote beautiful shallow clean water where wildlife seems to be everywhere in and out of the water. Every day is a new adventure…..I never get tired of seeing it. Slinging light tackle in the shallows gives you a shot at great Stripers, Reds and Specks. I fish water covering over 80 miles on most days out of Solomons, MD. It’s always an exciting great day on the water! Here’s a few shots from 2023 May shallow water stuff!

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2024 is here! I’m back at www.walleyepete.com!

Looking at posting more comprehensive fishing reports here at Walleyepete.com along with commenting on fishery stuff going on and anything else that comes to mind. Current trends on the water I am seeing I’ll report along with pics/videos etc. I’ve been active on Facebook and instagram for a long time but need to post at my own place here! I’m not tech savvy but as I roll here a bit I’ll pick up on things and get better at it.

Lately the fishing has been very good with a bit of difficult. This weekend I’m off the water due to some weather and some boat repair. Will be back on the water hunting specks while trying to stay away from Stripers. Specks started to show with the warming waters into the mid to upper 60’s. Looking forward to this coming week on the water!

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Walleyepete.com chugging back into service!

It’s been awhile since I’ve been active at Walleyepete.com. It’s important I get this thing going again and originate posts from here. No better time to start than now! Stand by for posts and as much good stuff I can muster up to share!

Fishing and catching has been very good this Spring! This shot was late march shallow water……skinny water got hot pretty early!

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WalleyePete.com up and Running!

www.walleyepete.com is back up and running!

If you got this email it means you are on my current email list! Had to get some work done on my site….updating etc……big pain. I’ve been posting on facebook and instagram but want to use this platform all the time and share to facebook. I’m about to leave for Florida to guide all kinds of great stuff for a couple months! Very excited and since I’ll be living in the boat I’ll have time to post here everyday!

If you don’t want to be on my email list let me know…..I’ll get you off….no problem what so ever. You are on my list because you were previously subscribed to my sight before it went down. I took down the site when “walleyepete.com” was typed in an add for viagra came up! Lol…..thats funny!

There will be no Ads on my site……I may talk about what I use and why but no commercials.

If you have family or friends who’d like to be on email list have them go to www.walleyepete.com and type in their email address in the subscribe box on the left side of page.

My goal is to have as many subscribers as possible so posting to facebook isn’t necessary. Also on this site I’ll report much more detailed stuff!

Glad I’ve got the site back up! Take care all and good luck Fishing in 2021!

beautiful place to catch fish!

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Spring 2021 Specks and Stripers!

Spring Promo! Cool……

If you’d like a full day adventure in remote water on Chesapeake Bay chasing Stripers and Specks in May/June call or text now at 703-395-9955!

Currently have availability in May/June…..the days will disappear fast!

With over 2000 trips and 20 years experience working the eastern shore Islands of the Chesapeake no stone or stump goes unturned and no phone calls need to be made! I pride my trips as full-day (8-10 hour) adventures for family and friends. No overpriced half-day trip out front. My trips will run 60-100 miles from Solomons over to the eastern shore. We’ll ply the waters most productive and never stop!

Magical 30″ Speck
Beautiful Light Tackle Striper

It’s what I’ve done for over 20 years and will keep on rolling.

Lovely young lady with an incredible Speck!

A full day in May for Stripers and Specks is $700 for up to 4 anglers, $750 if a fifth. My boat is an incredibly equipped comfortable Judge 27 Chesapeake (can see it in the video)! Thanks to Humminbird, Minn Kota, Judge Yachts, Back Yard Custom Rods, Bass Kandy Delights and Florida Fishing Products I’ve got the stuff it takes to make incredible days happen! Come on out!

beautiful remote skinny water striper!

Come on out and give it a shot!

For more info call or text at 703-395-9955!

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Walleyepete.com…..Back In The Saddle!

A little test post to see how this site is or isn’t working. Don’t know if subscribers are still attached or not. We’ll see! If you see this post please let me know you got it. You can text me at 703-395-9955 to let me know…..Thanks!

www.walleyepete.com is back up and running! Or at least I hope!

Steelers Left Tackle Big Alejandro Villanueva with a huge Striper. Unfortunatiely from 2016

Walleyepete.com has never been dead….just a bit sick.

When you typed in Walleyepete.com, an add for viagra came up! Lol…..that’s funny! I’ve been working off facebook but need to start doing everything here on my own site first again.

Looking forward to posting daily while fishing in Florida and living on the boat. Through out the year posting here often will be the best thing to do.

Will put up some great content as much as humanly possible……I’ll be fishing every fishable day so content shouldn’t be a problem.

Miss my old truck!

Was certainly a great 2020 on the water! Looking forward to 2021!

Great Day In August 2020 catching Giant Reds with Wayne and Mark

2020 was a super year of catching with many incredible memories….check it out the video!

Here’s a quick 2020 Review video! check it out! Hope it works! lol

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Florida Fishi With Capt. “Walleye” Pete March/April 2020 Book Your Trip Now!

I’ll be fishing out of Dunedin, Florida, 20-30 minutes from Tampa International Airport and just a couple miles north of Clearwater and south of Tarpon Springs.  Lot’s of wind protected areas to target even with a stiff breeze.  Also, I’ll have a remote water boat up near Homosassa, FL to fish Ozello, FL.  (google Ozello, FL to check out the fishy looking water!

Remote Ozello! Adventure and catching waiting to happen


Dunedin, Clearwater, Tarpon Springs, over 20 miles of protected water

This region has great winter inshore fishing for Speckled Sea Trout, Redfish and Snook.  The inshore waters also have Triple tail, Ladyfish, Sheaphead and other goodies!   One beautiful thing about this area is it hasn’t been hammered by the red tide which has been very bad to the regions south.  Along with good water is the fact the region has barrier islands and  small mangrove islands strewn throughout the intercostal waterway for miles.  This allows for a larger area to target all the inshore species around the region in March/April.  On nice wind days nearshore offshore wrecks can be targeted using light tackle. Species to catch out there are widely varied and will be exciting! We’ll be doing light tackle exploring new stuff all the time!

Beautiful Triple Tail!  Great to eat, huge fight!

Specks Galor

Primary technique for catching will be slinging lures.  I will have the ability to provide live bait onboard but will concentrate on casting BKD’s, Paddle Tails and various plugs depending on what’s happening.  My style and approach coupled with incredible electronics, Rods, Reels and boat, the fishing should be great!

Incredible scenery

Last winter I went down to Florida with the mission of learning a region to fish this coming March/April.   I did it and it was great!  Can’t wait to guide and immerse myself in the Florida fishery!  I’m going to live it, eat it and drink it the entire time I’m in Florida!

Remote Red, reachable with my 16′ Grumman Canoe rigged out with Minn Kota and Humminbird!

Lot’s of action!

Details for Trips out of Dunedin, FL and Ozello, FL
I will be chronicling my Florida Trips daily on Facebook, will be a blast!  
Cost: $700 for up to 4 anglers on my Judge 27′ Chesapeake
Cost: $500 for up to 2 anglers all day in Ozello, FL on why 16′ Skinny water machine
We will launch just before sunrise and return around 4pm
Launch location will be Edgewater Park in Dunedin, FL on the Judge and Ozello Community park, FL if we are going remote skinny water
I provide all baits, tackle and licensing
My rods are all Backyard Custom Rods and Florida Fishing Products Reels
Any fish legal to keep I will fillet if kept

Closest Airport is Tampa International Airport, it’s about 20-30 minutes from Duneden, about 75 minutes from Ozello/Homosassa, FL
Weather during March/April is pleasant but can be chilly in the morning
My boat heater will be used if needed!
Dunedin and Homosassa has many great places to eat and several hotels in the area varying in prices.  I’ll have more hotel information as we roll into 2020.  Should be no problem with hotels in the region

If interested in booking a trip or trips or have any questions give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

Canoe Trips out of Ozello, FL
I’ll be running my 16’ Grumman Square Stern Canoe out of the Homosassa, FL region in remote incredible water!  This water is absolutely beautiful protected water with hundreds of islands, nooks, crannies.  With my rigged out (Minn Kota, Humminbird) shallow water aluminum  Canoe I will be able to cover this water in a big way!  Current and structure everywhere, Specks, Reds and Snook along with other goodies to catch!  I will be able to fish 2 anglers plus me in this water.  Will be a great addition to the Dunedin, FL fishing adventures!

Walk-On Trip List!
I will put together a walk-on trip list with folks without a crew but would like to fish on my Judge 27’ Chesapeake out of Dunedin, FL or out of my 16’ Grumman in the remote beauty of Ozello.  Walk-On Trips will be 200 each.  I’ll get a list of walk-on folks together then put together the dates to do the walk-ons and offer them up to those on the walk-on list.  Feel free to call or text at 703-395-9955 with questions!

Additional fishing options while in Dunedin, FL    

Big Triple Tail for Capt. Jeff!

Capt Jeff Vickers is a light tackle guide and great friend of mine out of Dunedin, FL. He’s an expert on the regions inshore fishery who catch’s every day!  Great guy and super teacher!  Provides an incredible fishing experience! I fished with Jeff for several days while in Florida last March.  He taught me plenty and we caught very well…..all on artificial lures!  To check him out go to CaptainJeffVickers.com


Capt. Jeff Vickers working it!

Jacinda with a remote water sweet Red!

If you’d like to do an incredibly beautiful fishy kayak trip while on your Florida fishing adventure check out Jacinda’s Kayak Fishing Adventures on FACEBOOK.  I did a kayak trip with Jacinda while I was in Florida last March.  I had NEVER set butt in a kayak before!  Jacinda had me rolling in no time and we fished water like I’ve never seen in beautiful Ozello, Florida.  It’s a series of islands, channels, holes, grass beds and oyster piles…….best fished from Kayak.  We caught Specks, Reds and even a black drum while I was on the yak.  Great time for sure and an adventure to give a shot at while in Florida.  Check her out!


My Mission in Florida and How it’s Come about!

 I’ve been a Fishing Guide in Maryland since the year 2000.  Since 2004 upon retirement from the USAF I have been living my dream.  Full time fishing guide, loving every moment of every day taking folks to a fishing adventure like they’ve never had.  Fortunately I’ve been very lucky to have great folks to fish with and a full time schedule doing what I love,  fishing over 200 days a year and just a bit under 4000 guide trips completed. Countless new friends met and way more incredible experiences than I’ll ever deserve.

 From 2000 thru last year I have fished catch and release during the months of March/April in Chesapeake Bay at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Susquehanna Flats and Islands of the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  I’ve literarily guided thousands of folks in these fisheries, fishing trips of a lifetime had by many.  Sad it’s almost certainly to be turned off by the state of Maryland for no valid reason.

 I saw this sad situation regarding our fishery and had concern the state may (in my opinion) make a bad choice regarding mortality reductions last winter.  I decided to make a run to Florida in March of 2019 to learn a region with ambitions to guide anglers during the winter of 2020.   My trip was highly successful, guiding for me in Florida is going to happen!  Florida weather, family and good friends in the region contributed highly to my Florida guiding ambition.  I’m always up for a challenge and can’t wait to get underway on a new adventure.  It’s sad the state of Maryland is forcing my hand but excited to start another chapter.  March/April Florida fishing will be great!

 My Mission:  Fishing structure and current is right in my “wheelhouse”!  The waters near Dunedin, FL, and areas around Homosassa, FL are loaded with current plus structure along with clear water grass beds.  Within a short run offshore many wrecks and reefs exist providing great light tackle angling opportunities.  My Humminbird electronics with incredible side imaging coupled with the Minn Kota Riptide Ulterra trolling motor, fishing Florida inshore and offshore will be a great fishing adventure!  The Florida light tackle fishing trips will be a warmer weather super fun fishing adventure! I will be immersing myself every minute of everyday in the Florida fishing I’m about to do!  I can’t wait!

 If interested in booking a trip or have questions give me a call or text at 703-395-9955







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Walleye Pete’s 2017 Fish Of The Year and Honorable Mentions


Every year I declare a fish of the year on my boat, this year is a bit different. I’m declaring a fish of the year but its a fish which has never been graced with the title of “Fish Of The Year” on my boat prior to this year.  Also, I’ve got an angler who is the first ever “twice” catcher of the “Fish of the Year”!  2017 has certainly been a spectacular season of large catches.  Many huge Reds, Stripers, Specks and even Blues have come over the side this year!  As I’m typing its December 15…..still some days ahead in 2017 for a huge fish to be caught.  Only fish in these waters now-a-days is Striper,  so…… kinda safe to say my boat won’t catch a true 50+ pound fish so I’m declaring the fish of the year a hair early.  I will say, “hope I’m wrong”!  If we get a huge fish, 50″/50 pounds, the catcher of the 50+ pounder will get a free trip in 2018!


HERE’s Some honorable mention fish and anglers for 2017!


First Giant Red of the 2017 Season

This huge Red was caught in Mid August and the first giant Red caught in 2017.  The angler is a first- time ever angler!  He listened well and learned quickly but was certainly overmatched a bit by this giant 47″ Red caught on a very light rod.  We had some problems during the fight and the net but we did get the fish.  He was released quickly and swam away hard!  One of many giant Reds caught in 2017.


A beautiful Maryland Citation Size Speck caught in May 2017

2017 was the best year on Specks since 2014. A wide spread cold shock winter kill of thousands of specks over 2 winters in a row made 2015 and 2016 very poor for catching Speckled Sea Trout in the Maryland waters I fish.  Spring of 2017 was a pleasant surprise……..Specks started biting in late April and continued a strong showing in May.  As May rolled into June it slowed down for me and the Stripers moved out of the islands for the most part so I moved north to pursue the large body of Stripers available in the main stem of the bay.  

A Huge Maryland Speckled Sea Trout for Brandon!

This massive Speck hit a Rapala XR-12 Crank Bait while fishing for Stripers……we’ll take that accident!  Beautiful fish!


2014-2016 FISH OF THE YEAR catches


2014 Fish of the Year! 30″ Speck


2015 Fish of the Year, 50″ Red! Way to go Billy!


2016 Fish of the Year! Good job Freddy! 49″ Red

2016 Fish of the Year catcher Freddy Menage lands an honorable mention Speck in 2017…….Freddy is the MAN!



beauty at 47″……great Striper Kyle!


Striped Bass are the staple for me in my guide business.  2017 was HUGE for sure.  Had 87 Stripers over 4o” in Feb-Mar caught using BKD’s on 1.5 to 3 ounce jig heads.  A 40″ Striper is an incredible light tackle trophy for any angler new or experienced.  We have such a gift in Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.  It’s not always great and can be very very dangerous but is a gem of a place to get light tackle catch and release action in the winter.  I didn’t have any 50″ fish landed this winter but had some very close ones.  Stripers over 45″ are a “fish of a lifetime” catch for many folks……had many of those in 2017.  Had 103 personel best Stripers on my boat in 2017.  Here’s a couple more honarable mentions from last winter……


Buddy Chad with a sweet 46″er

Craig with a really big 47″er on a cold day!



Craig gets the “most over 40″er” award for 2017!  Craig is pictured above with his biggest of the winter, A true giant of 47″!  On a 1/2 day trip to the plant in 2017 Craig caught 6 beasts over 40″ and probabaly lost a few more!  The day was very windy and cold, no boat traffic and quite a few cooperative huge Stripers.  Craig has the catching technique down to a science and truly “makes it happen” every time he’s on my boat.  Congrats Craig for the best big fish day of 2017 on my boat!



big ole’ blow fish! 2017’s best!


Choosing a “fish of the year” is no easy task!  I think long and hard about it and consider several different things.  Catch difficulty, tackle used, rareness of fish and overall shock value to me, etc……….it’s my boat….I make the rules…..LOL

Here’s the runner up for “Fish of The Year 2017” ……it’s a fish we don’t catch a whole lot of and it’s the hardest puller out there and was caught on a very light stick by a Spectacular angler……my man Jason!  Congrats on a light tackle giant!

Jason Jernigan’s 50″ runner up Red! Majestic beauty of a fish!



This fish was caught in the month of May with Billy……a guy who’s fished with me for years and has more ambition to fish than guys half his age.  Every trip is an adventure with Billy and he never puts the rod down………heat of summer doesn’t slow him down…..truly incredible guy and outstanding angler……here’s the first ever fish of the year of this species and second time recipient Billy Brener!

37″ Bluefish for Billy! 2017 FISH OF THE YEAR!


Billy and I were fishing together in early May.  Some nice Bluefish had moved into the region and some truly huge Bluefish of which I’ve never seen on the bay were lurking.  Billy and I were drifting through an area which was holding some nice 4-6 pound Blues and small to medium sized Stripers.  Billy is a comedien and even shorter than me by the way…….not kidding….he is!  He was telling me a joke and gesturing with one hand and holding the rod and jigging with one hand as the boat was drifting along.  Billy was using a 1 ounce jighead and a 6″ Chartruese Glitter BKD (Bass Kandy Delight)……. before the punch line Billy all of a sudden lunged to his left as something large struck his lure……almost lost the rod before he got his other hand on the rod.  Now….both hands on the rod and drag screaming Billy and I were thinking about what this might be.  We thought big Striper but I didn’t think a Striper was going to pull with that much speed and the head shake on the rod wasn’t quite the same……my other thought was the dratted cow nosed Ray….they just began moving into the region.  When they get hooked it’s not a good thing…..they pull hard an damage light tackle and usually you don’t get your lure back.  I didn’t see anything to clearly show this creature on the other end of the line was a cow nosed ray so Billy kept on fighting whatever was pulling.  Some time had passed and many runs were run.  Finally the critter started coming up…….when the fish broke the top I couldn’t believe what I saw…….the biggest Blue I’ve ever seen.  I know they were all over the ocean front this size but not in the bay.  Billy and I got the blue in the boat as it’s jaws were a snapp’in!  Truly a monster blue for Chesapeake Bay and I hadn’t seen one that big……….so………fish of the year it is!  Congrats Billy on a great fish and a rarity for our portion of Chesapeake Bay!



Full 2017 year in review coming soon with a preview of whats coming up in 2018!

Good luck fishing everybody!








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August Is Coming Up BIG! Awesome catching this week!

44″ Bull Red Caught in MD Waters up near the Choptank River on light tackle…..Incredible catch!


August has been a great catching month for as long as I can remember.  Bay Anchovies/Silver Sides are all over the bay and all the fish that eat fish are all over these things!  Stripers, Blues, Spanish Macs, Red Drum etc…….are eating.  I find them with binoculars then the fish finder.  Any school of fish could have one of any of the above listed species.  The last few days we’ve been lucky enough to hit some great fish!  All are caught on light tackle using BKD’s, Hardhead Custome Bait Metal Jigs, Jerk baits and surface plugs.  It’s all good!  I’ve been fishing from Solomons Island running north, south and East…….locating lot’s of good stuff the last few days!  Life is good!

mammoth 48″ Red Drum caught on light tackle…..chartruese sting silver 2 ounce fooled this huge fish


Incredible summer light tackle striper caught on artificials!


sweet jerk baited 28″er…..great august striper!



A real pretty Keeper size Red……26″er!

Had a few like this lately! Good stuff!

here’s my buddy Billy with a good one!


Linda’s pair of sweet Stripers!

good stuff!


The Spaniards are here!


AND MORE………..it’s been a really good few days!  Good luck fish’in everybody!







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Fishing Report and Walk-On Trips!

Been a while since I’ve updated here….need to quit slacking!

young angler with a 30″er! Good stuff!

I worked the waters from above the bay bridge to Sharpes Island while slipping the boat in South River.  Had a great couple of months up there but am glad to be back to Beacon Marina at Solomons.  Masses of Stripers and Blues have certainly entered the waters north of Solomons and the catching is great!  Most days I’m finding nice fish on structure along with huge numbers of Stripers and Blues in the main stem of the bay.  Also I’ll be going to the eastern shore islands from Solomons hunting down specks.  Cobia, Reds and Blues to the south could be interesting when the conditions are good!  All in all it’s been a great summer and I’m thrilled to be back at solomons.  Hated the hour commute before and after trips out of south river.  Anchor Yacht basin was a great place to slip my boat…..clean, organized and they really keep track of all activities……good stuff for sure!




Short Notice Walk-On fishing trip this Thursday, 10 August and more dates……14, 15 and 16 August walk on trip dates.

Updated 8 Aug-915am

Thursday 10 aug- booked solid
Friday 11 aug-booked solid
Monday. 14 aug- booked solid
Tuesday. 15 aug- booked solid

Wednesday 16 aug- booked solid


More walk ons to come


703-395-9955- call or text to reserve your spot

I’ve moved the boat to Beacon Marina out of Solomons. Thursday’s weather looks perfect! We will be running early to shallow structure surface plugging then rolling open bay finding breaking Stripers, blues, possible Spanish mackerel and even a shot at a giant red. Also eastern shore island speck fishing could happen.

Cost: 140 each

Launch from Beacon Marina (260 Lore Road, Solomons) at 530 am and returning around 2pm

I provide licensing, all baits and tackle and fillet fish at the end of the day. You can bring your own gear if you want. Medium sized tackle recommended. Bring what you want to eat and drink.

If you are interested in going on any of these trips contact me via text or call or message on Facebook to reserve your spot. First come first serve. 703-395-9955

Trips will be comfortable in my judge 27′ Chesapeake. This boat allows us go anywhere we need!


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Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Thursday, 27 April!

We got a Speck! Lots of Stripers!


Short Notice Walk-On Trip

4 Spots Available!

This Thursday, 27 April! Weather forecast shows S/SE breeze……great temps and warming waters should inspire a great shallow water bite in the islands. Will probably start the day shooting for big fish on plugs/jigs then roll to the islands to shoot shallow structure. Warming waters may give a shot at a Speck! I’ve seen a couple already so maybe we’ll see more! We’ll launch at 530am and return around 230pm. We’ll cover lots of water and catching should be good!

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

Cost is $140 each

I provide all baits and tackle…..bring your own if you want

We’ll cover around 90 miles by days end

I will fillet any fish we keep

Launching from Beacon Marina at Solomons, 260 Lore Rd,

Give me a call, text or message here if you’d like to go!

Come on out and give it a shot!

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Updates to the boat…..thanks Judge Yacht, Annapolis Boat Sales and Reliable Marine!

Bill Judge and Walter at Annapolis Boat Sales finished up work by late Jan.  Since then I’ve ran the boat, tested the systems and love whats been done!  Reliable Marine joined the upgrade train by taking care of some electrical issues 7 years of corrosion can cause…….

I’ll start with what Bill Judge did at the Judge Factory, www.judgeyachts.com  Starting at the bow of the boat they installed a bow pulpit and new Profish 1000 windless

new windless and pulpit definetly improved greatly the situation I had. Good stuff!

Next up front are my bow rails……had some problems with loosening of bolts.  They reinforced the rails by getting up under the rails and affixed backplates and bolts…..totally fixed that problem.

Next down the line I have new windows and frames installed.  I had one window with a crack and others had an issue or two…..the frames were starting to show corrosion so I had those replaced also.

the new frames and windows are updated from when my boat was built. Everything is very sturdy and easier to operate!

My floor  got sanded and recoated with non-skid.  So many folks on my deck and scrubbing often knocked the non-skid off the floor.  (no jokes! Yes I scrub the floor often!)LoL

new floor came out great!

not a good shot of the floor but you get the idea!

Love my new Captains Chair………it has a leaning post along with the chair. So far I love it! Very comfy……..expecting to be on the boat a record amount this year…..I need a good chair!  I’m not getting any younger…….

leaning post in postion……..great for the back when I don’t feel like sitting

Next in line is the L-Bench seating.  Now that i’ve done some trips and received feedback from folks on the boat I’m VERY happy!

plenty of room for 4 to sit……5 if you are good friends!

built in cup holders! I needed those!

Under the seat is also lots of room for stuff!  Very happy with the seating and storage!  Cushions make it comfy to boot!

The thing I like the best is the new heater!  It’s a Webasto 3900 marine heater.  The Judge boys had to custom install this thing and I know it wasn’t easy!  The end result however is spectacular!  I’ve ran it about 100 hours so far and it is flawless to this point.  I”ll add it’s not a cheap gadget by any means.  I love heat…..hate trying to think while freezing and it’s awesome for folks fishing on my boat in the cold.  Wether it’s a chilly October/November morning or a freezing cold day in the winter this thing is a HUGE asset!  It puts out a max. of 13400 BTU’s and burns 1 gallon of deisel fuel per 20 hours of operation set at medium.  Medium setting warms my cabin nice even on 22 degree mornings with the back curtains down.  Here are some shots of the install and unit.

Unit is mounted up under the L-Bench along the side, up off the floor.
Red hose is exaust covered with a heat resistant covering. Fuel pump is mounted just under the heater

Heater is the size of a loaf of bread……Judge did a great job with placing duct work, exhaust etc…….freak’in great!

Walter George from Annapolis Boat Sales had a great idea for my boat and man was he right!  He installed an incredible light bar called Fathom lighting www.fathomlighting.com.  This thing lights up the world up front.  The first night I tried it was reality…….won’t live without this type of light on a boat ever again!  I also had Walter install new flood lights for the back deck and blue lights under the gunnel.  You can find Walters great stuff at www.marylandboatgear.com.  Thanks Walter!  Great job by you and your crew!

low profile spot/flood lights for the bow…..they are awesome!

Two of these light the back of my boat UP! Little LED’s use little juice to do it!


My Shop! Love these guys!

Next on the list is some stuff recently done by Reliable Marine in Solomons, MD, www.reliablemarineonline.com  Now that I have more room to install stuff I had Dave at Reliable Marine install an onboard battery charger which he tied into my shore power hook-up. No more problems with a dead battery because of something left on or other battery issue.  This thing manages the batteries and lets you know of any problems before you break down!

This gadget is installed under my L-Bench…..it’s up and out of the way and easy to see. Dave at Reliable tied it into my shore power making it real easy to use!

After renovations done…..lights….Heater….etc I noticed some funny electrical things going on. Main thing was upon start up of my engine my fishfinders were shutting down.  Never did that before!  I start and stop often so fishfinders going on and off is a NO GO!  Dave at Reliable told me what he thought, I listened.  Pulled the boat and ran it over to him.  He thought a battery isolater would benefit me and he also found plenty of issues in my battery compartment caused by 7 years of corrosion!  He knocked that issue “out of the ballpark”!  Did alot of rewiring in the battery box etc…….cleaned it all up well and installed the battery isolater……electrical issues GONE!  I hate trying to figure this stuff out!  Thanks DAVE!

wires re-done…..cleaned up and labled……gives me piece of mind!


new battery isolater won’t let my fishfinders shut down ever again while turning on and off the engine! I like that!


Had lot’s of stuff done!  I’m very happy and feel like I’ve got a new boat!  Based on last year and what trips I’ve got booked already it looks like this is going to be a great year!  Can’t wait to get lot’s of sticks bent this year!  Thanks to all who fish with me and hopeful future folks who will be on my boat!  Let’s go fish’in!!!!!!



Dave at www.reliablemarineonline.com

Walter George at www.annapolisboatsales.com

Bill Judge at www.judgeyachts.com






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Presentation Tomorrow Night In Cambridge, MD……come on out!

Light Tackle Success

Come on out tomorrow night, (Thursday, 19 January) to the MSSA Dorchester meeting where I’ll be chatting about Winter and Spring Light Tackle Catching! I’ll be talking in depth about how, when and where I do it on light tackle……no tricks or riddles! Straight talk on how, when and where! With over 200 trips a year guiding for the last 13 years I’ve got lot’s to share!

Meeting starts at 730pm…..I’ll be arriving around 645 to set up and run videos……..address is Elks Lodge 1272 located at 5464 Elk Lodge Rd, Cambridge, MD. If you have any questions give me a text, message or call at 703-395-9955

Come on out! Will have a couple GIVE-A-WAYS!

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Calvert Cliffs Report and What To Expect……

upper 40’s inch whopper…..early A.M.   (March 2016)

Catching right now at the power plant isn’t blockbuster for sure.  It is however not horrible!  With that said it’s about normal for this time of year according to the last 20 years I’ve recorded it.  One thing for sure is you won’t catch a fish if you don’t go and you might not catch one if you do go!  None-the-less it’s fun and it’s a way to have a good shot at catching a Striper in the dead of winter.  Big fish can and will happen in the dead of winter, just not consistent or reliable.  Some winters we get more large fish in the flow than other years in Jan/Feb.  Mid-March usually begins a more reliable and consistent flow of big fish into the outflow.  One “first” for this winter is specks in January!  A few Speckled Sea Trout have been caught. I hadn’t seen  this ever!  So……that is pretty cool.  You just never know!  Also some small Puppy Drum have been caught……Jan 2 the boat I was on caught 4 I think.  The Specks and Reds were caught on 6″ BKD’s loaded on 1.5 or 2 ounce heads.  Trick with them is certainly maintaining bottom with a sharp short twitch while maintaining a snug line which enables the detection of a strike.  If you get hits and miss several they may be Specks, Reds or very small Stripers.  To catch the missed fish downsize your bait and jighead weight if possible.   The Specks have been located for me more down the flow just past where the boulders end.  The bottom is oyster shell and easy to detect bottom without snagging.

A true 50″er caught in April 2015


Evaluation of the extended temperature forecast indicates about average temps from here to Feb 4.  Some above average temps and some below.  Bottom line is overall about average.  Now we all know that can change!  Ice will be a factor on some occasions out of Flag Harbor but probably not from the Solomons boat launch.  I don’t have enough experience from Chesapeake Beach or Breezy Point to comment on ice. I expect fishing to maintain an Avg. historical bite this winter from now till Mid March.  I don’t expect any blockbuster runs of crazy great fishing but for the persistent guys who just want to get out there and take a shot at some fish I think it will be good!  A 4 hour trip with 4 guys who know the game should be able to hit 20 or so fish.  A big one right now is 28″-33″……haven’t seen any true big ones yet.  Could happen though!

Luke with a big March fish!


March 10, 2015…….Most ice ever this winter!

One thing for sure is winter is dangerous!  Water is deadly and fast!  Anyone running their boat in winter needs to take xtra care to make sure you are prepared.  I don’t have my boat back yet but when I do it will be readily available and I can get to it very quickly if anybody has a problem out there.  I would roll out there quick if anyone called and needed help.

We don’t want this in 2017!

So…..as of now we do have some fish at the plant.  It’s average over the long haul and I hope it gets real good!  Nothing would surprise me, either way good or bad can happen any given year.  A boring average report and winter outlook.  Good luck fishing and STAY SAFE!



As of now I don’t have a hard date on when I’m getting my boat back.  I’ll find out later this week I hope. If Flag Harbor is iced in I’d go from Solomons.  When I do get my boat to Flag Harbor I plan on running 1/2 day trips starting at daylight till 11ish and 1pm till darkish.  If you want to book the boat for anything in Jan or Feb give me a call and I’ll throw you in the book, I will take up to 4 for these trips.  The boat booked will be 375 for up to 4 anglers until March 15.  Walk-On Trips will be $70 each before March 15.  When you book the boat you are guarenteed that date for your crew.  All walk-on trips will be relatively short notice.   I will provide all baits/tackle or bring your own, licensing and HEAT!  These trips will be focused on proper technique…having fun and hopefully catching some fish!  Prior to our trip we’ll talk about whats going on with the fishing and of course weather and we’ll decide to do or not do the trip.  The winter fishery is “iffy” with weather and catching……I’ll tell it like it exactly as I know it.

if this guy can catch a 45″er ANYBODY can! Lol
Great fish John!









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Walleye Pete’s 2016 Year In Review

2016 was a BIG year!


Table of Contents

1- Intro to 2016 Review

2- January      – Cold But Hot Fishing

3- February    – Darn Good Catching

4- March          – One Word…..HUGE!

5- April             – Warming Waters, Sweet Catch’in

6- May               – The Movement….Northbound

7- June              – Big Fish Rolling In The Boat!

8- July               – Hot Temps…….Big Stripers and Breakers

9- August          – Huge Numbers and Monstrous Surprises

10- September – Breakers Rolling Shallow, Big Reds!

11- October       –Stumps, Rocks, Cuts, Rips, Wrecks and Shallow Oh MY!

12- November – Record Breaking Big’uns On Structure

13- December  – Hot Start…..chilly finish

14- 2016 Fish of The Year!


THANKS TO ALL WHO FISHED WITH ME!  You made it a great year of catch’in!



1- Preview to 2016 Review

One of several huge Reds caught on
light Tackle in 2016! Wow!

2016 was certainly a year to remember for me.  Broke my one year record of trips in a year,  223 trips!  The season ended a bit early for me or I would have struck 230!  From well above the Bay Bridge to Smith Point, Virginia fish were caught in great numbers and beautiful fish!  As normal the power plant between mid-March and early April produced the biggest fish.  May-early July produced plenty of over 30″ Stripers.  Late July-September was breaking fish galore with some huge Redfish and the 2016 fish of the year!  Fall Island fishing was spectacular again and then the late fall early winter fishing out of Point Lookout was very very productive with a smattering of difficult days.  Overall a great year for sure and I’m looking forward to a record breaking 2017!

2-JANUARY- Cold but Hot Fishing

Typically my years start at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in January.  However, through the years sometimes a great bite somewhere in January will keep me from home and the winter power plant bite.  2016 was started with abnormally warm water in Chesapeake Bay because of a very mild start to the winter.  So……..even though the season to “keep fish”  was closed, catch and release was alive and well at the mouth of the Potomac River.  I did 7 trips in the first two weeks of january…….what a bite their was to start 2016!  We caught using 6″ and 10″ BkD’s, Hardheadcustom baits veritcal jigs, Specialized Baits “Lil’ Bunker Spoons and surface plugs!  Even a fly guy was able to connect in January at the mouth of the Potomac.  Here’s a few shots of fish caught in Jan 2016………All fish were caught utilyzing light tackle and released to swim another day!

First double of the 2016 Season!
Beautiful light tackle Stripers in the cold!

2nd double of 2016…..really quick!

Until the water temp dropped below 43 degrees
the fishfinder looked like this!

Average fish for the start of 2016!

Lot’s of bent sticks on Jan 7 2016!

A real nice 33″er in the cold!


My Friend Phil Chorney loves his fly slinging!  On a day that started at 17 degrees you wouldn’t think the  top portion of the water column and a fly would produce but they did!  Way to go Phil!  Love it!

The fly stick is bent!

just a blast on the fly!

Not a giant but in Jan on the fly

Here’s Sammy using a home made “slamm’in sammy”
to catch on this day…..he caught MANY!

another 30ish inch fish in Jan 2016

My buddy Mike with a great
January Striper!

Mid 30’s in Jan 2016

One of the last hard earned
Stripers in Jan 2016! Good job John Fox!


3-FEBRUARY- Darn Good Catching

The beginning of Feb 2016 was the start of my power plant season in 2016.  Typically I don’t do many guide trips in Jan-Feb and I didn’t in 2016.  I live very close and keep my boat in Flag Harbor…..less than 2 miles from the plant.  My normal plan is to take friends and neighbors who live close by for short missions to the plant.  Catching a couple fish is nice…..if we don’t catch it’s fine.  Easy trip……have fun….stay warm and if we catch it’s great!  Last Feb I did one guide trip and lot’s of little excursions to see whats going on.  Feb 2016 did produce a fair amount of Stripers and many in the mid 30’s inches in February  Every little trip out in Feb we caught fish!    This year “2017” In Feb I’m going to run cheap walk-on trips at the Plant.  Lot’s of fun…..learn…..have fun and stay warm in my heated Cabin…..it’ll be great!  Here’s a few shots from Feb 2016 at the plant……..

my friend Dan with a nice little Feb fish
Hungry fish ate a 10″ BKD

a nice Feb Striper caught on a 6″ BKD

my other buddy Dan….good fish brother!

A real healthy one…..good fish fritz!

nice one Allan!


4-MARCH- One Word……HUGE

March is a GREAT month for sure at Calvert Cliffs!  Every year the biggest Stripers of the year happen in March.  April is big…..Feb is big also but not as big.  One thing is for sure…..every year is different.  In the late 90’s Feb was loaded at the power plant with big fish.   March is a time when migratory forage fish play around in the power plant outflow and really big Stripers like to eat them there!  Bar none…..the 10″ BKD is the best big fish bait I’ve ever used at the power plant.  Other baits in the 10″ range work great also.  What makes the 10″ BkD really stand out to me is it’s durability.  You can catch many fish on one bait.  Other baits I know of are very soft and rip after a fish or two.  Glue could help for sure.  1.5 to 2.5 ounce jigheads are the tool of choice for me at the plant.  Detecting bottom without getting snagged and at the same time putting on a great twitch is what “makes it happen” at the plant.

Here’s a few shots from March!  None of these fish were 50 pounds but some were really big!

this fish was the first true big one of the season……43″!

Big Al with a 42″er!

This fish is a SLOB!

Really big healthy fat Striper…..40+”er


hey….I caught one!

this was a massive 47″!

here’s what the 47″er ate……..10″ BKD


dawn monster….45″ish I believe!

this fish was HUGE…..not 50″ but close!

Chances at fish of a lifetime
are high!


just sweet!


light tackle joy

Towards the end of March the waters are warming and shallow water starts to approach 60 degrees.  When the water strikes 60 the power plant still produces but not as consistent.  I start exploring the eastern shore islands and shorelines and really catch some nice fish.  They aren’t huge but some over 30″.  Numbers can be big and the beauty of it all is gigantic.  2016 was a great April in the islands as the power plant fizzled.


5-APRIL- Warming Waters, Sweet Catch’in

April is one of my favorite fishing months!  Winter turning hard to spring…..warming waters and active fish.  The season opens to keep big ones around April 16.   In 2016 I moved from Flag Harbor to Solomons on April 15.  I don’t “trophy” hunt in April but do catch some really big fish in April.  April is when the shallow water bite really turns on and the weather starts to be very nice…..Love it!  When the charter boats are out trolling up one fish per person to take home I’m in the islands catching and releasing large numbers of really nice fish to keep forever on camara……love this time of year.  Had a great April 2016!  Here’s some shots……

An early April double on real nice fish!

super bent stick!


Huge April Striper for Luke……whoop whoop!

Early Aprl fatty

good stuff!


big shallow water fatty!


Todd with a well over 40″ April big boy!


Nooks and Crannies catch
good in April


Little guy with a jigged
up Striper!


last several years I’ve seen
lot’s of these in April! Cool!


This is fishing the islands!

Cool April adventure!

April Striper in the skinny


A REALLY big light tackle
caught April Striper

sunrise striper in April


Nice bent stick in the islands!


Great spring catching on this day!


Lot’s of spring fun!


5- MAY

May brings about warmer temps and Stripers becoming very active on the surface with temps into the upper 60’s and low 70’s.  I fish from Solomons and run the main stem of the bay and the islands of the eastern shore.  If Speckled Sea trout are in our area I start to catch them well in May.  The last few years have seen very few Specks on the waters I fish.  2016 was much of the same.  I caught less than 10 Speckled Sea trout in 2016.  Sad but the way it goes.  Hoping they trend back in soon!  The Striper fishing however was very productive in May.  Lot’s of great stripers on the jig and surface. I had a busy month with 28 trips out of 31 days.  All trips produced well!  Here are some shots from May 2016!

Some early May rainey
day Striper action!

A surprise Speck in May……I’ll take it!


another rainy May catching day


great surface plugged


some fun skinny water

beautiful striper on
the light stick!


some real Happy Fishing today!


Young angler with a great


sunrise joy!


Getting some real
Nice fish today!


Beautiful young lady and


Surface plugged


May Worms getting ate on the bottom!
They love BKD’s in this picture!

calm shallow water
good ones!


just beautiful!


Bombed a surface plug!


doesn’t get any
better in May!




Nice fish!


incredible may striper


Way to go man!


7- June- The Movement…..Northbound

June 2016 brought about movement of fish.  During the month of May plenty of fish were in the region of Solomons but as June rolled along the biomass of decent sized Stripers were moving north,  and North…..and more north.  So……..in early June I moved from Solomons to Deale in order to be way closer to the fish.  One thing I know is I can’t catch’m where they “ain’t”!  The last three years I’ve fished out of Deale, MD starting in June until fish started showing up back south again.  2016 was a great year for me in June from Breezy Point up to as far north as Man-O-War Shoal at the mouth of the Patapsco River.  Jigging around schools of Menhaden was key during June.  Structure also produced some incredible Stripers from Deale up to Rock Hall.  Here’s a few shots from June 2016!

Huge June Stripers Jigged up on
structure in June!

Super Striper on light tackle
in June!

Mid-30’s in June!

Bent stick! Good stuff!

Kid’s, Light Tackle Jigg’in!
Nothing better…….



Blues started to show in mid-june on structure……
nice ones too!

Young man with a GREAT
Striper…..good stuff!


Look at this great Striper!

A family day of catching
big Stripers!

Lovely ladies ane lovely
Stripers…best it gets!


Good stuff!


buddy dan with a great June Striper!


mid-30’s whopper

Bunch of good ones!

Last Big one in june….
July was on fire to start!


8-July-  Hot Temps, Big Stripers and Breakers

July was a month where I ran big miles daily rolling up the bay from Deale.  The biomass of Striped Bass over 24″ and up to 35″ or so were up the bay above the bay bridge.  Fishing structure early (before sunrise) produced many great fish.  After sunrise the bite typcially was in water over 20′ deep and centered around bait.  Deep water pilings of the bay bridge was productive along with humps, bumps and lumps in water 20′ deep or deeper. Some fish were caught on lumps under 20′ deep off Love Point.  After about July 16 I started rolling east and south from Deale Catching lot’s of Blues and Stripers 16-22″.  Breaking fish were wide spread and a blast in late july and rolling thru September.

Typical breakers last july:


Here’s some shots:

Incredible stripers on July 1!



Great fish fry!

Nice summer 33″er


Good grade of fish today!


Beautiful summer sunrise


Fun on the light stick!


Sweet lady with a huge jigged up Striper!


Great Family Affair!


Nice bent fly stick at the
Bay Bridge


Great fish on the top!


9- August – Huge Numbers and Monstrous Surprises


August is the end of summer.  We’ve have a couple months of heat, fish moving around and changing patterns and now they are hitting hard on the top every day.  Great time of year for gigantic numbers of fish and endless action.  Surprises in large forms tend to hang out under active Bluefish in late august and September feeding on scraps falling though the water column.  August is Stripers. Blues, Spanish Mackeral and some monster Reds!  All reds were caught on metal or plastic below breaking Blues and Stripers…….a site to behold when you see the redish orange glow appear below the surface after an EPIC fight on light tackle.  Nothing like it!  August was great action everyday…….great BIG surprises underneath!  Good stuff!

A few shots from August:

Nice one Linda!

Linda caught lot’s of Stripers and Blues
and this REALLY nice Spanish Mac!


Whoop Whoop! Good stuff!


August is Month of the Spanish…..
here’s a real good one!


These two are fish
catching machines!

A great mixed bag!


why I do this job!


Grandfather/Grandson fun!
Memories forever!


Family catching in a
big way!


Lot’s of Spanish
in 2016

First Bull Red in 2016


A little puffer….isn’t that cute!

Massive Bull Red jigged
up on light tackle…..incredible!


Remick @flytimes and a fly caught Spanish……GOOD STUFF!


Check out this quick Red Battle Video!



Massive Red….massive fight…released
safely to swim another day!


10-September- Breakers Rolling Shallow, Big Reds! 

September has always been and didn’t disappoint in 2016 as an incredible catching month!  Breaking fish in the main stem of the bay are consistant and reliable daily and the shallow water of the eastern shore islands and shorelines really turn on and a variety is possible.  Large schools of Stripers and Blues push bait into very shallow water at times, very exciting!   We caught Stripers, Puppy Drum, Specks, Bluefish and even a Flounder in September.   As water temps drop from 80 plus degrees down into the 70’s and cool nights happen fishing becomes wildly wonderful in shallow water from 2′-8′.  Beautiful temps and prevailing calm seas make for a great month to catch lot’s of fish with some great fish mixed in.  2016’s fish of the year was caught in September.  A great fish and story it was!  I’ll tell it and show it at the end of my 2016 review.  Here’s some stuff from September 2016!

Between all the fish my family and
I love some Nationals Games!


we did catch a few Specks in September
Here’s one!


I got a Spanish! I got a Spanish!


More fish from the Breners’!

good stuff


A huge September Bull Red!

beautiful skinny water Striper!

Island guts are a blast and beautiful
to catch in…….awesome!


A lost flounder! Hope
more show up in 2017!

Windy day in the islands…..lot’s of these!

Great shallow water action!

More fun than should be legal!


11- October- Stumps, Rocks, Cuts, Rips,  wrecks and Shallow…. Oh MY!

Folks ask me what my favorite place or time to fish is…….I have a hard time answering!  I love it all and I love that things change enough to keep me sane!  I love the power plant in the winter because of big fish. I love the April/May shallow water and island fishing because we catch nice fish in shallow and winter is over.  I like summer  because huge numbers of fish are available and it’s great for folks to catch easily.  September is heaven on earth because summer is ending and the heat turns down a bit and fishing is GREAT!  However……..if I have to pick I pick as my favorite as October.  I fish primarily in the islands and shore lines of the eastern shore and fish structure in the main stem of the bay as I’m traversing the bay.  The islands are miles and miles of remote shorelines with rips, grass beds, rock piles, guts and cuts and wrecks.  I’ve got great catching opportunities all october even on breezy days.  October also produces some really big Stripers in 2-7′ of water.  Fishing is exciting and never boring in October.  So……it i must admit October is my favorite month and the islands are my favorite place to fish.  Here’s some shots from October 2016!  Great stuff!

MIke with a big Oct 1 shallow water striper

great double

A huge October shallow water Striper!


great bag of stripers!

Way to go girls!

beautiful rock pile Rockfish!

great rainy day Rockfish!


that’s a whopper!

Big boys in the stumps today!

nice bent shallow water stick!

Just beautiful…..and fish!


Incredible remote water!

Way to go Gene!

October is just loaded
this year! Beauty!

Father/Daughter catching!

beautiful place to catch fish!

Island Cuts Are Amazing

A puppy Drum!

Paddle Tails over stumps were work’in!

Sweet morning and nice fish!

more island beauty


nice puppy!

Happy JIgging!

Look at that! Wow!

two whoppers


Last day of October produced
some real big fish!

October was busy with lot’s of catching…..whew!  Off to November!


12- November- Record Breaking Big’uns on Structure

The title of this month says it………Record breaking Big’uns!  I did many trips in November and almost all of them saw several stripers over 30 inches and up to 38″ as the biggest.  Love November for two reasons……great fishing and I launch out of Buzz’s Marina,  love the owners of the marina, Mike and Christy!  About 90% of large fish were caught on structure in less than 25′ of water.  Toward the end of November some large fish started showing up under birds.  For the most part all the big fish were on little hunks of structure and not in big schools.  The over 30″ fish seemed to be in small “wolf” packs hunting menhaden and crabs around structure.  We caught all the big fish on Hardhead Custom Baits Skirted Jigs tipped with a 6″ BKD, either chartruese glitter or purple glitter.  The large fish caught on my boat in Novmember was by far more than any November I’ve ever had…….come on November 2017!

Incredibly beautiful 35″er and
lady! Awesome!

Biggest fish of November! A beauty at 38″…..wow!

yes sir! Good stuff!


good fish Colonel!


Nice fish…..short guy! Lol…..good one!


Way to go Tommy!


Beautiful fish Rick!

Endless 28″ fish…..so good!


Moral of the story in NOV
Big ones!


Hardhead Custom Bait skirted jig and 6″ BKD
caught this beauty!


Fritz! Good one!


LOVE a good bent stick!

great fish!!!


What a Freak’in Hog!

Incredible fish brother!

awesome bunch of fish!


Great day….better fish!


it’s a big one

it was an accident!


We couldn’t keep big fish
off the lines today……


As good as it gets
with the light sticks!


a triple of big ones! Whoop whoop!

So many 30-34″ers…….love it!


Lot’s of big doubles today!


Look at that fish!


Super double caught here…..wonderful stuff!

holy crap!



what a fight


sunrise is great!






A beauty at 36″…..


Thanksgiving Morning was
big for sure!

Thanksgiving morning father and son
big ones……..what it’s all about!


just awesome!


Love kids and big fish!

last big one in November
Off to December!



13-December- Hot Start, Chilly Finish

November ended and December started hot…..nice weather and great fishing.  Typical of late November and December is volitile weather with plenty of wind and some major cold fronts to bring winter in to the region.  I was hoping for a repeat of last year which was great fish and wild bombing Gannets all through December and well into January of 2016.  This year 3 cold fronts slammed though the area and dropped water temps down quickly and the bite was becoming more difficult. We caught lots of fish on most trips in December but it just wasn’t crazy like last year……it was a little crazy on occasion but that’s it.   Fish are still at the mouth of the Potomac and in the river but I decided to pull my boat a bit early and not fight to catch.  Also, weather outlook overall wasn’t great so I pulled the boat and delivered it to Judge Yacht for some cool renovations.  I’ll have the boat back in January and will be starting the 2017 season fishing the power plant.  Good luck to all fishing in 2017 and I hope you had a great 2016! I sure did and loved every second of it!

December 1st was perfect and
so were the fish!


Husband wife admring dinner!


great fish!


A December Fly caught whopper for Dixon Young!
Way to go brother!


Nice Double Boys!


awesome bite!

Hey John…..Nice fish buddy! See ya this winter!




A great fish and a cool story……….On September 8th I had a trip booked by Richard and didn’t know who else was coming until they showed up at the boat.  Up marches Fred Menage and he states to me “I’m going to fill one of my bucket list fish today”!  I said….”oh ya, what fish is that”?  He said with confidence “Bull Red Drum, 40 Pounder”!  I typically try to keep folks expectations down prior to trips.  I just don’t want folks to be disappointed if they are expecting to much.  Now fishing had been great and I had some huge Reds in some days prior to this trip.  Fred saw the reports and told me he was feeling lucky…..like before when he won a truck at the Maryland Fishing Challenge Party.  Well….I told him with confidence our boat had a 5% chance to land a Bull Red today.  They aren’t easy or wide spread…..ya got to get a little lucky to get one to hit…..then you gotta land the thing on light tackle…..not easy!  I wagered something I probably shouldn’t have ………..I bet Fred my left (you know what) he wouldn’t catch one.  Fred took the bet!  Lol………We caught Stripers and Blues from the beginning of the day and kept catching.  I was running from breaking fish to breaking fish looking for the biggest Bluefish.  Under the biggest bluefish is where I’ve been getting lucky with some huge Reds.  Sometime in the early afternoon when it was real hot Fred hooked a fish and drag was screaming….and screaming and screaming.  After a bit Fred had some sweat beading up on his head and the fish wasn’t coming towards us much.  I had to chase the fish with the boat some to get some line back.  Fred hung in there fighting this fish with the vigor of a 35 year old……man with a mission!  After quite a fight we saw the fish….a huge Red for sure….absolutely the “bucket list” fish Fred was looking for. I was beyond happy we got the fish to the boat and that Fred was done with the fight……he was beat!  But he did it and didn’t wince in pain at all.  The crew was wincing in pain though!  We were able to get the fish in the boat….got a picture with Fred and the fish, put the fish near the measuring tape….wasn’t 50″ but it was 47″ at least.  It was awesome……made my year!  After the fish was released (we held the fish just above the tail till it “kicked out”) Fred told me to grab my Bubba Blade Knife…”it’s time to pay up”.  I said “What”…….Fred reminded me of our bet…..gulp……i lost the bet but Fred let me off the hook….whew!  What a fish….a great day and one heck of a Bucket List fish caught and released.  Good stuff…….great job FRED!  Whoop whoop!!!!


click the links to see a short video of the fight and Fred Holding the fish……good stuff!



 and the 2016 Fish of The YEAR is

Fred Menage with the 2016 FISH OF THE YEAR with Walleye Pete!

Twas a great year….thanks to all!  Good luck in 2017!!!!!! Have a Happy Holiday!

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Walleye Pete’s 2016 Year In Review

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Winter Fishing Preview

Luke with a huge light tackle winter Striper

Join My new Private Group on facebook: ” Live at Calvert Cliffs With Walleye Pete”

 After you Read the preview check out the Videos!  Good stuff!

Light Tackle Jigging Stripers On Chesapeake Bay in March! – an incredible trip at calvert cliffs with friends and I happen to be ambitious with the video this day…..good stuff!

April Fool’s Stripers – One of the best days ever at the plant!  Check it out!

Calvert Cliffs, Marylands Striped Bass Off Season Catch and Release Heaven – a ton of pictures of big fish from last 4 years at calvert cliffs

50lbs Striper on Light Tackle in Chesapeake Bay – a quick look at the biggest Striper caught on my boat!



disclaimer– I wrote this quickly with passion…….their may be some typos and mis spellings….but I hope you get the idea……..i don’t have time to make it grammatically perfect. Read on!

Winter at Calvert Cliffs

Well folks, it’s that time of year where the winter fishery at Calvert Cliffs will soon be taking hold.  This will be my 20th year of jigging huge stripers at Calvert Cliffs in the winter.  Winter for me being Jan-April 15 or so.  What I’ve learned through 20 years worth of catching and  journal entries on fishing calvert cliffs is every year, month, day, hour and minute can be different.  What I do know for sure is if you don’t go you won’t know if a bite is there.  Another thing for sure is we are lucky to have a place in Chesapeake Bay where in the winter you can go and have a shot at a bent stick and a hopeful great memory.  The chance at a mammoth at 48″ or more is possible and 40″ers are not uncommon.  For the last several years almost all my 40″+ fish have come from Calvert Cliffs in the winter till early April.  The late fall fishery is great with many fish to 35″ but very few over.  Seems as though the huge migratory fish which used to show abundantly in November/December in Maryland waters haven’t shown well in years.  Many opinions exist on where they went.  My thought is their are many less of them and the ones still in existance aren’t coming up Chesapeake Bay in the late fall/early winter before heading to near shore or offshore waters from Virginia down to North Carolina.

lot’s of fun! A March 2016 Big’in

A beautiful Mid-40’s inch Striper! What a Fish!

Through the years I’ve had a few fish at 50″ or a hair over and countless 45-49″ers.  The over 40″s can be incredible in numbers at times.  I literally have thousands of huge fish pics through my 20 years of winter fishing at Calvert Cliffs.  Styles of fishing varies at Calvert Cliffs and some days many boats share the same water trying to hook the big one.  Every year when cold winter turns to spring and air temps warm up so do folks ambitions to get their boats on the water.  Late march and early april Calvert Cliffs can see as many as 30 boats fishing a nice weekend morning.  Typically this will slow down the success of catching.  In the cold winter Jan/Feb sometimes catching can be incredible and sometimes it stinks.  Ya never know.  My intention with this preview is to highlight the importance of safety while angling in the winter, the different catching techniques I’ve experienced to work the best,  angling etiquette and fish safety.

Biggest my boat has had at Calvert Cliffs,
about 4″ past the 48″ tape and very heavy,
we don’t weigh fish in fear of injuring them

IT’S FUN!  That’s it………..

I may ruffle a feather or two here but this is what I think……..after 20 seasons of catching huge fish and watching others catch huge fish at Calvert Cliffs in the winter it isn’t a big deal.  It’s a BLAST but not a legend maker for sure.  If you are local to Calvert Cliffs like me or an angler who plies the water of Calvert Cliffs several times a year, month or week it really isn’t difficult to catch big fish at Calvert Cliffs in the winter.  It’s a goldfish bowl with 2 million gallons of water blowing through it with boulders on the bottom from 18′-30′ deep.  All the experienced anglers know the fish hold at the bottom or very close most of the time and are in certain areas of the rip most of the time.  The experienced anglers position themselves to cast to and present their 1.5 to maybe 3 ounce jigheads into the current upstream of where they know the fish should be……detect bottom with their heavy lead head with BKD or Bust’m bait or any other plastic and aggresively and sharply jig (twitch) their sticks while maintaining a snug line as their bait gets blown downstream.  The massive current pushes their baits downstream quickly allowing their bait of choice to cover the bottom in the area they think the fish are located.  If fish are in the zone of presentation they typically will inhale the bait.  The experienced angler detects the “thump” of the large striper inhaling the bait and sets the hook……the fight is on!  This does require skill but zero challange once mastered.  It is one heck of alot of fun though!  Have Fun!

Even with Big Al at.6’9″ tall………this fish Still looks huge!
It’s a mid 40’s Inch Fish     (March 2016)


Fish Anyway You Want!

No person, club, group or FACTION own the power plant fishing rights.  All folks who go there can choose to fish the way they want. Trolling, bait slinging and anchoring is not against any law and if it happens then so be it.    There are some things I think can really mess fishing up and I’ll talk about them.  My opinions are that…..an opinion, I really don’t know, no human knows!  NOTHING worse than a person who knows it all when they really don’t!  What I’m writing about is what I’ve experienced and what has worked best for me through the hundreds of trips at the power plant in the winter.  If you have another technique not described that works for you it’s all good!  One thing that I’ve learned with over 3000 guided fishing trips is to adapt and overcome and keep on truck’in.  I practice what I preach and will keep on truck’in no matter who does what at the power plant. It’s all good!



Personel safety at calvert cliffs is very important.  We all know cold water kills very fast.  A NNW, N, NE, E or ESE wind at 15 knots and more really starts to rough it up at Calvert Cliffs.  Two million gallons a minute flowing against wind coming from the opposite direction makes for very confused seas and dangerous conditions.  Catching can be great in bad conditions there but I don’t recommend taking your boat there unless you have experience with the rips in nasty winds.  S, SW, W and NW is fishable with some nasty wind.  SW is best…..comes from right over the power plant.  Proper communication and all safety equipment is crucial to have on board at all times but especially in the winter.  If the wind is blowing hard and you are there it’s best to stay on the downwind side of the current.  It’s best to have the wind in a position to blow you out of the current when rough.  A fatal mistake could be to get blown into the current with a nasty wind from the bad directions I noted above.  Here is what happens:  your boat turns with the wind facing downwind and the current is taking you stearn first down the current.  Waves are very close and high.  If you have a low stearned boat or cut out like a 21 parker or similar boat you will take waves over the back and possibly submerge your boat if your engine won’t start and you take on water.  It happens fast!    DON’t Let This Happen……..you could die.  If you have any questions about this stuff feel free to text or email me.


Bait and Equipment

Equipment I use at the power plant are 6’medium or 6’6″ medium heavy  rods which allow you to detect the slightest of hits and the tick of detecting bottom.   I use 14 or 20 pound test flame green Fireline.  I use this because I can see it above the water and no stretch allows for great detection of bottom and hits.  When multiple folks have fish on they can see where there lines are crossing so they can go over or under in order to not lose a fish because of tangled lines.  I use a 30 pound test clear leader at about 2′. It’s strong enough for big fish and not to thick to tie directly to your fireline.  I never use swivels…..they fail and break eyes on rods.  I use 3500 or 4500 size spinning reels at Calvert Cliffs on the big Stripers.  I’ve been using Penn Battles mostly.

The Baits I use are exclusively BKD’s www.basskandydelights.com.  I like chartruese glitter when it’s sunny, white anytime and purple glitter in low light.  Tipping baits with different color garlic stuff can’t hurt.    6″ and 10″ baits work great.  When big fish are around no baits catch and last longer than the 10″ BKD.  I use 1.5 to 2.5 ounce jigheads for my BKD’s.  The heavier the jighead the easier to detect bottom…..also more expensive to lose, I use mainly 1.5 ounce jigheads.


   Techniques, it’s all good!

Two different techniques are used mostly at Calvert Cliffs.  Some experienced guys at Calvert Cliffs like to position their boat just on the outside of the current.  Casting a 1.5-2.5 ounce jighead upstream and across the current in a position to have the jig touch bottom adjacent in the current to the boat.  if you touch bottom upstream it’s very easy to get snagged……touching bottom adjacent to the boat or just down stream from the boat is ideal to not get snagged and to work the jig down the current and at the bottom where you hope the fish are holding.  This technique is not an exact science and will require practice and you may or others may do it a bit different than described.  On my boat I preach a short, very sharp jigging technique.  short and sharp draws the fishes attention and it allows you to more easily maintain a snug line and keep close proximity to the bottom.  Once the current washes your jig down stream and off the bottom you need to reel it up and do it again.  This technique takes some practice and plenty of lead loss to the bottom. When the fish are thick it’s easy…..when only a few fish around the bite is tough and the experienced guys will out fish the less experienced.  Sit back and watch the experienced guys work this technique if you are struggling.

The Technique I like with folks without or little experience at the power plant on my boat is drifting the outflow.  I will idle perpendicular to the flow…..cut the engine on the edge and drift into the flow.  Once the boat is in the current I have folks flip out to the sides, open bail paying line out until the line slightly changes speed or about a 5 count, click the bail and start the short sharp twitch technique as the boat drifts abrubtly downstream.  Ideally, after you sharpley twitch up, follow your jig back down until you detect bottom then sharpley twitch again.  The bite happens typically on the drop as you attempt to detect bottom between sharp twitches.  If you don’t detect bottom open and close the bail quickly and follow jig down to the bottom.   Slack line is always bad!  If you see slack line you are wrong…….practice makes perfect.  Detecting bottom is very important.  Dragging bottom is bad……not ever feeling bottom is not good.   Ideally detecting bottom as you are following your jig to the bottom with the rod tip is edeal.  If the fish are at the bottom in the area you are drifting you will catch them if you detect bottom and work the jig with a sharp, short twitch near the bottom.  It’s all good!  Practice makes perfect!


Fish Handling While Catch and Releasing

I’ve caught and released ungodly amounts of huge fish from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel up to the Susqy Flats. Anytime I’m in an area catching large Stripers I like to catch them on a one hooked lure…..like a jig if possible, if using surface plugs it’s good to cut some hooks off to make releases easier.  Barbless is even better!  I’ve got a boat i can reach a fish from without netting.  I never net a large fish if releasing.  I like to lip the fish while in the water….lift quickly up and support under the belly while maintaining a thumb in the mouth with a good grip.  You never want to drop a large fish or let it flop around the deck.  I will hand a fish to a client for a picture…..a quick measure on a tape on the back of the boat and then the release.  On huge fish and a lengthy fight in water over 60 a huge fish may roll over and float when released.  What I do and I’ve done for more years than I can remember is have a person with a thumb in the mouth of the fish and I grap just above the tail.  We set the fish in the water and the thumb guy releases the fish on the front.  I maintain a grip on the tail end of the fish and gently move the fish back and forth.  Usually very soon I can feel the tail area starting to twitch a bit…then more…. then the fish KICKS out……..it  runs off strong.  Unless a striper is gill hooked and bleeding they are very hardy in cool water and will swim away strong.  Dropping on the deck, netting or weighing from a boga is probably not a great idea.  It’s all about the fish during catch and release…..be careful and do the best you can!  Have fun!


                                                                                  Fact or fallacy

A few “gum flappers” declare to know everything about fish without real experience or science and why they might not be catching at the moment.  The true beauty of fishing is no one knows………Some love to blame others.  instead of adapting and overcoming…….some make stories in an attempt to make themselves look superior…….my advice is go ahead and fish!  Work hard, learn from mistakes, learn from others and do what works for you!  As in all aspects of life and work……don’t let a person tell you to do something when you KNOW it’s not right or accurate or best for you.  Fact- TRUTH is powerful

If you hear somewhere that drifting at calvert cliffs in the current spooks fish it is an opinion not a fact.  I believe with 2 million gallons a minute blasting out of two four foot pipes and blowing over boulders at a huge pace the noise must be incredible.  The fish are holding at the bottom in 18′-30′ of water, water is not gin clear, 5′ of visibility at the top is good.  The bottom must be wildly horrible but the fish love it………I believe there is zero chance fish are spooked by a floating boat in this situation. This is my opinion, not a fact.   My boat has caught continuous for hours on hundreds of trips at the power plant conducting this technique.  I believe my opinion is true based on results for 20 years and hundreds of trips catching incredible fish.  Some simple math…….20 years multiplied by 50 trips a year  is 1000 trips (probably more trips)  ……..based on this number I’ve concluded a floating boat isn’t spooking fish.  I believe a boat running it’s engine up the rip to retrieve a snagged jig is going to spook fish…..not sure but I think it is.  I preach and have always preached silence is always best over fish.  If I experienced what I believed to be “spooking” fish while floating over them in 25′ of wildly turbulant, noisey water I’d not do it.  No stomping on deck, slamming hatches, crushing beer cans, etc….is something never done on my boat…….you get the hint.    I’ve re-thought my number of trips per year at Calvert Cliffs……..it’s way more than 50 a year…..you get the idea…..Lot’s of trips and experience…..I still DON’t know for sure!  Lol

Do fishfinders spook fish?  NO NO and NO……..In over 3000 guided fishing trips and god only knows how many unguided trips before I was guiding I never shut off my fishfinder and caught huge numbers and size…….Fallacy!

Science:  Striped bass hear low-pitched subaquatic sounds better than humans. They have an auditory range that starts on the low end at 15 sound waves per second (Hz) and tops out on the high side at about 15,000 Hz.,According to The Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing
The auditory range of striped bass is 15-10,000 Hz
Both of these ranges are FAR below that of a typical modern sonar (50,000-83,000-200,000) cycles per second. Think of a dog whistle (23 to 54 kHz) or even higher pitched.  I believe this science!

This science coupled with my own real time vast experience says fishfinders don’t spook fish………if it makes the angler feel better to turn it off then it is best to turn it off……..confidence breeds success!  IF 20+ boats are fishing the outflow typically the bite is not good.  I’ve seen great bites with lot’s of boats but typically when lot’s of boats are present the weather is beautiful and the fish don’t stick around long even with few boats. They are fish and they swim away……..  Is it weather related or boat related?  I’m not sure……….

Here’s  some big ones from Calvert Cliffs, all with fish finder on and floating over the rip: Calvert Cliffs, Marylands Striped Bass Off Season Catch and Release Heaven,  all the fish in the pics are caught Drifting the flow or casting across the rip. Majority is drifting the flow.   Pics are covering a few years…….most days of catching great had large numbers of big fish with only a couple big fish pics shot per person per trip.  These pics are a small fraction of huge fish caught over the time of the pics…….I typically will shoot a shot of a persons first big one…..then not another unless it’s significantly bigger.  I like to get the fish back in the water immediately…..multiple shots of the same size frame fish doesn’t make sense to me.  Get’m off quick and back in the drink……


        Rips Etiquette

As I see it many boats can successfully fish the rips when the conditions are right and the fish are there.  Back in the 90’s folks liked to anchor in the outflow….right in the middle….right where the fish are……and fish got caught….lot’s of them.  I don’t recommend that style now…….haven’t seen it done in a long time.  When it’s flat calm on a beautiful weekend morning many boats will attempt to fish at the rips.  Care must be taken to not run into each other……current, wind, eddies and boat hulls infuence a boats drift at calvert cliffs……if a boat is on the edge of the current (in an eddy) and another boat enters the current upstream the two boats may come within close proximity.  For 20 years boats have come close to each other there……the boat operator has to pay close attention to his direction of travel and be careful.  If you come close to another boat say hello and have a chat as you gently drift by.  If it’s rough you have to be very careful not to get close…..wind makes everything way more dangerous.  If you are new there on a rough day pay close attention to how your boat is reacting in or near the flow and watch what other boats are doing and how there boat is reacting…….it’s a learning experience.  Out of many trips to the Rips last year I was probably alone there 10 times.  I live very close to my boat and my boat is close to Calvert Cliffs,  I could run out on a bad weather day with a short window of opportunity…….10 times by myself was alot!  Most trips other boats will be there.  If you can’t work with and around other boats I don’t recommend you go there.  Unfortunately over the last couple of years a few specific folks have spent lot’s of time at the power plant and yelled disrespectfully at folks trying to fish.  The folks yelling think they are the only ones who know how to fish there and if you don’t do it like they want you too they yell at you.  If you go there and get yelled at just tip your hat and tell them to have a nice day.  Continue to do what you are doing …..it’s alright.  Bottom line is be safe first……..drift or cast in is fine……watch your direction of travel with boat traffic and just work with the other boats…….it’s sll good!  If you have any questions feel free to ask me……..life is to short not to enjoy it!



The bottom line on Calvert Cliffs winter fishing is to be careful, work with others fishing the plant, watch the wind direction and forecast, learn from your experience out there, have a blast fishing and don’t let any person, group or faction ruin it.  Calvert Cliffs is a widely known wonderful place to give winter fishing a shot.  Some days can be great some days not.  Every day is different, fish move in and out of there like fish do everywhere…..”have tails will swim”……..no one knows what actually inspires fish to come and go at different times of the day or night.  My guess is the food source………but don’t know.   Light tackle is a blast, have fun at Calvert Cliffs!  Practice safe catch and release and do what you think is right!   What I do know is I’m going to fish there all winter and love every second of it no matter what!  Be Safe and Happy Catching!





In response to many requests to guide Calvert Cliffs in Jan/Feb more and provide more information about whats going on I’ve started a Private Group called “Live At Calvert Cliffs with Walleye Pete” .  This group will highlight whats going on currently at Calvert Cliffs this coming winter.  I will post pics and reports daily about catching or non-catching at the winter hot spot.  I’m making this a members only site because of a very small group of Radical Anglers who attacked me and others because I and others don’t fish the way they want us t0 and report to friends on facebook about the current bite happening at Calvert Cliffs.  My intention with this site is to let folks know  whats happening currently at Calvert Cliffs.  If you want to launch your boat to fish the plant because of my reports that is fine.  If you want to jump on a walk-on trip this winter that is fine too.  If you just like to see fish stuff in the middle of a work day that is fine too.  I won’t be starting to fish Calvert Cliffs till sometime in January.  Going to have some renovations done to my boat in January but will probably have access to another boat during that time to fish and report on my site.  This whole thing will be a work in progress and fun all at the same time.

To join the group go to facebook and in the search box type: “Live at Calvert Cliffs with Walleye Pete” click on the JOIN Box and I will approve your request.  This process may change as I learn how to use this thing!  Lol……….

Here are some Power Plant Videos you might enjoy:

Light Tackle Jigging Stripers On Chesapeake Bay in March! – an increible trip at calvert cliffs with friends and I happen to be ambitious with the video this day…..good stuff!

April Fool’s Stripers – One of the best days ever at the plant!  Check it out!

Calvert Cliffs, Marylands Striped Bass Off Season Catch and Release Heaven – a ton of pictures of big fish from last 4 years at calvert cliffs

50lbs Striper on Light Tackle in Chesapeake Bay – a quick look at the biggest Striper caught on my boat!


I would love nothing more than for all folks fishing the power plant in the winter to work together, have fun and not judge others………it’s just fishing and it should be fun…..not a race, a competition or life altering activity……it’s just fishing…..enjoy the fact we have the freedom to do it………see you on the water!



Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Uncategorized, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Winter Fishing Preview

It’s Been A Great Fall!

Biggest of the fall…..a beauty at 38″


I haven’t posted in quite a while…….certainly would like to post much more.  I’ve been crazy busy on the water and having a spectacular fall.  Lot’s of great fishing on surface plugs, Crank  Baits, plastics and vertical jigs.  Every day is a bit different but the overall theme is; plenty of fish!

September and October was very consistent in the islands of the eastern shore out of Solomons.  I was running an average of 80 miles per day and catching over 100 fish a day on average.  Some fish were over 30″ and very feisty.  Good stuff for sure!

Linda Brener with a whopper caught in skinny water! Good stuff!

As the waters cool and the Bluefish departed the waters I’m fishing my trips were featuring BKD’s “bass kandy Delights” to fool the fish.  Waters between 60 and 70 degrees is prime time for me catching large and plentiful fish in shallow island waters with structure.  When the water drops below 60 and falls throught the 50’s the shallow water bite starts to deteriorate.  Fish can still be caught down through the 50’s in shallow water.  Once into the 40’s I’m concentrating in deeper waters of the main stem of the bay.

A recent beauty caught on medium depth structure on the bay……..

Currently I’ve moved my boat to Buzz’s Marina  www.buzzsmarina.com for the incredible fall fishery out of St. Jeromes Creek over to Smith Point, VA.  Right this second the bite is looking to explode as it has the last few years.  With higher than average water temps fishing should hold on through December like it did last year.

One of many great late fall/early winter Stripers caught on light tackle

When I’m on the water I typically post pics/reports on my Facebook page  PETE DAHLBERG and Four Seasons Guide Service.  Feel free to friend me if not already a friend on facebook!

Currently I’m booked every single day in November.  I have zero open dates and I’m even fishing on Thanksgiving morning.  I do have some open dates in December.  Last December was some of the greatest light tackle fishing I’ve had in all my years of guiding.  Lot’s of fish and many over 28″…….on light tackle that is real good stuff!  I don’t currently have any walk-on trips because I’m booked every day with no scheduled days off.  Other than weather I will be fishing every day through christmas.

Ready to catch’m up on the light sticks!

Feel free to message me on facebook or text at 703-395-9955 if you have any questions about whats going on!  Thanks and good luck fish’in!!!!




Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Short Notice Walk-On’s Available Now!

Getting bigger in the skinny water!

Short Notice Walk-On For This Tuesday and Wednsday 20 and 21 September. Have 3 spots available for Tuesday and 3 spots for Wednsday. Had a problem with my boat but will have it back or will be running a 32′ Contender. The Contender is a beautiful boat with plenty of fishing space and runs great in a chop! Hope to have my boat back but it’s all good! If you are interested in going on a walk-on trip this tuesday, 21 Sep. or wednsday, 22 Sep.
give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 or message here to reserve your spot!

3 spots available on Tuesday, 21 Sep
2 spots available on Wed. 22 Sep

-Cost will be 120 each
-We will launch from Beacon Marina at Solomons at 6am and
return around 2pm
-we will be light tackle jigging up and down the bay all day
looking for breakers and maybe a wayward Red Drum under
the breakers! Ya never know!

ya just never know!


IF you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955!

Categories: Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Short Notice Walk-On’s Available Now!

11 September Fishing Report and Open Walk-On Trips!

Been seeing alot of this lately!

The late summer/early fall pattern is in full swing for sure.  Breaking fish have been somewhere every day.  Stripers, Blues, Spanish Macs and the possible huge Red Drum are available!  Since August 1 I have found breaking fish somewhere on all my trips…..many trips have bee epic.  Spanish Macs and the occasional huge Red Drum have been making trips very exciting!

Spanish Macs in the light tackle mix!


Last week after the tropical storm thingy or whatever it was I fished the eastern shore skinny water a couple of days.  We picked up some nice Stripers and even 3 Specks!  We lost a Speck at the boat which was the largest I’ve ever seen…..I’ve had 2 Specks at 30″ in the past.  This Speck was bigger than that for sure.  I’m glad it’s still swimming!

A 46″ Red caught today….September 11!

This monster was caught on a chartruese 5″ z-man on a 3/4 jighead.  Z-man plastics are Bluefish proof……so….instead of losing all my bkd’s with all the blues around Z-Man is a great alternative.  I’ve had several Reds lately but none expected……not shocked but never expected.  They tend to just show up under breaking fish for me.  I’ve caught most of the Reds on Hardhead Custom Baits 1.5 or 2 ounce jigging spoons but also have caught some on the Z-Man baits and one on a 6″ BKD.  Most of the Reds have hit down low but two recently hit right at the boat!  That is exciting…..when a Red monster blows up near the boat it’s shocking!  Wish it would happen every day!

this beast hit right at the boat! Fred was surprised to say the least….it was on his bucket list!

Truly an incredible accomplishment to hook and land one of these beautiful fish on light tackle, land it and release it…..seeing them swim away is special!



Wednsday, 14 September-2 spots available

Saturday,    17 September-2 spots available

Thursday,  22 September-5 spots available

We will launch from Solomons Island Island….Beacon Marina at 260 Lore Road, Solomons, MD. We will run the bay looking for surface activity and fish some structure.  Depending on water temp in the islands we may run there also.  Light tackle will be happening all day!  Lot’s of Stripers and Blues with an occasional Spanish and maybe a giant Red!

Cost: $120 each

Launch From Beacon Marina, Solomons Island, 260 Lore Rd at 6am and return around 2pm

I will fillet fish at the end of the day

I provide all Baits and Tackle…..feel free to bring your own…….

All licensing is provided

If you are interested in going on the trip

give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

come on out and give it a shot!





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25 August Fishing Report and Short Notice Walk-On trips

Big Reds Are Around! It’s Possible! Come on out!


Good news!  Big Reds are getting caught!  My boat got lucky with a good one yesterday and I know others have been caught in other areas of the bay.  Our huge Red was caught on light tackle using a 1.5 ounce Hardhead Custom Bait Jigging Spoon in chartruese and white.  What a battle this fish put on light tackle.  We landed the fish and carefully released it back to the sea……we watched it take off strong.  Reds are still a long shot to catch but certainly very possible!  Stripers, Blues and Spanish Mackeral are very busy on the main stem of the bay from Buzzs Marina all the way up to the Choptank and probably above.  I’ve been making runs and glassing for activity…..been finding good stuff every day!  Here’s a brand new light tackle angler who caught a trophy spanish mack on a jig……..really cool!

BIg Spanish Mac caught on the light stick!


Best days I’ve had has been on very light wind and sun……fish are going off during the day on Silver sides all day long. Once the sun gets up the fish really get busy on these bait fish.  Great time to be on the bay with lot’s of action with the shot at a true light tackle monster!  Get out there and try it!


WALK-ON TRIPS Booked solid………

Sunday-   28 August- booked solid

Tuesday- 30 August -booked solid
With favorable weather and anxious fish a walk-on trip could be a great way to really get hooked up!  We will cover lot’s of water and attempt to hunt down a Red Drum on a jig.  While trying to find a Red we will see and catch a BILLION (well….alot)  breaking fish with Stripers, Blues and a few Spanish.  We’ll launch at 630am from Beacon Marina and return around 230pm or so.  I will fillet fish at the end of the trip.

COST: 120 each

Launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons at 260 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD at 0630 and return around 230pm

I provide all baits, tackle and licensing…..feel free to bring your own stuff if you’d like

Bring whatever you want to eat or drink.  sunglasses and sun block would be good to bring

If you are interested in coming on either trip give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot

We will be running in my Judge 27 Chesapeake covering 70-80 miles or so

come on out and give it a shot!

Reserve your spot by texting or calling at 703-395-9955.   First 5 are in!





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Fishing Report and Walk-On Trip Open Now, Tues, Aug 23!

Some Great Father/Son Catching!

Summer fishing has sure been great this summer!  Breaking fish in large numbers has happened just about every day!  Only tough days were on nasty wind.  Haven’t seen any Blues over 5 pounds this summer yet but that may come soon.  Stripers have been from super small to 23″ in the breaking fish.  Catching a few Spanish Macs in the breakers along with the Stripers and Blues.  All in all really good stuff!   Fly guys have had a ball everytime they’ve slung the fly on my boat this summer.  I haven’t seen any of the huge Reds which made a showing last year around this time…….hoping it happens soon!

Some nice Macs to be had!

Expecting these bad boys to make a showing late this month and in to September!

some big Reds coming!

Right now I’m using Z-Man (super stretchy) soft baits on a jighead.  These plastics don’t rip….love my BKD’s but Bluefish just tear them up to bits. As soon as the Bluefish thin out I’ll be back to using BKD’s all the time when the need for a plastic arises.  Hardhead Custom Baits Jigging Spoons and Specialized Baits “little Bunker Spoons” both in 1 ounce have been on my lines often casting to breaking fish.  My bigger stripers lately have come in water greater than 25′ deep.  Whether you are slinging a metal jig or a plastic get the lures down low if you are marking a thick school of fish.  Often lately bigger fish have been at the bottom of the schools of fish.  Working baits very fast have caught the spanich macs so far.

why I do this job for sure! Catching with kids is just great!

Grandpa and his fishing buddy!



Tuesday, 23 August- 4 spots available

Walk on Trip this Tuesday 23 August.  We will launch from Solomons at Beacon Marina at 630am and return around 230pm.  Jigging and plugging will be on the menu all day.  We’ll cover lots of ground chasing down the best fish available.  I provide all licensing, baits, tackle and fillet all fish at the end of the day.  Great chance to come out and meet some folks who love to fish just like you do.  Walk-On Trips have been great this year………come on out and give it a shot!

Cost: 120 each

Launch from Beacon Marina at 260 Lore Road, Solomons MD

If you want to come down the night before you can stay at the Quality inn for around 75 bucks a night.  My boat is the closest boat to the hotel…..about 25 yards out the side door!

If you would like to join in on this trip give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 or message here!

First five requests are in!

Ready to roll before the sun comes up!







Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Fishing Report and Walk-On Trip Open Now, Tues, Aug 23!

24 July 2016 Fishing Report, Summer Breakers! Walk-On Dates now Open!

Summer Breakers have began! Whoop whoop……and some nice ones in the mix along with lots of Bluefish….Spanish Macs are on their way!


Well folks…..it’s what I’ve been waiting on for a while now!  The summer massive breaking fish game is now on!  I’m still at Deale, MD but look to be moving south back to Solomons real soon.  Over the last couple of weeks catching has really picked up on Bluefish and Stripers together in huge schools of breaking fish well south of the craziness above the bay bridge.  Also early morning shallow structure certainly can produce well.  With the high heat I’ve been lauching around 530am and getting off the water by 130pm or so.  Late afternoon can certainly be really productive too!  The summer breaking fish don’t care if it’s sunny and 100 degrees……..they just do it!  Covering lots of ground to locate these schools is sometimes required but it’s all good!  Baits of choice for me on these schools of breakers are 1 ounce Lil’ Bunker Spoons in white, silver or chartruese.  I like a 40 pound leader tied to them to help stop Bluefish break-0ffs but with0ut metal expect to lose some stuff.  BKD’s crush these fish but don’t hold up to the razor blades in the bluefish mouth.  Z-man plastics work great as long as they are glued to the jig head.

huge schools of summer breakers are a blast! Fly and light tackle heaven for sure!


When breaking fish are active on top in a huge mass of frothing craziness they are feeding on small silversides/bay anchovies.  These baits aren’t big and sometimes a large lure like a big surface plug or large plastic  just won’t get the hits of a much smaller bait.  A 5″ Z man plastic or 1 ounce lil’ bunker spoon or a Hardhead Custom Baits 1 ounce minnow spoon in white or chartruese .  When throwing metal you can throw across the school and work them very agressive or work them straight below the boat if schools of fish are real thick. Also, over the last several years many huge reds will start to show up under large schools of Stripers and Blues breaking.  They are down there gorging on debree falling through the water column from the feeding blues spewing fish parts all over.  A metal jig or plastic put in front of a huge Red feeding like this will get hammered!  Here’s one from last august……..

Huge bull red caught on light tackle under breaking Blues and Stripers in Aug 2015

Also coming soon is the Spanish Mac on light tackle.  They will roll into our waters soon feeding right along with Blues and Stripers.  They will bomb the same baits listed above but worked as fast as you can.  I like to throw metal over and around the breakers….. let it sink for 10 seconds or so then rip it fast with the rod tip low to the water with very short pauses along the way.  When they hit it’s a blast…..they pull real hard on the light sticks!  Here’s a big one from last august……

a 27″ Citation Spanish for my buddy Billy! Last august was the bomb for this stuff!

The same day Billy did this……..he was real tired after this battle!

Billy with this 50″ Red Drum caught on light tackle…..a HardHeadCustom Baits one ounce chartruese minnow spoon hooked this fish!


My boat as of this second is still moored in Deale, MD at Paradise Marina but I’m about to pull the trigger and roll back to Solomons.  Last year I moved back to Solomons on July 20th and crushed it every day mother nature let me.  Summer light tackle is a blast!


Walk-On Trips Open Now!

 UPDATED 24 July at 300pm

27 July 2016- one spot available

28 July 2016- 1  spot available

30 July 2016-  3 spots available

2 Aug   2016- booked solid

I will update here and on facebook on what is available daily

As of right this second I am still at Paradise Marina in Deale.  Moving will be a decision I make on short notice.  Anyone booking a spot I will let know where we will launch for sure.

We will depart the marina at 530am and return around 130pm.  I will fillet all Stripers and blues caught on our trip.  I provide all baits, tackle and licensing needed for the day. We will be hunting down and light tackle jigging/plugging for the entire trip.  Come on out and give it a shot!

Cost: 120 each

Launch from Deale, MD, Paradise Marina but could be moving to Beacon Marina, Solomons soon

I provide all baits, tackle and licensing…..bring whatever you want to eat or drink…..a small cooler is fine to bring

IF you are interested in going on any of these trips call or text 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot or spots!

come join me on my Judge 27 Chesapeake!


IF you’d like to go or have a question give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve you spot!









Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on 24 July 2016 Fishing Report, Summer Breakers! Walk-On Dates now Open!

Quick Report and Walk-On Trip for this Saturday, 11 June

Come on out and give it a shot!

 ALERT:  WALK-ON TRIP IS NOW BOOKED SOLID…….sorry….will be doing more soon!

Fishing out of Deale now!  Seems like this year is like the last few years, fish are all north for the most part.  Masses of fish are certainly Breezy Point and North.  I’ve fished several days now out of Deale with great results.  Catching lot’s of over 28″ fish jigging and plugging over schools of fish.  Early morning has been best for me lately while evenings are good too.  I haven’t been out much in the evenings though.  Baits of choice for me have been 6″ BKD’s tipped on Hardhead Custom Baits  Jigheads with skirts.  White BKD’s and chartruese and white jigs have been the best bet lately.  When over a large school of fish just about anything works.  When the fish are suspended over deep water and feeding on menhaden suspended down in the water column an aggressively retrieved jig works best.  Shallow structure has also been productive early and scattered schools of breaking fish can happen just about anywhere between Breezy Point and the Bay Bridge.  I haven’t been up above the Bay Bridge yet.  Come on out and give it a shot!


I am launching from Paradise Marina in Deale, MD at 515 am.  We will be jigging and plugging throughout the day.  Early has been good so we will be launching early. Weather forecast it favorable for Saturday…..light wind is good!  Fishing has been great!  Come on out and give it a shot!

Saturday, 11 Jun 2016- TRIP IS NOW BOOKED SOLID…..sorry….will be doing more soon!

Cost: 120 each

Launch at 0515 and return around 130pm

I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip

I provide all baits and tackle, feel free to bring your own stuff

I provide all licensing

If you want to go give me a call to reserve your spot at 703-395-9955


Let’s go fish’in!


To book your spot give me a call or text at 703-395-9955!


Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Quick Report and Walk-On Trip for this Saturday, 11 June

1 Walk-On Spot Open for Tomorrow…..Fishing is HOT!

Fishing is HOT right now!


Catching on light tackle is about as good as it gets right now.  Lot’s of breakers and some great fish chewing on menhaden down low.  We will be surface plugging and jigging all day!  Tomorrow’s weather is perfect…..light breeze….flat seas!  Will be launching out of Solomons, Beacon Marina at 530am, slip F-1.

Cost: 120

Launch at 0530 and return around 2pm

I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip

I provide all baits and tackle, feel free to bring your own stuff

I provide all licensing

If you want to go give me a call to reserve your spot at 703-395-9955

Come on out and give it a shot!

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to catch some great fish on light tackle!  It’s a blast!


Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on 1 Walk-On Spot Open for Tomorrow…..Fishing is HOT!

Quick Report, Short Notice Walk-On this Wednsday, June 1

Let’s Go!


Well Folks…….fishing is very good!  My island bite has basically ended.  Some shallow structure near deep water north of Solomons and on the eastern shore is still producing nice fish early.  During the day the bite on real nice stripers with some over 30″ is very good.  Locating large schools of great fish is the trick.   Every day is a bit different for sure.  Most schools of fish are from Parkers Creek north to Deale and beyond I’m sure.  (I haven’t been past Deale).  Locating schools of fish is the trick……..birds makes life easy….after that it’s all about small clues like a slick in the middle of nowhere……..as few as one bird sitting…….a bird circling back around over and area even thought it doesn’t dive and you always have ledges and other structure like a light house or wreck.  Once fish are found they can typically be caught with 3/8 ounce to 1.5 ounce jigheads loaded with 6″ bkd’s in whatever color you like.  Paddle tails loaded on an ounce jighead and cast way out, paused and then retreaved slow with some twitch can absolulety trick some nice fish.  On occasion the fish will be up high and they will bomb surface plugs……you never know……try it all until something works or it all may work.  The trick is locating fish and putting the bait where the fish is and make it look like food.  Piece of cake!

Great fish to jig up and plug right now!



5 spots available

Cost is $120 each

Launch from Solomons, Beacon Marina slip F-1 at 5am and return around 2pm

I will fillet fish at the end of the trip

I provide all baits and tackle if needed, dress for the weather and bring sunblock

We will surface plug and jig all day.

Wind forecast is perfect for 1 june!  We will be able to run hard and locate fish!

If you are interested in going or have questions text or call at 703-395-9955

come on out and give it a shot!


To reserve your spot give me a call or text at  703-395-9955 to reserve your spot



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Light Tackle Bite Shallow and Deep! 3 Walk on Spots Thursday, 19 May 3pm till dark…..

Some Big Ones Shallow!

With the forever lasting rain and cool weather the water in the shallows has mantained mostly in the high 50’s and low 60’s degree area.  Water clarity has been really good and fish have been very eager to hit.  Biggest problem is most of the water is to clear…….need some more temperature and some emerald green water instead of gin clear.  The main stem of the bay has had some great schools of real nice fish in the 20′-50′ depth range under a few birds here and there from Breezy Point down to Point No Point.

It’s a Trout! A Speckled Sea Trout!


While slinging Jerk Baits for Stripers on Eastern Shore points in 3-7′ of water a wayward Speck nailed the bait.  Hoping many more show themselves as the water rolls through the 60’s and into the 70’s.  Time will tell!

Rain and Fish! Good ones!


Baits of choice for me lately has been 6″ and 10″ BKD’s in Chartruese Glitter and Purple Glitter along with Storm Shads (4″), Bomber Wind Cheaters, CHug Bugs and any walk the dog type surface plug.  Really good stuff!


WALK-ON TRIP!     3 Spots available

Weather for Thursday afternoon looks great!  LIght wind and decent temps should equal a great shallow water bite!  Had a crew of two request to get out but I’ve been booked solid for may for a while.  Decided I’d do a few aftenoon (3 till darkish) walk-on trips.  Afternoon can certainly be a great time to be on the water!  We’ll be jigging and plugging shallow plus deep depending on what is going on the day we are fishing…….

cost: 100 each

All baits, tackle and licensing provided

You can bring your own stuff if you’d like

Bring what you’d like to eat and drink

Dress for the occasion

The size limit is 20″ starting the 16th!  I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip

We will launch from Beacon Marina Slip F-1 at 3pm on Thursday, 19 may.

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot

Come on out and give it a shot!

Categories: Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

Great Fishing, Weather for Tomorrow and Two short notice Walk-On Spots!

Some sweet light tackle fishing right now!


Light tackle fishing has been great!  Catching a good number of nice Stripers on surface plugs, BKDs  and Jerk Baits every day!  Tomorrow is real short notice but maybe worth getting “sick” for.  (cough cough)!  Lol   I’ve got two spots open right now for tomorrow morning out of Beacon Marina at Solomons.  We will launch at 530am and return around 3pm.  We’ll be fishing light tackle all day with many miles of skinny water covered.  Weather forecast looks perfect!  Come on out and give it a shot!

30+ incher caught today on a 6″ BKD

Great young angler was work’in the Jerk bait!

New lady angler learned real fast!…..and loved it!


Here’s the walk-on deal:

$120 each

launch from Beacon Marina, Solomons at 530am and return around 3pm

I provide all baits and tackle…bring your own if you’d like

I provide all licensing

We will light tackle jig and plug all day in many different areas….always looking for the next fish!

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

My Judge 27 chesapeake can do it all!
Come on out and give it a shot!



Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Great Fishing, Weather for Tomorrow and Two short notice Walk-On Spots!

Great Catching Pattern Right Now! Short Notice Walk-On’s Open Now!

LOT’s of Bent Sticks!

ALL WALK On Trips Booked solid…..more to come!

The typical shallow water island bite turned off a bit with this chilly weather pattern.  Water temps went from mid 60’s to mid to upper 50’s pretty quickly.  Made catching not quite as easy as I like!  Changed my fishing pattern a bit and it worked big time.  Fish are still shallow but not where I usually get them.  Today and yesterday the surface bite was great and overall hot fishing for sure.  The current weather pattern is holding and so should the current bite!  6″ BKD’s, crystal minnow crankers, paddle tails and surface plugs are all catching.  A fly would catch too if it got thrown in.

Some very fiesty shallow water fatties!


SHORT NOTICE WALK-ON’s- update 752pm 1 may

Wednesday, May 4- booked solid

Thursday,     May 5- booked solid

We will be launching from Beacon Marina at Solomons, MD at 0530.  We will be running to multiple shallow water areas slinging many different baits.  Weather forecast looks great for both days at this point.  Rain is fine…..wind is the enemy, wind forecast is light!  Catching should be very good!  These trips typically book up quick, give me a call or text to reserve your spot!

Cost: $120 each

Launch from Beacon Marina, Solomons, slip F-1 at 530am and return at about 230pm

I provide all custom rods from Shore Tackle and baits, you can bring your own stuff if you’d like!

Dress for the weather

I provide all licensing

My Judge 27 Chesapeake is ready to go…..great fishing platform in all water!

If you are interested in going on the trip text or call at 703-395-9955

My flexible fish catching machine!


Come on out and give it a shot!  



Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Uncategorized, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Great Catching Pattern Right Now! Short Notice Walk-On’s Open Now!

Light Tackle Action Is Pretty Darn Warm! Walk-On Spots Open Right Now!

Here’s a very recent Light Tackle 40″er!  (Sunday)

Light Tackle fishing is very good and getting better as the water temperature rises in the shallow water.  I’m expecting a May Worm hatch soon over in the islands.  When that happens some wild light tackle fishing occurs.  Wish I could predict exactly when and where that would happen!  Mostly the light tackle action is on fish 17-23″ with some up to 27″.  As April rolls on and the water warms the chance at over 30″ fish in the shallow water is very possible.  Bottom line is action is great and the scenery is beautiful!  Surface plugs are getting hit quite regurlarly now too!

Had some fun with a dad and his two young sons on Monday evening……warm all day….outgoing tide produced some real warm water (67 degrees) blowing out of the shallows and around points.  Fish were real anxious.  The boys caught plenty on the light sticks as dad coached….here’s one…..

Light tackle fun for the youngsters!

Over the last few years I’ve really dug deep into the islands and their interiors.  Running my judge boat up into areas where even small boats would get nervous.  I love working those waters and catching some nice fish in them.  Really cool stuff!

Where’s the water?

Some fun fish and as the water warms and the spawn ends bigger fish will be wandering into the island water looking for chow……..it’s all good!


WALK-ON TRIPS OPEN NOW!- All Trips Booked Solid-update 830pm 21Apr

Saturday, 23 April- Booked Solid

Monday, 25 April- Booked Solid

Tuesday, 26 April-Booked Solid

Mother Nature has broke her chilly hold and has allowed the waters of the bay and tribs to warm.  Life is shallows for sure!  Have a crew for this saturday who had some folks drop out and need a crew.  Monday the 25th I opened up and have 4 spots available and the 26th is wide open.  We will jig BKD’s, throw surface and jerk baits all day.  We’ll launch at 530am and return at 230 or so.

Cost: $120 each

Launch from Beacon Marina, Solomons, slip F-1 at 530am and return at about 230pm

I provide all custom rods from Shore Tackle and baits, you can bring your own stuff if you’d like!

Dress for the weather

I provide all licensing

My Judge 27 Chesapeake is ready to go…..great fishing platform in all water!

If you are interested in going on the trip text or call at 703-395-9955

Come on out and give it a shot!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Light Tackle Action Is Pretty Darn Warm! Walk-On Spots Open Right Now!

WALK-ON TRIPS at the SUSQY FLATS OPEN NOW! Short notice decided to roll to the flats!

Great Light Tacke Action!

 SHORT NOTICE! (no pun intended)


UPDATE: lot’s of trips booked today……unreal!  Opened up afternoons from 3 till dark for folks who still want to go but missed out on the full day starting in the AM.


Heading to the Susqy Flats today!  Didn’t decide to do it till NOW!  So……..trying to put together some crews to fish it……..if you are interested in one of the walk-on’s or booking the boat for a morning trip starting at 0600-2pm or 3pm till dark half day give me a call or text!

Very Short Notice Walk-On’s At The SUSQY FLATS open NOW!

13 April- 6am till 2pm or- booked solid

13 APril- 3pm till dark-4 spots

14 April-6am-2pm – booked solid

14 April- 3pm till dark- 4 spots

15 April-6am-2pm- booked solid

15 April-3pm till dark-4 spots

16 April-6am-2Pm- Booked solid

16 Apirl-3pm till dark- 3 spots available

17 April-6am till 2pm- Booked solid

17 APril-3pm till dark- Booked solid

All walk-on’s are for the day trip starting at 6am till 2pm.

If folks want to book the boat for a half day starting at 3pm – dark on any day from 13-17 Apr  I will fish then also.

Didn’t fish there last year because of “lack of fish”……..very fired up to go up for a couple weeks with a few fish around!



Walk-On Cost:

$120 each for full day starting at 6am-2pm-$100 each for 3pm till dark 

I provide all licensing and tackle/Rods from (Shore Tackle and Custom Rods) and baits.  Heated cabin if it’s chilly!

All you need to do is bring yourself and dress for weather…..heated cabin to warm up if chilly!

Launching from Tidewater Marina, Havre De Grace slip 431, parking on site

We will be throwing crank baits, BKD’s and possibly surface depending on the conditions.  

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

Let’s Do IT!


IF interested or questions call at 703-395-9955……THANKS!






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Short Notice Walk-On For Tomorrow Afternoon, 10 April, 230pm till 730pm

Big Stripers very possible right now!



4 spots available right now!  


Short notice walk-on spots for Sunday afternoon, April 10 leaving Flag Harbor at 230pm returning around 730pm. Have been getting a 40″+ fish on many trips still.  Not huge numbers of fish but a great shot at a monster.  Sunday afternoon’s wind forecast is very light out of the southwest.  Perfect conditions to work the flow!

Here’s the deal:

90 dollars each

Launch from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven in St. Leonard, MD

I provide all baits and tackle…..feel free to bring your own if you want

I provide licensing and a heated cabin if it’s chilly

Great opportunity to learn a bit about jigging and meet some folks who love to fish!

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 or message me on facebook

Bent sticks is a good thing!

Come on out and give it a shot in my Judge 27 Chesapeake!


Categories: Sticky, Trip Opening, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Not Hot But Still A Great Shot!

Chet’s Personell Best 41″er today!  Many personnel bests lately dispite a tough bite…..

The Pics here are a few fish from the last 4 days.  Decent for sure!  Plenty of tough stretches too………..

Fishing at the plant has certainly been hit and miss quite a bit lately.  Last year at this time we had a steady slug of fish eager to eat most of the time.  Small, medium and large fish were consistant.  Right now we’ve got fish early, late and sometimes in the middle of the day.  10″ BKD’s loaded on 2 ounce Hardhead custom baits have been the ticket on my boat on all the big fish.  6″ BKD’s have been catching more numbers but not as big of an average fish.  Still a great shot at catching your personel best and maybe even a TRUE 50″ fish.

Lot’s of exaggeration and flat out lies have occured with some folks and their fish size at the plant this winter.  Certainly plenty of 40+ inchers but a little hocus pocusery (new word, lol) going on… LOL….it’s funny.   Just how some folks are….no big deal.  However, rest assured there are some great fish to be caught with a true trophy fish a strong possiblilty for a couple weeks still.  The biggest to date on my boat this year is 47″.  Last year we had many between 45″-49″ with one at 50″.  Not as good this year as last but it’s still good!

I measure fish on a tape on the back of my boat….look at the pic below…you can see it in the bottom middle of pic.   I place the tip of tail on the zero and the lower lip to the other end.  Pretty accurate way to measure.  I never weigh a fish or lay them on the deck because I don’t want to take the time or the risk of injuring the fish. I stress to my folks the importance of getting them back in quickly and safely.  All my pics are of fish being lipped and supported under the belly.  I think it’s the best way to handle them but don’t really know.  I do know with a quick release and decent handling they swim away strong in the cold winter/early spring water.

Dave tied his personel best recently with a 41″er. You can see what he ate! It’s a 10″ BKD rigged on a 1.5 ounce jighead….way to go Dave!

Dave (pictured above) and Dave, his father-in-law (pictured below) recently fished on a beautiful rainy morning.  What a morning it was!  Not one other boat and plenty of big fish.  Several around 40″ and  up to 43″.  Nice bunch of fish on this day!  Dave (father-in-law), (picture below) smashed his personel best on this day!

Dave’s early morning whopper! 43″er caught on a 10″ BKD on a Hardhead Custome Baits 2 ounce chartruese and white jighead.  We sure could have called that one 50 pounds!  But in reality it’s 43″ and maybe 32-35 pounds.  It was a real fatty!

Some great bites have occured on some real windy days lately.  I don’t recommend anyone venturing out on northerly stiff breezes if they aren’t highly experienced!  Very dangerous for sure and I sure don’t want anyone to get hurt out there.  Please be careful!  Here is a windy day whopper lately…..

Pete with a 41 incher! Tough fight on the light stick for sure!

A recent windy day whopper caught on a chartruese 10″ BKD! Good stuff

what it’s all about!


Love my Shore Tackle Custom Rods! Been whooping up on some beauties this year with them! Great stuff!



Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky | 1 Comment

Steeler Lineman Hook some Whoppers! Short notice Walk-On!

Real Short Notice Walk-On Trip!

Crew for TOMORROW,  monday AM is in the highway department of a northern MD county. Snowflakes in the forecast have caused them a monkey wrench in their trip. If anyone wants to get on the boat tomorrow AM…..0615……Message me here, text or call to reserve your spot. Going to be breezy but with some west in it. Making fishing and catching very do-able. Good things could happen! If you would like to go it’s $90 each, I provide all baits and tackle or you can bring your own. I have heat on the boat……it’s all good! Come on out and give it a shot!

Had a short notice cancel and have a great weather forecast for this thursday.  Fish have started to show up in decent numbers and some large fish are becoming more consistant.  Great chance this thursday to jig up some numbers and a few big ones!

COST: $90 each

Launch from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven at 615am and return at 11am…

We will jig BKD’s for some possible great stripers on light tackle

I provide all baits and tackle….you can bring your own stuff if you’d like

If it’s chilly I’ve got heat on the boat

All licensing provided

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!


Big Al’s father-in-law with the biggest of the day!

Yesterday’s Blast with my Steeler Friends!

Couldn’t fish Saturday afternoon but got out Saturday morning!  The power plant bite has been on and off for sure. Nothing is easy or a gimme there this year. Just about every trip out there has required some work. I certainly like easy and have historically had that many many and many more times. Today was NE at 20 knots or so….. and no decent fish yesterday. Had my Pittsburgh Steeler buddies David DeCastro and Alehandro Villanueva on the boat today along with Al’s two brother in laws and father-in-law. Fishing the plant in wind takes some experience out there and some sea legs. Big Al and David DeCastro and everybody else did great with the seas and put the jigs where they needed to be. We caught some good ones today but certainly not wide open. BKD’s were king today for sure. 10″ Chartruese glitter and purple glitter were getting bit on 1.5 ounce jigheads. Hard earned and had a blast! Thanks to Al and Dave for taking a pic at the house with my wife and daughter…..Good stuff!!!!

Big Al fighting a whopper!



Here’s the whoppper Alehandro Villanueva was happy about fighting !  A nice Jigged up Striper using a BKD (Bass Kandy Delight) 10″er, Chartruese Glitter


All Pro NFL Guard David DeCastro with a beautiful BKD Jigged up Striper!

A real happy “Big Guy”!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Steeler Lineman Hook some Whoppers! Short notice Walk-On!

Short Notice Walk-On/Quick Report

Never Striper fished ever….first time here from Hawaii caught this 39″er!  WOW!


Calvert Cliffs is producing on and off.  Fish aren’t there thick all the time but certainly could be at any moment.  Starting to get some good numbers caught on each trip out now.  The lure of choice is a 6″ or 10″ Bass Kandy Delight in white, chartruese Glitter or Purple Glitter.  They all work.  I load them on 1.5 or 2 ounce jig heads.  The technique is drifting along the side and casting across the rip or drifting into the flow and flipping the jigs about 1o yards from the boat. Detecting bottom and short twitching the bottom while maintaining a snug line is crutial.

Nice 43″er! Nailed a 10″ Purple Glitter BKD!


First ever Striper fisherman from Hawaii and his girlfriend
caught these two nice ones side by side today! Good stuff!


WALK-ON TRIP THIS THURSDAY, 17 March! 5 spots available

Had a short notice cancel and have a great weather forecast for this thursday.  Fish have started to show up in decent numbers and some large fish are becoming more consistant.  Great chance this thursday to jig up some numbers and a few big ones!

COST: $90 each

Launch from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven at 630am and return at 11am…

We will jig BKD’s for some possible great stripers on light tackle

I provide all baits and tackle….you can bring your own stuff if you’d like

If it’s chilly I’ve got heat on the boat

All licensing provided

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

Lets catch some fish!



Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Short Notice Walk-On/Quick Report

Quick Report/Walk-On Trips Available!

FIsh-On Baby!


Well folks, their are some fish at Calvert Cliffs right now!  Still not on fire with huge numbers of fish but some decent action with some nice fish mixed in.  Certainly some fun to be had before fishing really amps up.  Jigging BKDS (Bass Kandy Delights) in the 6″ and 10″ size has been very productive.  I load them on a 1.5 or 2 ounce jig head.  Detecting bottom while in the major current is where you want to be.  It’s all catch and release right now so be mindful to handle fish carefully with a quick picture and gently back in the water!  It’s all good!

WALK-ON TRIPS Available Now!

All trips will launch at 6am from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven

Saturday 5 March- booked solid

Tuesday 8 March- booked solid

Wednsday 8 march- booked solid

Friday 11   March- booked solid


Trips will launch at 6am from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven at 6am.  Catching is decent right now and should be trending better every day.  We will be jigging BKD’s in the outflow at Calvert Cliffs.  Big Stripers are moving up the bay and a chance exists to catch a true giant on light tackle.  If you are interested in going on a Walk-On trip give me a call as soon as possible to reserve your spot!

Cost: 90 dollars each

-I provide all baits, tackle and licensing along with heat!

-We will launch at 6am returning around 11am

-If you are interested in going or have questions call or text me at 703-395-9955

A chance ALWAYS exist to catch a whopper at the plant!

Last years biggest, right at 50″!





Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 1 Comment

Calvert Cliffs…..a Winter Wonderland For Anglers

Rick Dell and I with an over 50″(about 51″) Striper he caught using a 10″ BKD loaded on a 1.5 ounce jighead

A Quick look Back

I moved to the Washington DC area in August of 1995, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with Chesapeake Bay and it’s incredibly wonderful light tackle opportunities.  By September I purchased a boat to fish Chesapeake Bay and begin to experience all it’s wonder.  Stripers, Blues, Flounder, Weakfish and Croaker were abundant.  Life and fishing was great and I fell deeply in love with Chesapeake Bay and it’s fishery.  From 1996-1999 I was always taking friends fishing with great success and meeting some incredible folks.  By late 1999 my fishing buddy Pete Dressler, AKA Superfish on Tidalfish.com talked me into the fact I could be a fishing guide on Chesapeake Bay.  I was doubtful but open to thinking about it.  Somewhere around Dec 1999 Steve Seigel (founder BKD’s) made it known he knew a guy selling his Maryland Guide license……long story short…..I bought it, took the OUPV 6 pack class, passed first try  and started guiding at the Susquehanna Flats in April of 2000.  As a full time military guy I only guided part time until my retirement from the Air Force in Nov 2004.  Since 2004 I have guided anglers full time without a real job…….CRAZY!


Nothing better than helping a great guy catch the light tackle Striper of
his lifetime!


How I Began At Calvert Cliffs

The winter of 1996 was mild I recall……I was dieing to fish but didn’t know where to go other than the power plant outflow up the Patuxant River called Chalk Point.  We caught lots of white perch and catfish there…..was fun!  While surfing the web on my new computer I found a fishing report on the Maryland DNR website.  Marty Gary wrote an incredible story about Pete Dressler, an angler with great skill and passion who fished Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant all winter long starting in January.  I was greatly intrigued and decided to go for it.  I went out there on a gloomy day with wind light out of the west.  Perfect day to be there even though it was chilly with bad visibility.  I anchored up in the middle of the flow like the article said and I began to throw a jig.  A bass assassin on a 1/2 jighead is what I had to throw.  I didn’t catch anything because the jighead was to light, not getting the bait to the fish in the huge current.  As I was slinging away another boat rolled out of the fogbank and slowly made his way up the rip and threw his anchor in the rip.  Shortly his boat was about 20 yards off my port, his first cast was a fish on.  Didn’t take long and he threw me over a bag with bigger jigheads.  I tied one on and immediately I was catching right along side the “Superfish”.  Shortly he yelled over to me and invited me to fish on his boat at a later date.  I gave him my phone number and he called soon.  We fished together for about 4 years straight very often.  He taught me much about life. The one thing embedded in what I do in my business is this…… Pete Dressler told me to “be kind and give away as much as possible,  it will come back 10 fold and you will always feel peace.”  and another thought Pete preached to me is, ” life (and fishing) is like a game of poker, you don’t always get all high or low cards, the measure of a man is how he handles the low cards”.  I sure do my best to live by these thoughts.  Thanks Pete Dressler (RIP brother)!

My Chesapeake Bay Hero…..RIP Pete


From 1996 thru the present time I’ve fished every winter at Calvert Cliffs starting in January or later depending on wether or not Stripers were at the CBBT (Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel).  The fishing techniques have changed for sure.  Back in the 90’s it was common for a guy trolling to mow right up the outflow with cannon balls attached to some type of lures, never saw them catch a fish.  The light tackle guys were mainly anchoring in the flow.  You get there first you pick your spot and so on and so forth.  As time moved along drifting while light tackle jigging and anchoring was a big controversy.  Since no person owns the rips you could do anything you wanted.  After the year 2000 and certainly in 2001 I drifted instead of anchoring.  While anchored an angler had to be skilled at throwing across and up the current and detecting bottom without dragging.  If you drag you snag quickly while in the boulders  which line the bottom from the outlfllow to approximately 150 yards down the flow.  After the boulders its an oyster shell/sand bottom.  Can only imagine the jigheads down there! I tried guiding while at anchor at the power plant and it just wasn’t working consistantly.


A TRUE 49″er….incredible


How Its fished Now 

My intention may be different from others.  As a guide my mission at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is to get my folks sticks bent as quickly and efficently as possible.  Whether the fish are huge or small it just doesn’t matter.  One thing for sure at Calvert Cliffs is you can catch a small fish and then a huge fish in the same spot.  Everyday can be different but it sure can be great!  I like big baits like 10″ BKD’s and 6″ BKD’s.  Normally my crews are folks who don’t have the opportunity to catch these fish on their own boat in the winter or would rather just let me drive my boat and leave their boat winterized and provide everything for them.  Through the years my crews and I have had a blast catching big fish, medium fish and small fish.  The great thing is HUGE fish are possible anytime you go there from Jan-Apr.  The prime time for me on numbers of huge fish, 40″ and above is mid march – mid april.  However, some great fish absolutely can be there in Jan and Feb.  Some winters there are more fish than others…..ya just never know.

Click on the link below to see the last 5 years of great fish in a slideshow format. During the timeframe of these pics we would take pics of a couple of big fish per trip per person.  On many trips dozens of huge fish were just caught and  quickly released because we didn’t need more pics…….good stuff!

Calvert Cliffs, Marylands Striped Bass Off Season Catch and Release Heaven


The technique I typically use  is drifting down the outflow with the engine off.  I enter the side of the outflow from a perpendicular position, cut my engine as I enter the flow and the momentum takes me where I want to be.   Right now 2 different techniques are used.  Experienced folks will drift their boat on the outside of the current and cast at an angle upstream and well out into the flow.  They hold their rod tip steady and wait to feel the tick of their 1.5, 2 or 2.5 ounce jighead to touch the bottom.  Once detected a short (6″-12″), very sharp twitch along with the current moves the jig through the area fish at Calvert Cliffs in the winter hold. Once the jig is downstream and off the bottom they reel up and cast again.    The farther the cast the more difficult it is to detect bottom and work the jig just off the bottom without getting snagged, unless you are out past the boulders.  Quite a few (experienced at Calvert Cliffs) anglers use this technique with great success.

we didn’t spook that 50″er……didn’t weigh it……released quickly

The Technique I use with incredible success with hundreds of trophy light tackle Stripers caught is drifting the current with my engine off.  If I have a couple anglers with great skill on the boat or if we have rough seas I’ll cast into the flow without drifting in much.  Drifting the flow with experienced and inexperienced folks alike have produced hundreds of trophy Stripers over 40″ with loads over 45″  and three “actually” at 50 or more”. ” I never weigh fish, don’t want to stress them by hanging them on a boga grip or similar thing.”  It’s legal…….my choice to not.

                           A “TRUE” 47″ Striper……weight unknown, probably around 42 pounds

Detecting bottom at calvert cliffs is crucial!  If the fish are thick and it’s crazy good it doesn’t matter.  If the bite is difficult with not many fish then detection of bottom has to happen or typically you won’t catch.  Slack line while jigging is ALWAYS wrong.  If you have slack line you won’t detect bottom or a bite, you’ll miss hits and get snagged if in the boulders.  Light tackle jigging anytime anywhere slack line is a huge no no.  When on my boat I preach detecting bottom when jigging.  Once we are in the flow I have anglers flip baits 10 yards or so off the boat, we either utilize a count or hold your index finger and thumb in a circle,  line rolls off your reel and through your fingers.  When you notice the line change it’s speed………HURRY…..click the bail, turn the reel one turn and start your short, sharp twitch technique.  Almost always the Stripers hit when the jig is falling after the sharp twitch.  I always preach a sharp twitch.  The sharp twitch draws attention of the fish, then the fall is when they strike.  If your line is not slack and you are using braided line you will feel the strike.  It’s either a “tick” or a “thump”……I like the THUMP!  Thump is the big ones!

Check out this trip on April 1st… We drifted over them all day! How the heck did that happen?   April Fool’s Stripers

Catch and Release Is a Wonderful Thing-if it’s done right

Here’s what I think is best when catching and releasing Stripers at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in the winter.

-handle the fish without a net if possible

-lift the fish out of the water by lipping the fish.  That is placing your thumb in the mouth and grabbing the lower lip……then as lifting out of the water place your other hand under the belly area to support the fish

-use single barbless hooks for a quick de-hook

-never drop a fish on the deck if possible

-hold the fish with a thumb in the mouth and hand under the belly area

Thumb in the mouth, hand under the belly area, quickly release after a quick photo.  Water under 60 degrees unless the fish is gill hooked and bleeding have a huge survival rate

-if you have hooked and caught a really huge fish and a prolonged fight occurred have one person lip the fish upon return to the water and one person hold around the area just above the tail.  Once the fish is in the water the lip person lets go and the person holding the tail gently moves the fish back and forth.  If the fish was badly winded it will absolutely come back strong quickly if you do this technique.  When the fish is ready to go you will know….it will “kick out” of your grasp.

my buddy Alejandro Villanueva from the Pittsburgh Steelers with a “THUMPER”
He caught 5 over 40″ (he is 6’9″ 340) on this trip in 2015. This one was 46″……..awesome!

The rods I like are shore tackle custom sticks from 6’to 6.5′ medium action or medium heavy.  You need  enough stoutness to cast a heavy jighead and to hook a huge striper.  A very fast tip is not what I like at calvert cliffs.  Other stuff is fine, I like what I’m using.  I like 3000 or 4000 size reels but lighter is fine with experienced anglers.  I use 14 pound test flame green fireline and tie on a 30 or 40 pound test clear leader.  Florocarbon not required.   I don’t place swivels between my braid and leader.  If I did my rods would come up with broken eyes all the time.

Important Notes about Fishing Calvert Cliffs

SAFETY!  Winter time water temps are cold.  Be prepared if you are running your own boat to be able to communicate it you have a problem.  Make sure the best that you can your boat is in top running form.  Boats are boats you never know.  Have all safety equipment ready.  On occasion several to 30 boats could be drifting the outflow when nice weather in march/april.  Most times very few boats are there in Jan/Feb.  On occasion some of the best fishing is happening at Calvert Cliffs when the weather is nasty/windy.  Caution: if you don’t understant that area don’t go when the wind is over 15 knots out of the NNW, N, NE, E, ESE………when the wind is blowing out of the SE it still isn’t great but better, South is great, SW is best, W is great, NW is starting to get iffy and NNW it starts to get bad.  Calvert Cliffs has approximately 2 milion gallons of water a minute coming out of the outflow…..it’s a HUGE current pushing very hard to the east.  When the wind is against it the seas get horrible in there.  When this is happending and you are there get on the downwind side of the outflow, bow into the edge of the flow, cast across the current with a 2 or more ounce jighead, detect bottom maybe and work the jig.  One cast is all you get in windy conditions.  DO NOT put your boat on the upwind side of the current in a heavy wind.  If your boat is not real big or if you have a cut transom you could sink your boat quickly there if your boat won’t start and you get blown into the massive flow.   It’s happened and it’s scarey!  Be Careful!

Who Rules The Plant Fishing?    

The state of Maryland does…….it’s an open place to catch and release Striped Bass out of the kill season.  No person or organization can tell anyone how to fish there.  Anyone can have an opinion on the best way to fish there.

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is not owned on the water by any group or single angler.  If multiple boats are there understand your boat will drift and could drift real fast depending where you are in the flow.  Wind, outflow current and tidal flow along with current eddies make drifting always a challange and you have to be aware of your surroundings.  Always be polite to others and all will be great!  It’s a good idea to not run your boat up the current to attempt to release a snag.  Running engine over structure where the fish are in 18-30′ of water will probably spook fish.  The plant has 2 million gallons of water pumping out of two (i think) pipes 20′ or so feet under water.  At the outflow down about 150 yards is rip rap boulders on the bottom to help combat erosion.  I can only imagine the noise all that friction from water coming out of pipes and blasting through boulders makes.  2 MILLION gallons a minute is a huge volume of water!  With 18-30′ of water and all that craziness in the water allows for boats to drift over the fish without them leaving the area. (my 0pinion)  If any human tells you they know anything for sure about what fish do in some situations  they really don’t!  Here’s what I know…….I DONT know!   Especially in 18′-30′ feet of huge current and fish tight to the bottom!  Drifting over the top of the flow at Calvert Cliffs has been a magical fishing experience for me and hundreds of folks I’ve taken to Calvert Cliffs over the last 16 years!  Silence is best for sure, especially shallow without 2 million gallons flowing through a small area.

Here’s what we caught drifting over fish at Calvert Cliffs!  Great video of light tackle jigging at Calvert Cliffs….check it out!  Light Tackle Jigging Stripers On Chesapeake Bay in March!

What I explained above is the way I fish Calvert Cliffs and have for the last 16 years.  Fortunately, I’ve had great success helping folks catch many of their best fish ever at Calvert Cliffs.  Whether you fish with me or not I wish you well at Calvert Cliffs and please say hello if you see me out there in my Judge 27 Chesapeake named Four Seasons.  If anyone has any questions feel free to text, call 703-395-9955 or email at [email protected]

 I will be guiding at Calvert Cliffs through about April 15 give or take a little depending on the bite.  My boat is very close to Calvert Cliffs for easy access.  Right now the bite is on and off.  Typically it gets great around mid march.  I will be doing Walk-On trips or booked trips now through mid march when I think the bite is decent.  If I don’t think we can catch decently I don’t guide.  Starting around March 15 I will do two trips a day starting at 30 minutes prior to sunrise till 11 am….then in the afternoon from 2pm till dark.  I’ve still got some availability but it’s filling up quick for march 15 and beyond. It’s a blast!  

If you are interested in a trip or just have some questions feel free to contact me at 703-395-9955 or [email protected]  Thanks!




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Pre Storm Fishing Excursion with My Buddy Mike from Buzz’s Marina

MIke From Buzz’s Marina ( www.buzzsmarina.com ) with a really cold water Jigged up Striper!

Went down to Buzz’s Marina today to check on my boat which is still in the water.  Everything is fine…..a bit chilly but good to go.  Mike was gassing up his 23′ Grady and acted like he wanted to make a quick run out to check on the fish.  So…….he needed a helper so off we went!  If I had to bet….I would have bet we would catch nothing.  About 11am the wind had subsided, sun shining and what-the-heck, let’s go give it a shot!  Mike pushed his Grady out of his marina through some thin ice.  Never sounds good pushing through ice!  We made it out of St. Jeromes Creek headed southerly.  First stop was in the middle of the Potomac in about 40′ water.  We marked a few little marks near the bottom so out came the jigs.  I was using a Hard Head Custom Baits 4 ounce vertical jig and mike was using a 3 ounce Lil’ Bunker Spoon.  I struck first with a Striper measuring about 20″….we slapped high fives cause we didn’t get skunked!  Good stuff.  We continued to catch a few fish……small but FISH!  After a bit we ran out to deeper water……50-65′ to look around.  To my surprise we ran over some good marks…….dropped down and bang!  Fish on and on and on!  Believe me….they weren’t big.  Lot’s of very small fish but fish none the less!

They weren’t big but fun! Caught that one with a Hardheadcustombaits 4 ounce vertical jig!

Even got one at 28″ today! Caught many this one could have eaten……it’s all good!

Thanks to mike for letting me tag along on his scout trip on this little break in the wind this afternoon!

I won’t be doing any walk-on trips for awhile.  Not sure what I’m going to do yet.  May pull the boat and put it in Flag Harbor and start looking at Calvert Cliffs.  Might look south a bit…….heck…I don’t know.  Maybe I will just do some work on the house for a bit.  We’ll see!!!!!!  Maybe Catfish!

Take care all and be safe this weekend!

I wasn’t ready for fishing today but was glad to go out with Mike and catch a few!
I wasn’t expecting to fish…..my clothes weren’t exactly great for cold weather winter fishing but it wasn’t too bad! Fish on!
Categories: Fishing Report | 1 Comment

Short Notice Walk-On For This Sunday, 17 Jan!

A whole bunch like this today! Water temp around 45….fish going nuts!


BKD’s were happening today!

Fish were bombing 10″ers!


Well folks…….went out today in a pretty sloppy chop out of Buzz’s Marina.  Ran south and hit it big for sure.  Didn’t know what to expect after a temp drop in the water and a few days of not fishing.  Fishing was great!  Non-stop action on some really great drag screamers!  Never had this happening before up here so I’m taking it as it’s happening.  I’m booked tomorrow, doing the Frederick MSSA Show on Saturday but think a Walk-On trip out of Buzz’s Marina can happen on Sunday, 17 Jan.   Wind Forecast is 5-10 NW.  Very doable……..So

WALK-ON TRIP- Sunday, Jan 17- 5 spots available

Cost: 120 Each

I provide all baits, tackle and HEAT inside a closed cabin!

We’ll launch at 730am and return around 330pm

Launch From Buzz’s Marina

Catch and release only with lot’s of pics and video shot

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

Heat, cabin, tank full of gas, lot’s of BKD’s, Lil’ Bunker Spoons, Hardhead Custom Baits and Shore Tackle Custom Rods Ready to go!!!!!!!! Come on out and give it a shot!


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Quick Point Lookout Report and Open Walk-On Trip for Thursday, 14 Jan

My Fish’in Buddy Slam’in Sammy with a bait he made called The “Slamm’in Sammy” caught endless fish on Saturday! Way to go Sammy!

Winter is here…..high water temps have kept lot’s of Stripers in the Point Lookout Region longer than normal.  Historically I’ve been well south long before now plying the waters for Stripers on the light sticks.  This year is quite the anomaly in a good way!  I fished this past Wednsday thru Saturday catching fish all day everyday.  Incredibly great stuff.  Many fish over 30″ with the biggest at 37″.  WIth water temps in the 40’s the fish fight really really strong.  They are gorging on the millions of Menhaden and other forage fish in the region.

Great light tackle Striper caught in the cold water off Point Lookout this week!


Here’s a whopper!

Today the air temp is around 60 and the water temp off Point Lookout is hovering around 48 degrees.  Still need several more degrees colder to move fish from the area.  I think I’m going to attempt to get on the water on good weather window days to hunt down and catch Stripers until they leave region.  At that point I may move south with them.  Who knows…..they could end up thick at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel!  Time will tell!  So…….for the short term I’m still going to fish out of Buzz’s Marina and run the Potomac and south if needed.  Last year fish were caught in the Potomac at the end of December with water temps in the low 40’s.  I think we’ve still got some great stuff to come even with cold temps about to happen again!

Have had many on the fly lately!


Looks right now as if Thursday, 14 Jan will be the next good weather window to fish.  I don’t believe the water will be below the threshhold of holding hungry fish.  So a Walk-On Trip is in store!  We will launch from Buzz’s Marina with heat in the boat and what is forecasted to be light wind.  We’ll roll out and hunt down the Stripers!  Could be spectacular or …….who knows…..we won’t know unless we go!  I do think a great shot will exist to do great!

WALK-ON TRIP- Thursday, Jan 14- 5 spots available

Cost: 120 Each

I provide all baits, tackle and HEAT inside a closed cabin!

We’ll launch at 730am and return around 330pm

Launch From Buzz’s Marina

Catch and release only with lot’s of pics and video shot

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

Heat, cabin, tank full of gas, lot’s of BKD’s, Lil’ Bunker Spoons, Hardhead Custom Baits and Shore Tackle Custom Rods Ready to go!!!!!!!! Come on out and give it a shot!


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 1 Comment

Big Day Today, Jan 5, 2016…..great start to the new year! Walk-On Trip Open Friday, 8 Jan!

Lot’s of these today….even after the cold!

Wasn’t sure what was going to happen on the water today!  After severe wind and cold for over 48 hours I thought maybe the fish would have moved south or east or west or somewhere.  They did move but not far and man were they hungry!  Between the birds and fish baitfish didn’t have a whole lot of a chance today!  Today’s walk on crew was brave to be test donkeys and brave the cold for maybe no bites.  Today their boldness payed off big time.  Countless Stripers over 28″ jigging metal and BKD’s.  Could not have been better!

fishfinder looked like this almost all day!

What a way to start 2016!  Water temps were still not to low for fish to be really on the feed!

John with a beauty for sure!


Jon with a 34″er!!! Nice light tackle Striper!!!



Friday, 8 Jan- 5 spots available

Evan though it’s January the fish are biting like crazy….today was 20 degrees at launch but real warm in the cabin!

Fish were biting as soon as we got out and never quit!  Life is good!

This inside the cabin makes for one heck of a pleasant ride and warm up if it’s chilly!


I have an open date this friday and the weather forecast is PERFECT to catch fish.  Light wind and not overly cold.  With the heat on the boat it’ll be great for jigging!  Don’t know how long it will last……it could be epic on Friday!

Crazy good jigging!


Here’s the deal:

Cost: $120 each

Launch from Buzz’s Marina in Ridge, MD at 0730 and return 330

I provide all baits, tackle, licensing and heat!

Great chance to learn some jigging and meet some new folks who love to fish

If you’d like to go give me a call or text at 703-395-9955

Nice and warm! Come on out and give it a shot!




Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Uncategorized, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 5 Comments

2015…..A Great Year It Was!

A 50″er for 2015!

2015 is in the books!  I fished from well above the bay bridge to well south of Point Lookout and many places in between. Just added up 205 fishing trips in the book!  Great year considering I did zero trips in Jan/Feb.  Boat sat in 10″ of ice for 45 days!

STUCK!    March 10!  Softening up though!


nothing good here!  17 Feb 2015


2015 didn’t start great……..Jan and Feb had plenty of snow and cold along with more ice than I’ve ever seen in Maryland waters.  I finally broke out of the ice on March 14.  Typically my year starts at Calvert Ciffs Nuclear Power plant in January or so.  I check for any numbers of fish in the outflow often during the winter.  If they are there in numbers I’ll do trips….if not any numbers I don’t do trips.   Jan/Feb 2015 had a few fish in the outlflow for hearty anglers who spent plenty of time for few numbers of fish.  The fish caught were nice ones for sure…..no numbers.  My year started with a bang for sure.  On March 19 I did the first guide trip of the year………off the hook!!!

I have hundreds of Pics from this year…..wish I could show them all!

Take a quick look!

March/early April

GAME ON!  What a start!

One of many over 40’s on this first trip

Pittsburgh Steelers starting left tackle Alejendro Villanueva with a 44″ light tackle caught beast!

here’s Luke with a 46″er! What a first day!

From March 19 until April 5 I had 97 Stripers caught and released over 40″, 9 at 45″ to 49″ and one at 50″!  After April 5 plenty of great Stripers were still at the plant to catch.



When the catch and kill season opened on April 16 I was able to catch keepers and then run to the islands to catch some nice shallow water Stripers.  While the “Trophy Season” crowds are out icing large females I was in the islands with lot’s of action on decent fish up to about 34″ or so.  When the spring sun warms the shallows of the eastern shore islands the area springs to life big time!  Beautiful place to fish in April/May!  If Specks are going to be around in Maryland waters we start to see them in late April early May.  This year my boat saw very few keeper size Speckled Sea Trout…..I did catch some…..not many though.  Here’s a few pics from Mid April-May…..


really nice

Nice fish caught early season in the stumps

Some great early season fly sticking

Dan with a nice early season shallow water striper

                                                            All the Specks aren’t dead!  2015 had very few….here is one!


hungry fatties in the skinny water

fast action…..nice fish in may!

April/May produced some great light tackle jigging/plugging for sure!  Hoping for the same in 2016!



The summer fishery started out for me out of Solomons and progressively moved north.  By mid-june I moved the boat up to Deale and fished the waters of the Bay Bridge and north many days.  I sure learned lots about the bridge fishery and fishing in and around crowds.  Overall the fishing was very good up north this past summer.  By late July I moved back to Solomons and crushed it for the rest of the summer outside the crowds.  Hoping 2016 some fish stay to the south and out of the Bay Bridge crowd…..weekends were real tough!  Starting around mid-july the breaking fish began and never looked back.  Not one day went by where I didn’t locate huge numbers of fish in and around breaking stripers and blues.  Great summer fishing!  Here’s a look!

really fat summer stripers on structure!

David DeCastro and Big Al from the Pittsburgh Steelers catching some good ones!

jigging structure produced real nice this summer!

Beautiful backround and big summer Stripers!

Many 30″ plus stripers caught june-august!

One of many really nice Bay Bridge Stripers this summer!

My buddy Dan with a huge summer striper


Many sights like this over the summer on the Lowrance HD-10

Big breaking Blues and stripers spray the air!

plenty of fly sticking this summer….just awesome!

big spanish mac on the fly for Peter Baskin!

                                                             Koz Family Fun

Citation Spanish Mac caught jigging! Good stuff!


The summer bite from June thru August was very consistant with huge numbers of fish with some really good ones mixed in.  All in all a really good summer.  No complaints from me and I’m the biggest critic…..hoping for a great summer of 2016!

SEP-OCT JOY!-  The 2015 FISH OF YEAR came from September…..not a speck or a Striper!  

My island fishing typically fires up in early September.  This year with water temps high, 80 or above until mid-September I fished the main stem of the bay out of Solomons until mid-september…..once the water reached the mid-70’s and below the island bite lit up like crazy!  Great stuff big time!  On many days we never took off the surface plugs.  Just awesome topwater fishing on Stripers up to 34″.  Most Stripers were 18-25″……very fiesty aggresive fish for sure.  Often Stripers would be feeding right up to the sod banks in some areas.  Baitfish would be flying out of the water, sometimes landing on the bank!  This early September I had a run on huge Red Drum like I’ve never had before.  In a 10 day period I had 17 giant Reds landed and many others lost before seeing the boat.   Truly amazing stuff to see and incredible catching for sure.   Here’s some shots from September…….

a great 44″ Red on a 6″ BKD

What a beautiful fish!

I accidently dropped over and hooked this 51″ Red! We carefully released
it to see it swim away strong! Awesome!

Massive Red…..47″er caught on light tackle

another 43″ Red!

Had many Reds over a short time in September.  Along with the Reds came countless big Blues, some great Spanish Macs and many many Stripers.  All this on light tackle using surface plugs, BKD’s on lead heads, LIl’ Bunker Spoons and Hardhead Custom Baits spoons.  As soon as a cold front hit and the water temps in the islands dropped into the mid-70’s and below I was in the islands.  What an absolute beautiful bunch of catching in the remote beautiful islands in the second half of September……. Take a look!

5′ of water……stump field explosions!

Windy day nooks and crannies……great stuff!

even my bride got in on the action!  She’s really leaning into it!

my bride can catch fish!  Little shy on the holding part though…..Lol

fast action in the skinny stuff

Alan with a real pretty striper in shallow water

Endless Island love!

Surface Plugging all day! Nothing better!

September sure was great but October was better! The bite in the shallow water islands actually maintained at a very high level thru mid-November.  We even poked into the islands in December and caught some Stripers!  We had very stable weather…..not overly cold and not to much wind.  The favorable weather made for incredibly clear water, lot’s of bait and preditors hungry for our baits.  Was great stuff for sure.  Take a look at a few October thru mid-November pics:

This type of view never gets old!

The bird is telling us to scram!

Dang it…..I wasn’t supposed to catch this!

Lot’s of these in October

Nothing like a Pelicans Life…….

Big puller for sure!

catching in the guts……

caught plenty around these guys!

BIG surprise!

Pelicans love this place!

This little guy was “making it happen” all day!

one heck of a fly stick double! Two 30″ers on the other end……

my buddy Bill with one of many on this day!

Spectacular young angler!

What a Shallow Water Striper!

Beautiful setting……great fish!

Bright day….big fish!

Sam with a serious whopper! Surface plug…..3′ of water….WOW!

flat water surface plugged beauty

Fall is a great time for these!!!!

What a birthday gift for dad! 35″er on a surface plug!

Buddy Mike with one of many big ones on this day

Fritz with a nice 32″er

10″ BKD crushed big boys today!


September 15 thru about November 15 was absolutely on fire in the islands and main stem structure.  I don’t think skinny water fishing could have been better.  2015 was really hot for sure.  Hoping 2016 maintains like 2015 for Stripers.  2015 we had an abundance of very small speckled sea trout in our waters.  Hoping they survive the winter and realize average growth.  If they do we will see some 17-20″ Specks this year!  That would be great!

When the water temp in the islands fell back in the low 50’s the baitfish roll deeper and so do the Stripers.  Not all of them but a good majority.  I few times in December I slipped into the islands while waiting for the tide to turn……boy was I surprised when in mid-deember we caught a fair amount of Stripers in the shallow water of the eastern shore islands.  Late November-December my boat was stationed at Buzz’s marina.  Catching great Stripers on light tackle was just incredible.  Every trip out (except one) during this timeframe the bite was off the hook great!  vertical jigging Lil’ Bunker Spoons and  3-4 ounce spoons from Hard Head Custom Baits along with 6″ and 10″ BKD’s was unreal……..fish 50′ thick was not uncommon!

60′ of Stripers under the boat…….lot’s of over 30″ fish! Awesome!


This was a shot in late December out of Buzz’s Marina…..(Temp is not right, about 22 high, Lol).

Mid NOV thru DEC

The bite in this time frame was so good it’s hard to describe…….many days we did catch nice fish all day!  Barely any dry spells.  The numbers were great for sure.  Size wise…..well….we had none over 40″ but huge numbers of 27″-32″ and some up to 35″.  Was just incredible light tackle fishing!  Here are a few shots from Nov/Dec…..

Thanksgiving to Remember!

Thanksgiving 2015 is in the record books!  This trip was a short half day walk on trip.  Guys came out to light tackle jig up some nice fish for a few hours on Thanksgiving morning.  These guys came out and it payed off quick! On everybody’s first cast they caught the fish in the picture.  First cast we had all our over 28″ers…….Never had 5 guys/girls all get a big one on the first cast………WOW!


This guy caught the only 50″er this year on my boat
in April. He got several like this on this day in Nov

Big ones on all over the boat!

huge light tackle whopper

A great Doubler of big ones!

Big fish and the guys who caught them range from 6’5″ to 7′ Wow!


you go Tommy!

35″er for Buddy!

So good it’s funny!

Last day of 2015 was great!

Heat in the cabin……feels GREAT!

Alask’in Fly Guy with a whopper!

One of many whoppers on the fly on this day!

serious bendage!

Travis had many of these in late December on my boat!

surface plugg’in happened many times in December!

Pretty fish!

Big Bubba with a big bubba!

10″ BkD nailed this one!

Nothing like getting Stripers like this on light tackle!

very sweet!

fish is bigger than her!

Father/Son hit it hard!

last but not least!


The pictures could go on and on and on from Nov/Dec out of Buzz’s Marina!  Was a great 2 months for sure staying at a wonderful Marina…..Buzz’s Marina is the bomb diggity!



Every year for the last several years I’ve declared a “Fish Of The Year” on my boat.  Last year a huge 30″ Speckled sea trout was the big winner…..this year it wasn’t a Speck or even a 50″ Striper.  The 2015 “Fish Of The Year” was a tremendous fish caught and released to swim another day by a guy who certainly puts in his time and is a great fisherman!  Not only is the fish a huge accomplishment but the tackle he caught it on made it that much more special.  80 year old Billy Brenner worked over this huge Bull Red with a 6′ Custom Rod from Shore Tackle and a Shimano Stradic 2500 reel.  Really light tackle!  Way to go Billy!

huge battle!

huge battle with Billy and this fat 50″ Red Drum,
My 2015 “Fish Of The Year”….congrats Billy!

There you have it!  My 2015 year in review…..a great one for sure! Couldn’t possibly put in all the pics!  Hoping 2016 can match it…..I’m excited to say the least!  Hope everybody had a great year and wishing you all spectacular fishing in 2016!



                                                            Hope to see you all on the water in 2016!

















Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Advice, Fishing Report, Sticky, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Incredible Catching! Walk-On Trips coming up!

Many many great light tackle Stripers like this are available right now!

I’m pooped for sure!  Been fishing every day lately, even Thanksgiving!  What a trip that was!  Having some technical difficulties with pictures right now…..can’t get any of my newer ones up here.  Have stuff on facebook.  I’ve been fishing out of Buzz’s Marina every day.  The mouth of the Potomac River up to Hooper Straights has been great.  Every day is different but one thing seems for sure.  Great numbers of big fish are hitting our lures every day.  Mother nature has been great and the fishing looks to be holding on very well!  Have a couple open days coming up so walk on trips are open!  Tuesday December 1 and Wednsday December 2 are now open for a walk on.  I”ve got 5 spots available for tuesday and 4 open for wednsday.

Here’s the deal:

Depart Buzz’s Marina at 6am on 1 and 2 December and return at about 2pm.

COST: $120 each

I provide all baits and Tackle….bring your own if you want

I fillet all fish at the end of the day

I have heat in the cabin

Licensing provided

We will be light tackle jigging all day

If you are interested in going give me a call at 703-395-9955


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Incredible Catching! Walk-On Trips coming up!

Fishing Report, 8 November 2015

Sam…..you made the big time! Incredible light tackle surface plugging catch….way to go brother!

Folks, I’ve been crazy busy on the bay, hardly any spare time to write reports.  With decent weather overall and a great boat to go out even in “iffy” stuff my time has been taken for sure!  That’s a good thing!

enclosure up, rods ready, power poles loaded, shallow water bite is ready to be HAD!


This “Island Hopping” season has been CRAZY good for sure! It started late due to warmer than normal water temps in early September.  I don’t like to go shallow till the water temp in the shallow water is under 80 degrees.  Didn’t happen this year till around September 15.  Now, Nov 8, the water is still in the 60’s!  Perfect for incredible shallow water surface plugging, jigging ect………..It’s all great for sure!  Mother nature allowed me 26 trips in September and 25 in October.  When traveling over 75 miles everyday I’m tired for sure in the evening!  Every day in the islands has been different.  Wind direction and speed, water level, current and water color dictates where I fish every day in the islands.  Not where I caught them “yesterday”.  With water temps over 60 fish have definetly been plying the skinny water in great numbers and some big ones on occasion!  My go to lures for the skinny water has been Skitter Pops on the surface, Yozuri Crystal minnows on the jerk baits and 6″ and 10″ BKD’s (www.basskandydelights.com )  in white, chartruese glitter or purple glitter.  Size of BKD is dictated by the size of bait being chased around in the shallows.

Heres some shots of some recent whoppers:

This fish was caught by a “new to Striper”
fishing angler…….he nailed it on the surface
just feet from the boat….totally unbelievable!

This big boy was taken on a 6″ Purple GLitter BKD,
( www.basskandydelights.com ) over medium depth
(12′) structure in the main stem of the bay……good one!

Huge shallow water Striper for Carlo! Caught
at sunrise on a yozuri crystal minnow in 4′ of



Peter Baskin with a beautiful 29″er caught on the fly in 4′ of water! What a battle!


Huge light tackle Striper jigged up in 15′ of water, 6″ white BKD
( www.basskandydelights.com ) 3/4 ounce
jighead and a beautiful custom 6′ spinning rod from Shore
Tackle on Kent Island……good stuff

what a shallow water hog! Nothing Better!!!!!

Even I trip over a big one here and there!


Most of the big fish I’ve had on the boat this fall have come from 5′ or less of water near great structure with current rolling through.  Water clarity has been so clear you could see a nickle in 6′ or even more of water.  This clear water scares me!  I don’t want to see that well into the water.  Fish spook very quickly in this shallow clear water.  I prefer emerald green color to the water, not gin clear.

Here are some shots of some of the water I roll in:

Many nooks, gutt’s and crannies to fish in wind or anytime!

Island Fox! Beautiful!

a loaded gutt full of stripers!


What a life!

Water ALWAYS wins…..

cool spots…..


I could literally fish 10 days straight for 10 hours a day and not fish the same place twice.  So much to fish in many different situations.  Truly incredible!



Loving what I do is something I certainly do!  However, smiling kids making memories with their dad is truly why I do this job!

Smiling kids with their dads making memories!

Couldn’t be better!



Although fishing has been incredibly great I believe the best is yet to come.  Over the last few years the bite out of Buzz’s Marina,  www.buzzsmarina.com  is great!  From right out front to south a few miles the bite over last few Novembers/Decembers has been supurb!  I’m expecting no less this year for sure.  I’ve got available dates in December for the incredible bite.  Jigging BKD’s and Lil’ Bunker Spoons will be off the hook.  LOt’s of great fish to catch.  Here’s a couple shots from last December!

Lot’s of fish to jig up like this in December! Really good stuff!

if these guys can catch’m…..anybody can! Lol

lot’s of fishfinder shot’s like this in december!

Fishing in November/December is hot for sure and on cold days its warm in the heated cabin! Come on out and give it a shot!


TO book a December trip out of Reedville, VA or Ridge, MD give me a call at 703-395-9955.  I will be docked at wherever the best opportunity to catch fish is located.  Check my website at www.walleyepete.com or my facebook page  Pete Dahlberg or Four Seasons Guide Service

Always looking for THE clue…..where’s them fish!

fish on baby!!!!


Come on out and give it a shot!










Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Advice, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

GO AWAY WIND! Was spectacular just before this latest wild stuff! Great catching to come!!!!!!!

Prior to this wild nor’easter and possible hurricane I was out bombing Stripers in shallow water on surface plugs everyday!  Skinny water island fishing is off the hook!  Don’t know for sure what this weather is going to do to the bite I had.  I’ll be out looking hard this tuesday and then have trips lined up all through the rest of this month.

One of many shallow water fatties! Really good stuff!

For six days straight I fished in NE winds 15-20 over in the islands.  Fishing in the leeward side of the islands produced big time!  Every day huge numbers of Stripers with some great fish mixed in were the norm.  On some days walk-the-dog plugs never came off the lines.  Protected sides of the islands maintained an emerald green water quality and the stripers loved it…….I loved it more!

john lappin with a nice surface plugged striper!

my good friend Fritzer even caught a legal speck! That was a surprise!

Great numbers of really nice light tackle Stripers are hot to eat……hopefully they will be back at the dinner tabel this tuesday!

Since the year 2000 we’ve had a few major storms with winds over 60 knots…….the day after the blows I’ve caught well.  This storm is different in that the wind has been blowing not 60 but 30+ for several days.  Will be interesting to see what the waters look like on tuesday and if the fish will bite.  I’ll be using historic data I’ve kept to help me find fish tuesday come hell or high water……I’ll report back and tell you how I do!  My fingers are crossed and I hope this incredible fall island bite continues.  If it’s not there it will be in the mainstem of the bay with Buzz’s Marina being the bullseye headquarters.  Time will tell………

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Fantastic Stretch Of CATCHING!!!!!!! 2 short notice walk-on’s now available!

My Buddy Bill with the light tackle fish of a lifetime!!!!!

Incredible light tackle fishing to say the least!  My good friend Billy had one heck of a day recently…..he caught this gigantic Bull Red Drum on a 6′ medium action custom rod from Shore Tackle at Kent Narrows and a 1 and 1/2 hardhead custom baits “Minnow” jigging spoon with chartruese glitter color.  Earlier in the day we hooked up with an incredible catch….a 25″ beautiful spanish mackeral on the exact same rig.  Billy plys the waters with me often and has many incredible days but this one was extra special!

25″ Citation Spanish Mackeral on a jig!

This day was just one of many days of incredible fishing from Sharps Island south to Cedar Point out of Solomons.  I wish it were easy everyday but it isn’t……if you fished with me 10 days in a row you would see some different things everyday.  Darn fish have tails and move from day to day chasing the masses of silversides around the bay from deep to shallow and back again.  Binoculars are my best friend right now for sure.  I’ve been looking for the slightest hints of fish through the binoculars.  Most days I’m finding it quickly and consistantly the entire day.  On a few days it was tough and hunting was a major part of the trip.  Once f0und it is game on!  On my friend Bills day we had to really hunt.  Spent 2 hours of running and not catching. Finally I found a few fish in an area of structure where I’ve had fish but no birds were present.  We marked a few fish and decided to give it a quick shot.  Right away we started hooking small stripers and decent blues.  On one cast a large fish grabbed a Hardhead Custom bait “minnow” jig right near the top and started ripping drag…….that’s the fish above……a nice Mac.  On this day we still hadn’t located a large slug of fish.  I decided to run way back to the west and look in a region that’s held fish in the last week.  With no boats around and a flat sea I located a serious load of breaking fish with a few birds and that is where the Big Bull Reds were hanging.  Historically I”ve caught many through the years under feeding Bluefish…..easy meals of spit up or injured baitfish falling down to the waiting huge Drum.  Hadn’t had any lately but knew some were in the region from others caught by charters.  As I was working in a decent blue I saw a huge Red blur fly by the boat as I lifted the blue out of the water…..as most know……ya….I get excited.  I did get excited telling my guys REDS ARE HERE!!!!!!  Get your lines in!  They did and we did get lucky!  Here’s another Red caught by Bills friend Mort…..

A 45″er is a site to behold….and a BIG surprise!

Catching these big Reds is certainly possible but absolutely a “low odds” game.  Locating large schools of active Blues and Stripers is the key.  Anyhere in that area big Reds could happen.  Ya never know!

you never really know what may be lurking below!


On the last day of August I had the absolute pleasure and thrill to meet up with a guy who was just a kid the last time we were together.  I grew up in Camden NY a small, hard working town where everybodies dads worked hard and moms were wonderful.  Rick’s (Koz) and his family was just like mine…..mom, dad and the kids growing up in a small upstate town  Money was not abundant in our home town but playing sports and having great friends was for sure.  Koz is 6 years younger than me….so, when I was say, 14 he was about 8.  Big difference in “kid world”.  I played about every sport and took little “koz” under my wing and helped pushed him along.  He has great older brothers for sure and I was like one of them except I wasn’t his brother.  I really pushed that boy hard……and he excelled with support of his family and some heavy prodding from the older neighbor guy.  Koz had some serious vigor about him…..he kept up with the older boys at all the sports we played….baseball, football and Koz wrestled too.  Summers were spent outside playing a sport all day everyday unless it was raining…..then we pouted, praying for the rain to stop.  I was happy to be in Koz’s life back then and his older brothers Paul and Craig.  I graduated from high school in 82′ and departed town.  Koz was only in 7th grade or so at that point.  I saw him a few times after that and knew he was excelling in sports and turning into a spectacular young man.  As life goes…..people do different things and go in all kinds of different directions……as with many….Koz and I went our seperate ways and life moved along.

Fast forward to early august…..I recieved a call from an upstate NY area code and quickly answered the phone…..It was KOZ!  Long story short….he was coming to the bay region and wanted to take his two boys and wife fishing.  At 7 and 10 the boys are very excited to go on a boat and give some fishing a shot.  As luck would have it August 31 was right in the middle of some great surface action fishing with thick schools of eager fish ready to rumble.  Our day was not starting off easy like I had hoped.  Had to really hunt down some fish…..running and looking was happening for a bit…..finally located some fish in a quiet nook of the eastern shore.  We caught here and there and then IT happened.  The mother load of breaking aggresive fish in a remote area all to ourselves….nothing but billions of fish all around us……Koz and his family were mesmerized by what they saw…..kids laughing, wife giggling and Koz was in catching heaven…..so glad this trip turned out so well.  Koz even caught a “citation” sized Spanish on a jig!

My buddy Koz with a great Mac!

Lot’s of catching for the Koz family!!!!! Lot’s of Catch and release……..

Was a great day with the Koz’s!  Until we meet again brother!


Did 14 straght days of guiding……moral of the story was covering water, observing and not giving up.  Some days were easy…..some days the “big boy” pants were on and I had to work!  It’s been a spectacular late summer run of breaking stripers and blues, Spanish here and there and now a big RED surprise.  You never know!

One of several Macs lately

Macs on the light tackle!


The main stem breaking fish bite with macs mixed in will continue until we see some cold fronts cooling the water.  With heat forcasted this week the mainstem of the bay is where it’s at.  I will be exploring the islands soon but not until we see a bit of a cool down.  The islands are coming for sure….just a matter of when!  Can’t wait!  Here’s a quick blast from last years island fishing……the best September/October I’ve ever had over there!

Big fish in the stumps and grass beds……come on cooling water!



Tuesday, 8 September      -BOOKDED SOLID

Wednsday, 9 September  -BOOKDED SOLID

We will be launching from Beacon Marina at Solomons, 260 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD.  The comfort inn is right there next to my boat and Anglers Restauarant.  We will launch at 6am and return around 2pm.  I will fillet all fish at the end of the day.  We’ll be on the main stem looking for activity.  It’s been very good so chances are great to hit things really well.  All light tackle all the time.  Weather forecast is great for tuesday and wednsday right now!  Fingers crossed it stays that way!

Cost: $120 each

I provide all licensing, tackle, baits, ice….bring what you want to eat and drink, bring your own rod/tackle if you want

Launch at 6am, return at 2pm or so

Fishing outlook is very good…..come on out and give it a shot!

If you are interested in going call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

Even I get lucky on occasion!


Tuesday, 8 September      BOOKED SOLID

Wednsday, 9 September  -BOOKED SOLID







Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

Quick Honeymoon report and Fishing Report and 2 Spots for saturday 29 August and 5 spots for Tuesday September 1!

Charotte and I hung out here from 14-20 August on our Honeymoon! Life is good!

first dance…..whoop whoop!


The pool bar was COOL………

did some serious boogie boarding……..

lounging and drinks……….and the new wife!


digs for the week!

our patio was sweet!



Now for the quick fishing report for the last few days!

Thrashing whitewater has been the norm this week!



I’ve been running out of Beacon Marina in Solomons and loving life!  Running all over the bay is happening and paying off big time.  I’ve been finding breaking fish from near solomons to Sharps Island.  My ticket to success has been the binoculars.  I run a couple of miles then observe with the binocs.  Schools of Stripers, Blues and Spanish Macs have ranged from the shipping channel to near shore as shallow as 3′!  Everyday is a bit different.  Fish are moving around chasing big schools of bay anchovies.  Once the fish locate the bay anchovies it’s game on!  Lures of choice are small plastics, paddle tails, hardhead custom baits vertical jigs and surface plugs.  It all works in the breakers!  Light tackle and the fly is king……..wonderful stuff for sure!

Peter Baskin with a fly caught Spanish Mac! Great stuff!!!!!


Main stem of the bay is on right now…..won’t be long and I’ll be running the islands of the eastern shore.  September it will start and run through October.  Last year produce many Stripers over 28″ and even a 30″ Speck!  Hoping some Specks show up in September.


WALK-ON for this Saturday 29 August and Tuesday, 1 September

Need 2 anglers to fill in saturday, August 29 and 5 spots available for Tuesday 1 September.  Trips will depart from Beacon Marina in Solomons at 260 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD.  If you want to stay at Comfort Inn at Beacon Marina tell them you are fishing with Capt. Pete on Four Seasons to get a really great rate!  My boat is just outside the door of the hotel and Anglers Restaurant.

Saturday August 29- 2 spots available

Tuesday September 1, 5 spots available

Cost: 120 Each

Launch from Beacon Marina at 6am and return around 2pm both saturday and Tuesday

I provide all rods and reels, licensing, baits and fillet fish at the end of the day

If you are interested in going on the trip, text or call me to reserve your spot at 703-395-9955

Walk on trips are a great way to meet folks, learn a little….teach me some and have a great time!  Come on out!

serious bent stick!










Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

Pre-Wedding Fishing Report……..Sep-Oct preview! Walk-On Trip Tuesday 11 August……

 September/October Beauty is coming!  Fishing will be great!



Well folks…..getting married this Saturday!!!!!!  Yikes!!!!!! LOL…… Will be out of commision for a few days…..will be back in the saddle full time starting Aug. 21.  Between the wedding and departure for the honeymoon I’ll be on the water a bit from 11-13 August.

Here she is…….My bride to be inspires me……she makes me so better,  way to good for me……I feel like the luckiest guy on earth!


August Action is HOT!

Currently fishing is great on chesapeake Bay!  The bay bridge north is where larger fish have taken up residence.  Folks going after over 28″ are still catching a few up there.  Typically its a trolling/chumming/live lining game but good light tackle jiggers can “make it happen”!   I just moved my boat from Deale back to Solomons.  Breaking fish in great numbers are the game from Bloody Point down to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant.  Finding breaking fish is the key…..I cover many miles using binoculars often to do this. Sometimes its easy and sometimes it’s not.  When it happens life is good!  Shallow water structure early in the morning can be very productive right now.  Once the surface bite is over in the morning birds will be out locating bait the breaking fish are pushing up.  It’s a time of year when huge numbers can be located and bent sticks abound!  It’s all good right now!

Breaking mayhem!




Big Blues and lots of stripers can happen all through august!












                                                                        September is coming! September is coming!

ya ya…..it’s me….but it was a really nice striper caught on a surface plug in September in shallow water……really good stuff!

For the last several years I have plyed the waters of the Eastern Shore Islands of Hoopers/Bloodsworth/Adams/Spring/Holland/South Marsh and Smith Islands.  These Islands have so many beautiful places to catch fish I couldn’t begin to count them all……just incredible beauty and darn good fishing!  Last year starting in late August and running through October fishing was on fire and the best I’ve ever had in the islands on numbers and quality of Stripers.  Had dozens of Stripers over 28″ and had a 30″ Speckled Sea Trout!  Although Specks are not abundant because of two terrble cold winters and a winter kill the chance to catch a monster is absolutly there in September and October.  As August rolls towards September the waters of Chesapeake Bay will start to cool and this starts the movement of many stripers to the near shore island waters where current rips, stump fields, grass beds, rock piles and wrecks abound.  An endless adventure of fishing areas to explore!

beautiful waters……beautiful fish……no other boats……incredible!


Mike Mike Mike Mike……….beautiful September Morning whopper!


30″er caught in 3′ deep grass bed…….what a battle!


2014 Fish of the Year caught in September……a 30″ Speckled Sea Trout!




Right now I’ve got plenty of availability in September and October for a booked charter trip.  As time gets closer and if days are open I will open up dates as they come up for walk-on trips to the islands.  If you don’t want to miss out on this great fishery give me a call to book a date and get your crew together.  This fishery is truly great and very memorable! Typically manyStripers are caught and some big ones to boot!  A speck is possble along with Reds, Blues and Flounder!  You never know in the islands what might be on the hook……part of the beauty of it all!

My Power Poles make shallow water fishing so much better!


My Judge 27 Chesapeake is a shallow water fish catching machine!


My Judge 27 is the perfect boat to run the bay and ply the skinny waters of the islands.  With the power poles and very shallow draft I’m able to get into waters and catch fish shallow incredibly well!  Even if it’s windy the Judge crosses the bay in comfort.  Once across the bay and into the islands I fish protected flat water….makes windy days very fishable.


WALK-ON TRIP- TUESDAY, 11 August-  2 spots left as of 340pm, 6 aug…….

Since I’m not leaving for the Honeymoon till 14 August I’m going to fish 11-13 August.  Right now 11 August is open……that means WALK-ON!  Currently my boat is at Solomons, Beacon Marina!  Just moved the boat back.  Looking at doing early morning surface plugging then running the bay looking for breaking fish.  Bluefish, Stripers and maybe Spanish Mackeral will be in the mix.  All fishing will be light tackle jigging and plugging.  We will launch at 530am and return around 2pm!

Cost: $120 each

I provide all baits and tackle….you can bring your own stuff if you want

I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip

Bring your own food and drink

I provide licensing….all you need to do is bring yourself!  

If you are interested in going on this trip give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!  


Come on out and give it a shot!!!!!






















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Quick Report and Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Friday, 31 July 2015!

Really HOT breaker action!

The breakers have really came together on many days lately!  Large groups of Stripers and some really big blues in the mix right now!  I’ve been finding breakers in water from 15′ to the middle of the shipping channel.  They certainly move day to day so some hunting is required on many days.  I typically run around the 30-40′ countour lines on the west or eastern shore and stop every mile and a half or so and scan with binoculars.  Any hint of fish is investigated!  A few birds sitting can certainly locate a large school of fish just below the surface.  Also, they could be sitting on a dead fish….ya never know!  Small baits are certainly the key because most of the time the breakers are eating small baits.  A fly guy will catch all day in breakers for sure!  I’ve been getting some nice fish on Storm Chug Bugs but mostly you just have to get a bait in front of the fish and get a little lucky on a keeper.  Overall the fish are good fish!  Up north above the bridge is a charter/trolling/chumming and livelining debacle!  I’ve been staying south of the bay bridge for the last couple of weeks and loving it.  I hate crowds……….



Had a short notice cancel on a trip for this friday!  Perfect time for a walk-on trip!  Catching action has been fast and furious and the weather forecast looks great!  Let’s “Make It Happen”!  We will launch from Paradise Marina in Deale, MD at 530am and return around 2pm.


Heres’ the deal:  5 spots available 

Cost: $120 each

Launch from Paradise Marina in Deale, MD at 530am and return around 2pm

I provide licensing, all baits and tackle and fillet fish at the end of the day

If you are looking to learn or just go catch fish this is the trip for you!

If you are interested in going on this trip give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!
























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Out of Deale for the last Month……great fishing lately….. 2 spots still available Monday 20 July

Many great fish to Jig or live line!


Many great trips over the last month.  I’m still patiently waiting for fish to adjust back to the south.  Would love to be back down to Solomons or Buzz’s Marina.  Right now fish are centered north of the Bay Bridge but fish are south of the bridge also.  Thomas Point, Hackett’s Point and Tolly Point have been holding some fish.  Stripers have been suspended over 20-40′ of water in several areas north of the bay bridge.  Bridge pilings have been on fire at times with great fish and cold at other times.  Working pilings has certainly produced some great fish over the last month.

Working around to locate pods of nice fish is key!


Silver sides have started to really show up south of the bay bridge…..Stripers up to 32″ have been right behind them on many occasions.  Haven’t had breaking fish much at all this year but I think it’s starting to take off now.  Have had breaking fish the last couple of days between Thomas Point and the Bay Bridge.  A 1/2 ounce jig head loaded with a 6″ BKD or Bust’m bait has been catching well.  Using to much weight just doesn’t seem to produce.  Using a light head and letting it drop below the fish and working it back through seems to be the ticket.

Just beautiful summer light tackle fish!



Short notice walk-on for this Friday, 17 July and Monday, 20 July. Trips will depart at 530 from Paradise Marina in Deale, MD. and return around 2pm or so.   We’ll throw jigs and surface plugs early then go looking for large fish at the bay bridge and beyond.  I will have some live spot on board also if the occasion arises to drop some down.

Here’s the deal: FRIDAY is BOOKED solid, Monday still has 3 open spots- updated 9 pm- 15 july

Cost: 120 dollars each

I provide all baits/tackle/licensing/and fish cleaning. Bring your own stuff if you’d like.

Bring what you want to eat and drink.

We will launch from Paradise Cove Marina at 530am and return around 2pm

I will fillet what we keep

If you want to go or have questions give me a call at 703-395-9955

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Report for 17 June 2015, One Walk-On Spot for Monday, 22 June 2015

Me and a couple of Pittsburg Steelers on the bay!


I moved my boat up to Deale, Md…..seems as though this year is the same as the last few.  All the Stripers have moved up to the portion of the bay from Poplar island north to Rock Hall or so.  Of course Stripers are in other places but the numbers of fish are definetely north from where I like to fish.  Looks as though Speckled Sea Trout are not making a strong showing in MD waters and aren’t in Maryland in any consistent numbers.  So……stripers and blues are what we will be catching on light tackle for a bit.  The waters out of Point Lookout can certainly produce some exotic stuff like small Cobia some Reds and who knows what else.  Stripers aren’t in those waters with any consistancy.  I’ve been fishing structure from Sharps Island north to well above the bay bridge.  I’ve caught fish recently at the bay bridge pilings and deep water from Deale, Bloody Point and areas north of the bay bridge.  Today the hot ticket was jigging aggresively in swarms of menhaden.  Throwing on the edges of a big school of menhaden, letting the bait get down 30′ or so and then working it back to the boat aggressively.  No big numbers but some darn good fish.  Usually I can see fish in and around the schools of menhaden on the fish finder.  Some schools of menhaden held stripers today and some didn’t.  Had to keep moving and working pods of bait.  On other days I’ve seen fish suspended in water 35′ to 90′ deep.  The fish are usually 20′-40′ down.  Jigging on these fish can be tough for sure.  Trolling many rods by the charters and large rec. boats is certainly producing good numbers of fish in this condition.

My buddy Mike with a good one!

Early mornings on some shallow structure can certainly produce some good stuff.  Recently I’ve had Stripers up to 30″ and many Bluefish on some structure southeast of Deale, MD.  Shouldn’t be long and we should see more breaking fish.  Breakers are always a welcomed site while light tackle sling’in!

Bob jigged up a good one!



WALK-ON SPOT FOR One on Monday, 22 June 2015

Have a crew who lost one of their folks and requested I attempt to get another person to pitch in as a Walk-On with them on Monday.

Monday’s extended forecast looks good and fish are being caught!  We will start out in the morning hunting down a surface bite on some shallow structure.  After that the hunt will be on for some great fish in the open waters of the bay!  Come on out and give it a shot!

Here’s the deal:

Cost: $120

Lounch from Paradise Cove Marina in Deale, MD we will fish from 530am till 130 pm or so.

I provide all rods, baits and tackle.  Licensing provided by the boat and I will fillet any fish we keep at the end of the trip.

If you are interested in going give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!







Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 1 Comment

Quick Report/Walk-On Trip this Friday 12 June 2015, 2 spots available right now for tomorrow, Friday!

Open Water Jigging, some great fish!


I’m catching nice fish on structure down low and some nice fish on surface plugs.  Some blues have been hot to hit lately also!   What I know is the Specks just haven’t made it up here and I don’t think many survived the last two winters.  Sad but a natural occurance and they will be back.  Stripers are still inhabiting the shallow water of the eastern shore islands.  The majority of fish I believe are in the open bay and north of solomons.  The power plant is still producing fish early in the morning.  Mayworms should be on their last dance and about done.  Stripers have been feeding at night on them….during the day they can be found in deep water and not very aggressive.  I think that is about to change.  When fish are located Bust’m baits loaded on an ounce or so work great.  I’ve been working them aggressively through schools drawing what I believe to be reaction strikes……the fish have been really nice!

Great fish to be had on light tackle!


WALK-ON TRIP  Friday 12 June 2015- 3 spots available

Stripers are moving into the summer pattern and ready to eat!

Running a walk-on trip this coming Friday  June 5.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD at 5AM.   We will use light tackle all day.  Surface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 5AM and we’ll return around 2pm or so.

Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 5AM, return at 2PM or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

Quick Report/Short Notice Walk-On Trip this Friday, 12 June 15


                              Open Water Jigging, some great fish!


I haven’t fished for two days so don’t have any really fresh information.  My last trip out I found some great fish in shallow water and deeper water structure.  Some Bluefish were caught also!  What I know is the Specks just haven’t made it up here and I don’t think many survived the last two winters.  Sad but a natural occurance and they will be back.  Stripers are still inhabiting the shallow water of the eastern shore islands.  The majority of fish I believe are in the open bay and north of solomons.  The power plant is still producing fish early in the morning.  Mayworms should be on their last dance and about done.  Stripers have been feeding at night on them….during the day they can be found in deep water and not very aggressive.  I think that is about to change.  When fish are located Bust’m baits loaded on an ounce or so work great.  I’ve been working them aggressively through schools drawing what I believe to be reaction strikes……the fish have been really nice!

Great fish to be had on light tackle!


WALK-ON TRIP  Friday, 12 June 2015- 5 spots available

Stripers are moving into the summer pattern and ready to eat!

Running a walk-on trip this coming Friday  June 12.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD at 5AM.   We will use light tackle all day.  Surface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 5AM and we’ll return around 2pm or so.

Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 5AM, return at 2PM or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.


Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Quick Report/Short Notice Walk-On Trip this Friday, 12 June 15

Quick Report/Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Friday-12 Jun 2015

Open Water Jigging, some great fish!


I haven’t fished for two days so don’t have any really fresh information.  What I know is the Specks just haven’t made it up here and I don’t think many survived the last two winters.  Sad but a natural occurance and they will be back.  Stripers are still inhabiting the shallow water of the eastern shore islands.  The majority of fish I believe are in the open bay and north of solomons.  The power plant is still producing fish early in the morning.  Mayworms should be on their last dance and about done.  Stripers have been feeding at night on them….during the day they can be found in deep water and not very aggressive.  I think that is about to change.  When fish are located Bust’m baits loaded on an ounce or so work great.  I’ve been working them aggressively through schools drawing what I believe to be reaction strikes……the fish have been really nice!

Great fish to be had on light tackle!


WALK-ON TRIP  Friday, 12 June 15, 5 spots available

Stripers are moving into the summer pattern and ready to eat!

Running a walk-on trip this coming Friday  June 12.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD at 5AM.   We will use light tackle all day.  Surface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 5AM and we’ll return around 2pm or so.

Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 5AM, return at 2PM or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Quick Report/Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Friday-12 Jun 2015

Shallow Water Surface Bite On, Deep water breakers and Island Stripers! It’s all happening…..Walk-On Trip Open For This Thursday, 21 May is booked solid

30″er on the Surface! Good stuff!

Nice fish are whacking surface plugs early.  With a little cloud cover the bite will hang on all morning!  I’ve been launching at 5am lately and it’s paid off!  The last several days I’ve had a limit of fish by 7 am or so with many releases to boot!  Today was the first day I’ve seen fish under birds with huge schools.  Jigging deep in the schools is producing a larger grade of fish for sure!  On the surface I’m using Stillwater Smack’it surface plugs,  Yozuri crystal minnows and wind cheaters for crank baits.  My soft bait of choice is an 8″ bust’em bait in white, chartruese or albino.  In the eastern shore islands I’ve been hitting a decent number of fish with many stripers over 20″ on most days.  We’ve caught some Stripers up to 28″  in the islands.  I’ve had 7 Speckled sea trout so far.  Nothing to write home about but at least it’s a start!  Moral of the story so far is plenty of Stripers are on the prowl and ready to eat in many different areas of Chesapeake Bay out of Solomons.  Good stuff for sure!

Here’s Anna with a real nice striper caught on her FIRST cast! Doesn’t get any better than that!!!

Hoping for more of these this week!

First Bluefish in the islands was yesterday!


WALK-ON TRIP Thursday, 21 May 2015- booked solid!  More walk-ons soon!

Light tackle fishing is great right now!  Getting some large fish on surface plugs early then hunting down Stripers and Specks in the waters of the eastern shore islands.  Island trips cover many miles, the sights priceless.  Fishing is good too!  This thursday’s forecast is for light easterly breeze….perfect!  Could be great!

Running a walk-on trip this coming thursday, 21  May 2015.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD at 5AM.   We will use light tackle all day.  Suface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 5AM and we’ll return around 2pm or so.

Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 5AM, return at 2PM or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

Big one caught on the last walk-on trip…….surface plug bomber!!!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Shallow Water Surface Bite On, Deep water breakers and Island Stripers! It’s all happening…..Walk-On Trip Open For This Thursday, 21 May is booked solid

Walk-On’s Booked Solid For This Saturday 16 May! First day of two Stripers over 20″ for the dinner table!

Have caught a few Specks and plenty of Stripers! Eastern shore islands and some main stem of the Bay is looking good!


Light tackle fishing is great right now!  Getting some large fish on surface plugs early then hunting down Stripers and Specks in the waters of the eastern shore islands.  Island trips cover many miles, the sights priceless.  Fishing is good too!  This saturdays forecast is for southerly breeze…..very fishable!

WALK-ON TRIP Saturday,  16 May 2015- booked solid

Running a walk-on trip this comingSaturday, 20  May 2015.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD.  We will use light tackle all day.  Suface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 530am and we’ll return around 230 or so.

Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 530am, return at 230 or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

                                         Big one caught on yesterday’s walk-on trip…….surface plug bomber!!!

Categories: Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Walk-On’s Booked Solid For This Saturday 16 May! First day of two Stripers over 20″ for the dinner table!

All the Specks DID NOT Die last winter……….yay!!!!

Tommy with a great Speck Today! May 12


Last year we didn’t get the first speck until June 3.  Today, May 12 we caught 5!  All over 16″ and 4 of 5 18″-20″.  Nothing huge but a start for sure!  All specks were caught on 4″ Chartruese and white Bust’m Baits Paddle tails.  Along with Specks, Stripers are active in shallow water areas with rips, stumps and grass beds.



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Hot Shallow Water/Surface Plug bite! What a great few days of catching! Walk-On Booked Solid for this tuesday!

Sunrise Surface Plugger! 35″er to start the day!


Last few days of fishing has been a big hit!  Catching fish in most shallow water areas I’m fishing.  Today we immediately hit many great fish on surface plugs.  Yesterday we caught many fish but none over 30″…..today was a different story.  A few over 30″ on light tackle is a real good thing!  Looks as though many fish have rolled out of the spawning rivers.  Over the last 4 days I’ve seen more and larger fish in the mix over in the eastern shore and on the western shore in skinny water.  It’s all good!  Best baits have been surface plugs (Storm Chug Bugs and Stillwater Smack’it’s)  Color doesn’t seem to matter….I guess what ever you like will work if the fish are present.  When I’m not catching I move quickly to my next spot…..always on the hunt.  Today was one of those days where I looked pretty smart!  I like that!

May Worm eating 32″er……..real nice on light tackle in skinny water!


Great stripers caught shallow on light tackle……just awesome!

Spawned out big one…..eating hard today!

Running across a flat sea…..sweet!


WALK-ON TRIP TUESDAY, 12 May 2015-BOOKED SOLID…..more walk-on’s to come!

Running a walk-on trip this coming tuesday, 12 May 2015.  Right now the wind forecast is light!  Light wind equals good fishing!  We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons, MD 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD.  We will use light tackle all day.  Suface plugging to start and then take the day as it comes depending on the bite.  Launch will be 530am and we’ll return around 230 or so.

Cost: $120 each

I provide all baits and tackle….bring your own stuff if you’d like

Boat is licensed, you don’t need a license

I will fillet any keeper fish we catch

Launch at 530am, return at 230 or so

If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.

Categories: Fishing Report, Speaking Engagements, Sticky | Comments Off on Hot Shallow Water/Surface Plug bite! What a great few days of catching! Walk-On Booked Solid for this tuesday!

Really Short Notice Walk-On Trip, Tomorrow, 4 may 2015! Walk-On’s Open for this thursday and Friday!

Surface plugging is started up!


SHORT NOTICE WALK-ON TOMORROW-  Booked solid for tomorrow 4 may 2015

Thursday, 7 May 2015- booked solid

Friday,    8 may 2015  – 3  spots available


Hello All,

Short notice walk-on for tomorrow, 4 May 2015.  Had a sheduling issue and now an open date!  With the beautiful weather/light winds for tommorow I can’t not try to get out there!  Great opportunity to jump on the boat and cover a bunch of great water light tackle jigging and plugging.  The water temps are warming and the spawn is waining…..this all equals a great bite could very well be on for tomorrow!  We will launch at 530am….immediately run out to attempt some bigger fish on plugs then we’ll run over to the islands and work’m over real good.  Water temps will be in the 60’s…..fish will be hungry!  Hoping for the first speck of the year!  Hoping some made it through the winter…..we’ll see!  Had many fish on the fly yesterday!

The Fly was hot yesterday! Jigs were real easy!


If you are interested in tomorrow, 4 may 2015  Also I’ve got 7 and 8 May available right now.  If you would like to book the boat for one of those days or jump on a walk-on give me a call at 703-395-9955.

Walk-On Trip is $120 each for these trips.  If you want to book the boat it’s $600 for up to 5 anglers.

We will launch from Beacon Marina in Solomons at 255 Lore Rd, slip A-1 at 530am.

I provide all Rods/reels and baits.  Bring your own food and drink.  Licensing provided by the boat!

I will fillet any fish kept at the end of the trip

Call with any questions of to book a spot at 703-395-9955!


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Really Short Notice Walk-On Trip, Tomorrow, 4 may 2015! Walk-On’s Open for this thursday and Friday!

Haven’t Been Fishing This Week…….Darn Wind! A look ahead……Walk-On Trips Open!

Some great post spawn fish in the shallows to come!

Well folks……the wind has kept me off the water.  The “Trophy” season is in full swing.  Charter boats are trolling up “hopefully” post spawn fish.  I’m not seeing huge numbers coming back to the docks.  The main line charter boats are getting their limits.  The weekender folks aren’t fairing as well.  Last year everybody and their uncle were trolling up big fish.  I think the majority of fish are up rivers right now doing their thing.  Shouldn’t be long and many fish will find their way out of the rivers and get into some skinny water stuff over in the eastern shore islands.  Last year starting this coming week I did real well at the power plant early then running south to the islands.  On a few trips over in the islands I’ve caught fish well on nice days….not so well in NW wind.  As the spawn winds down good numbers of nice fish should happen.  All a blast on the light sticks!  Hopeful to pop a Speck or two while fishing the shallow structure in the islands.  All my trips coming up will probably start at  0-dark 30 at the power plant.  After a hopeful good start at the plant I’ll run south and east to the islands to cover some incredible water and catch good numbers of nice fish.  Here is what I’m talking about……

Island Nook and Crannies


Pretty shallow water island fish

LIght tackle stump’in!

Big Fish in shallow 2014, 2015? Hoping!!!!

pretty stuff, exciting fishing!

post spawn light tackle 2015 




 WALK-ON TRIPS Available Now!!!

The half-day walk-on’s are done for this year.  Now I’ll be doing full day walk-on’s out of Solomons, Beacon Marina.  I’ll be at Beacon Marina until the fish figure where they are going to hang out at for the summer bite.  The upcoming walk-on’s will consist of heading to the power plant at daylight to target some big fish early.  The eastern shore will be the target after the plant.  The trips will be 90 mile trips or so….we will cover lots of water.  If weather cooperates I know the fish will…….last late April/May was good stuff!  I’ve got all new custom Rods from Shore Tackle for you to use and a Rack of Costa Sunglasses for folks to wear.   Come on out and give it a shot!

TRIPS AVAILABLE NOW-will update available spots often!

SUNDAY, 26 Apr 2015-booked solid

Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015-2 spots available

Thursday, 30 Apr 2015-3 spots available


I’m fishing out of Beacon Marina in Solomons right behind the Comfort inn at 255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD.  If you want a room at the Comfort Inn let them know you are fishing with me and you’ll get a room at a great discount.  Hotel is clean and Anglers Restaurant is right there also……it’s newly renovated, great service and the food is great!

Here’s the deal:

Cost: $130 each….I provide all baits/tackle/licensing and bottled water.  Feel free to bring your own sticks if you want!

I have a Rack of COSTA sunglasses for you to wear, come on out and give’m a shot!

Costa’s for you to use!














Launch at 530am from Beacon Marina  A DOCK  and return around 3pm or so.  I will fillet any fish we keep.

We will cover lot’s of territory and when the day is done we will cover around 90 miles……..lot’s of great water!

Last late april/may was good stuff!  Think we’ll have another good run this year!

Great way to learn some new tricks and meet some great folks…… walk-on trips have been great fun!

My Judge 27 Chesapeake is a great boat to run the bay and the remote beauty of the islands.

My Judge is ready to rumble! Power Poles are awesome in the islands!
















If you are interested in going give me a call or text at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot or spots!














Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 1 Comment

Mid-April is here, BIG fish still available on light tackle!

Nasty Day, great fish!


Mid March to early April was certainly the bulls eye for huge fish at Calvert Cliffs.  Now until the end of April huge fish are still possible but not quite as consistant as the prior weeks at Calvert Cliffs.  Water temps over in the eastern shore islands is certainly heating up great on sunny days.  The Bishops Head Buoy is reading over 60 degree water temps on sunny days.  A couple days of chilly and no sun drops the temp down to the mid- 50’s.  I’ve ventured over to the islands a couple times this week and have caught fish both times.  Nothing earth shattering but fish none the less!  Catching over there is a wonderful thing.

First eastern shore striper of the year!


As fish start to spawn and move into the post spawn mode more fish and larger fish will start to set up camp in the shallow water of the eastern shore islands.  Historically Speckled Sea Trout move into the islands as well.  I’m not very optimistic about Speckled Sea Trout this year because of the huge winter kills of trout down in Virginia waters.  The kills were caused by extreme cold and Speckled Sea Trout inhabiting shallow water.  The extreme cold shocks the fish and they die.  Sad but a natural occurance.  What we need is about 4 normal winters in a row.  Would sure love for those big specks to be hanging out in our part of the world.  Time will tell!  No doubt some trout will be around but numbers will more than likely be on the low side.  Stripers on the other hand should be very abundant and willing to hit a number of offerings.

Eastern Shore water starting to hold fish!

A couple of days ago I had the pleasure to fish with Amanda and Mike for the first time.  They drove in from DC and arrived before daylight to head out to hit the early bite.  Having fishing experience is good but the power plant current just before daylight can be a challange if you haven’t done it before.  Mike and Amanda were up for the challange. On the way out I tried to explain the technique as clearly as I could to the Rips first timers.  No sooner than we were out there with lines in Amanda hooked up with a great fish! Her Striper was a real good one!  I’ve been known to make a fish look a bit bigger than it may be for obvious reasons.  Amanda surely makes them look big!  Hers was a good 33″er and a real nice fight…..she did great!

Amanda fighing a good one at daylight…….good stuff!

She did a spectacular job on the fight.  Quickly brought the nice fish to the boat where I lipped it, handed it to Amanda for a nice shot!

A great light tackle caught Striper for Amanda…..way to go!


A couple drifts later light was taking over the sky and Mike started hooking up on a regular basis.  He caught several nice fish but couldn’t quite beat the good one Amanda brought to the boat.

 Good one mike!

It didn’t take long and Amanda hooked another big one.  Lot’s of drag screaming, a really bent stick and an excited lady made for a great scene!  Amanda again topped the 30″ mark.  Not bad for a first timer at the rips!

34″er for Amanda….you go girl!


A great day indeed!  Decent weather, not to many boats and a reliable bite for a few hours equaled a great morning of catching Stripers on light tackle.  Every fish caught on this day lived to swim another day, nothing better!  Mike and Amanda did a great job slinging jigs loaded with Bust’m Baits.  Hope to see you folks again some day!

Fishing couple extraordinare!


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Strong Start……it just keeps go’in! Best Rips Fishing Ever on My Boat! Some new walk-on’s!

It’s a 50″ it’s a 50″! This fish touched 50 inches and it wasn’t weighed before releasing. This fish swam fast away as it was gently released after this pic! Good Stuff! Out of 2783 fishing trips I’ve only had a handful of 50″ fish on my boat…..this is the first one in 4 years! Whoop whoop!

2015 at Calvert Cliffs will turn out to be the best big fish stint of fishing I’ve experienced and I don’t know why.  Years of old certainly produced plenty of big fish but this year I’ve seen more over 40″ Stripers than I’ve ever had in my 16 years of guiding.  I’ve had great anglers and some good timing along with fishing in some “blustery” weather. These things have resulted in my boat landing 97 Stripers over 40″, 9 over 45″ and one at 50″.  I’ve been getting these fish on 1  1/2 and 2 ounce jigheads loaded with 7″ and 10″ bust’m baits and 10″ BKD’s.  Baits worked near the bottom with some good twitch have been the most effective.  The key is holding near the bottom while putting on a great twitch and maintaining a snug line.   Not one of these large fish were deep hooked, none were dropped and all released at boat side to swim away strong!  Nothing better to me than to see a huge Striper freely swim away!  The memory is kept forever by each person who has been lucky enough to catch one of these light tackle trophies!  Every big fish is a great adventure and I love every one of them!  Here a are a few of the big fish caught and successfully released…….would like to tell a story about each one but just don’t have the time right now……here it goes!





47″er caught on a 10″ Chartruese Bust’m Bait


John Fox with a 45″er



a fatty for jon!


46″er for the LT.






First cast 47″er for this guy! Wow!!!!


good one scott!


just awesome! Way to go Jim!


Whew……lot’s of great fish and that’s just a small sampling!  Great stuff for sure and none of the big fish died being caught and released!  That makes it even better……

                            WALK-ON TRIPS 

Big fish are still around and available on light tackle at the power plant.  I did roll to the eastern shore today to see whats going on over there…..we did catch a couple fish!  It won’t be long and that fishing should fire up real good! A few days of a little warm and sun will do it!   Right now however the power plant is still happening so I thought I’d open up a couple walk-on dates!

Tuesday, 14 April, 230pm till 7pm – booked

Thursday 16 April, 6am till 11am -booked solid

Tuesday 21 April, 6am till 11am – booked solid

-Cost is 90 each for the walk-on

-I provide all rods, baits and tackle. License is also provided

-all catch and release right now

-will have heat on the boat if it’s chiilly

-we will launch from Flag Harbor Yacht Haven at 6am for the morning trips and 230pm for the afternoon trip

-if you want to go on one of the trips give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

nothing better!

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HUGE beginning to the annual “Catch and Release” Trophy Striper fishing!!!!

Big time bent sticks!


Folks, the game is on right now at Calvert Cliffs!  So far 4 out of 5 trips has hit it big.  Had one tough trip but still produced a big one.  The power plant is a place that can be incredible one minute and vacant the second.  The best chance to catch a true giant is here for sure.  Between now and mid-april or beyond can produce incredible stripers on light tackle.  Even though it’s catch and release only……..a picture will last a lifetime!  I’m using 7″ and 10″ Bust’m baits in chartruese and Albino.  BKD’s in the same colors work great too!  Tipping your plastic with a garlic dip can’t hurt either.  All in all great stuff for sure!  Every one of these fish are hooked with a single hook in the mouth and just inside the mouth.  Fish are handled properly.  Successful release of these incredible fish  allow them to strongly take off to continue there journey up the bay.  Cold water catch and release is great!  Incredible adventure and conserving the resource while making a great memory……..nothing like it!!!!!!   Here’s a few shots from the last three trips!  Just Awesome!

A huge 44″er caught with a 10″ chartruese Bust’m Bait!


First time LIght Tackle Jigger crushes fish today!




great bend on that stick!


LIght Tackle Beauty! Single hooks…..all fish released to swim another day!


Jon with a huge light tackle jigged Striper!


43″ monster!


Even a Pittsburg Steeler lineman can catch a big one!!!!! Good stuff!


sunrise beauty…….love it!


                                                               Father and Son double header whoppers!





Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | 1 Comment

Walleye Pete’s 2014 Year in Review!

One of the few great 2014 Specks!


Go to this link to see my 2014 year in review!   http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWcjSUDK0_qzdD?w=3

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky | Comments Off on Walleye Pete’s 2014 Year in Review!

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter, Story, pics and a Walk-On date Open!

Carlo, Sam, Tom and the crew on my biggest numbers day of 2014!


Have had incredible days catching out of Reedville, VA this week…..check out my Newsletter at  http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWciYo7UfeCPev?w=3

Walk-On Trip Open Now! updated 19 Dec 2014 at 737am

Sunday, 21 December 2014- 1 spot available

Cost: 140 each-120 if you are staying at Bay Motel

Launch at 7am on each day, return around 3-330 or so, launch could change due to weather

-I provide all baits/tackle and licensing

Heated cabin for a comfy ride and place to warm up

– I fillet fish at the end of the day, no cost!

– Launching from Buzzards Point Marina, 408 Buzzards Point Rd, Reedville, VA

– We can keep 2 fish each, one over 28″ and one under each

– If you are interested in going or have questions contact me at 703-395-9955, calling is            

   best….text will also work.

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Reedville is a big hit so far! Fish are just to the south and hungry! Walk-On’s or Book the boat this thursday and Friday!

Emily and a nice jigged up 28″er!


Catching out of Reedville has been down right spectacular over the last few days.  Huge numbers and some real nice fish in the mix are happening now.  As long as mother nature allows it……fishing should maintain at a very high level.  The last three trips have been fish-on all day jigging Lil’ Bunker Spoons and BKD’s……..it’s all good!

Carlo…..the “man” ……sporting a funny hat and nice jigged up Striper!


The ” Motley Crew” with a great catch!


Big one of the day!


Awesome Light Tackle Jigging today!


Fishing is hot right now…..still have openings for walk-on’s or a booked trip for this thursday and Friday!  Come on out and give it a shot!

If you are interested in a trip give me a call at 703-395-9955 or text……..look below for details!


Walk-On Trips Available Now!

Departing the CBBT means canceling trips scheduled there…….I now have availabliity for walk-on trips this coming week out of Reedville, VA.  As of now the weather forecast is very favorable to fish all next week out of Reedville, VA. With that said I’m opening up Tuesday-Friday as Walk-on’s.

If you want to stay over night in Reedville a nice little Motel called the Bay Motel is available. http://www.BayMotelVirginia.com   Bay Motel is newly renevated and nice.  Cost per night is 80 bucks.  Phone number is 804-453-4360.  If you book a walk-on spot and want to stay at the Bay Motel, I’ll deduct $20 bucks from the walk-on rate of 140, making it 120.  Fishing should be great!  Come on down and get some bent sticks!

DAYS AVAILABLE:I will update available spaces daily at https://walleyepete.com

updated 14 Dec 2014 at 8pm

Tuesday,     16 Dec-booked solid

Wednsday,  booked solid

Thursday,   18 Dec-4 spots available

Friday,       19 Dec-4 spots available


Cost: 140 each-120 if you are staying at Bay Motel

Launch at 7am on each day, return around 3-330 or so, launch could change due to weather

I provide all baits/tackle and licensing

Heated cabin for a comfy ride and place to warm up

I fillet fish at the end of the day, no cost!

Launching from Buzzards Point Marina, 408 Buzzards Point Rd, Reedville, VA

We can keep 2 fish each, one over 28″ and one under each

If you are interested in going or have questions contact me at 703-395-9955, calling is best….text will also work.




Categories: Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Reedville is a big hit so far! Fish are just to the south and hungry! Walk-On’s or Book the boat this thursday and Friday!

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 13 Dec 2014, Walk-On Trips!

Tom with a nice LTJ’d Striper!


Well…….the CBBT (Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel) is done for me.  Just not enough fish to do trips on.  I’ve moved to Reedville, VA to catch Stripers in the mainstem of the bay.  Lot’s of fish from Smith Point VA down to the Rappahannock River……bird activity is good…..plenty of fish to be found!  Some good ones in the mix.  For  more details go to  http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWcjB0oimcFlEZ?w=3


Walk-On Trips Available Now!

Departing the CBBT means canceling trips scheduled there…….I now have availabliity for walk-on trips this coming week out of Reedville, VA.  As of now the weather forecast is very favorable to fish all next week out of Reedville, VA. With that said I’m opening up Tuesday-Friday as Walk-on’s.

If you want to stay over night in Reedville a nice little Motel called the Bay Motel is available. http://www.BayMotelVirginia.com   Bay Motel is newly renevated and nice.  Cost per night is 80 bucks.  Phone number is 804-453-4360.  If you book a walk-on spot and want to stay at the Bay Motel, I’ll deduct $20 bucks from the walk-on rate of 140, making it 120.  Fishing should be great!  Come on down and get some bent sticks!

DAYS AVAILABLE:I will update available spaces daily at https://walleyepete.com

updated 14 Dec 2014 at 8pm

Tuesday,     16 Dec-booked solid

Wednsday,  booked solid

Thursday,   18 Dec-4 spots available

Friday,       19 Dec-4 spots available


Cost: 140 each-120 if you are staying at Bay Motel

Launch at 7am on each day, return around 3-330 or so, launch could change due to weather

I provide all baits/tackle and licensing

Heated cabin for a comfy ride and place to warm up

I fillet fish at the end of the day, no cost!

Launching from Buzzards Point Marina, 408 Buzzards Point Rd, Reedville, VA

We can keep 2 fish each, one over 28″ and one under each

If you are interested in going or have questions contact me at 703-395-9955, calling is best….text will also work.

Come on out and give it a shot…….



Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 13 Dec 2014, Walk-On Trips!

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 2 Dec 2014 and Walk-On Trip Openings now for the CBBT!

A great winter Red Drum at the CBBT


Check out my latest newsletter and details on the current Walk-On Trips open now! http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWcsV0vNk4WMy4?w=3


WALK-ON Trips Available Now!


I currently have some dates available and the fishing is good!  I think things could get better and possibly we could get some great fish in numbers as time goes on here.  A walk-on trip at the CBBT is certainly an adventure and a great opportunity to fish water loaded with fish and possibly some really big ones.

tuesday, 9  December-2 spots available

Friday,  12  December-2 spots available

Sunday, 14  December-5 spots available

Monday,15  booked solid

Spots available will be updated at 707pm, 7  dec 14



Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 2 Dec 2014 and Walk-On Trip Openings now for the CBBT!

One spot left on Thursday Dec 4 at the CBBT

Heat is in the Cabin and the fish are biting!

Fishing at the CBBT right now is on!  I have great reports from captains I know down there.  The light tackle bite is on around the islands, pilings and some bird activity.  Saturday’s weather outlook is for SW wind which makes fishing the ballpark of the 1st and 2nd island very favorable.

I provide all baits/tackle/fish filleting/licensing/heat, ect………good stuff….come on out and give it a shot!

Thursday, Dec 4, 1 spot left at the CBBT


For details on the trip go to: http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWco8k6HqZsQ9F?w=3


Really feisty island stripers jigged up at the CBBT!

Categories: Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on One spot left on Thursday Dec 4 at the CBBT

Walk-On Trips Available now for this Friday and some CBBT dates!

Paul and Dan with a pair of good ones!


New walk-on dates available now! For details on the trips go to: http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWco8k6HqZsQ9F?w=3


Thursday, Dec 4….1 spot left for the CBBT



Thursday, 4 Dec, 1 Spot available from Marina Shores Marina, VA Beach

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Walk-On Trips Available now for this Friday and some CBBT dates!

Fishing Is Really Hot…..Light tackle jigging at it’s best! Walk-On’s will be up quick! CBBT dates available….CBBT Walk-On’s up soon!

Lot’s of fish like this on the light sticks can make or the day of a lifetime!


Fishing over open water and under birds in 25′-50′ of water is on fire right now!  Lot’s of great fish mixed in with some smaller fish.  Great light tackle jigging!  Walk-On trips will be posted soon!

Categories: Sticky | 2 Comments

Open Bay Fishing is Fabulous Right Now!

Good stuff happening on chesapeake bay right now.  Fishing looks to be good all the way from the Bay Bridge to the MD/VA line.  I’ve covered lot’s of water over the last three days and have had really great fishing with metal jigs/Specialized Baits Lil’ Bunker Spoons, 2,3 and 4 ouncers in gold, silver or chartruese are working great.  BKD’s ( www.basskandydelights.com ) are working great in both 6″ and 10″ size, white, chartruese glitter and purple glitter all work great for me.  On occasion surface plugs are working and I like slinging Sunami 6″  paddle tails on 1 or 1 1/2 ounce jigheads.  Birds are leading the way but don’t overlook structure in 10′-40′ of water….it’s all good!

Light tackle craziness….what a great fish!


Deep jigging under breakers nabbed this nice Striper!


First time Striper angler hit’s it big with many jigged up beauties including this 28″er……good stuff!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | Comments Off on Open Bay Fishing is Fabulous Right Now!

Getting Ready for The Fall Chill! And some new sticks!

It’s gett’in chilly! Time to batten down the hatches!


It’s that time of year……..I like the fish’in but don’t love the cold!  In order to keep fishing and stay warm I break out the enclosure and  bring in the heat!  Love my heater when it’s cold!!!!

Warmth and plenty of room to sling the light sticks!


While not fishing today because of forecasted wind and rain I ran over to Shore Tackle today to pick up 5 new custom rods!  Can’t wait to get them bent!  Joe and Billy do a great job putting together some very high quality stuff!  I’m thrilled to be a part of their pro-staff and more thrilled to put their custom rods in my clients hands……..have a boat full of sweet custom rods!

6 great custom light tackle sticks by Shore Tackle of Kent Island, MD


Rods are ready to rumble!


Next time you are on my boat be ready to work with some great sticks!

Categories: Advice | 2 Comments

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 2 November 2014, Walk-On’s Open Now

Beautiful Fall Light Tackle Jigged Striper


Current Walk-On Trips -updated 3 november at 8 pm

Thursday, 6 Nov14- 1 spot available

Saturday, 8 Nov 14- booked solid

Sunday,   9 Nov 14- booked solid


For trip details and my latest Newsletter go to:http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWcsEDmr7fYbCr?w=3

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 2 November 2014, Walk-On’s Open Now

Quick Report, 26 October 2014…….Fishing alot and it’s HOT! I’m Tired! But lov’in it!

37″er caught on a plug over shallow structure……4 feet of water!


Fishing over the last two months has been great in the islands of the eastern shore.  It’s different than the last 3 years.  Specks and Reds were the stars of the show with stripers being secondary.  With zero Reds and just a few specks around, Stripers are again the star of the show.  They have shined hugely for my crews this month and in the last week I’ve had some HUGE light tackle fish in real skinny water.  Stumps, rockpiles and current rips have been producing well.

Mike Wissel nailed this 37″er on a crank bait in about 7′ of water near the western shore in the wind and current……awesome fish on light tackle!

Some days I don’t get any big fish but most days have had a good number of fish to 25″ or so.  I’ll take that any day!  However, on Saturday, 25 September I had a crew of “first timers with me” and man did they hit the light tackle, surface plugging JACKPOT!  We ran into a pod of the biggest fish I’ve had in numbers ever in the eastern shore islands.  I do many many trips over there and many times never see this size fish……may never again!  I trip over one here and there but on this day several for some reason was over a shallow water structure spot and they all wanted our surface plugs real bad!  We caught a few…missed a few and lost a few….the hits were just unreal!  Here are some of the fish……

I’d love to say I could make this happen every day……but….I can’t!


twin whoppers!


These are the 4 over 28’s we kept…….caught and released other big ones……left them biting…….unreal!


just awesome surface plugged big fish!


Here are some other recent shots of nice fish caught in the skinny!

you go Henry!



Windy day…….hard fought nice fish in the skinny!


beautiful day…great fish!


Great fighter on a light stick! Good stuff!


ya….I oopsy poopsied into this one a few days ago……..it was a mistake!


I’ve been paying great attention to subtle mud lines outside of points.  Stumps have certainly been holding some great fish….especially with good current over them.  On windy days I’ve been ducking into guts, nooks and crannies and picking away at nice fish.  My power poles have been really helping me succeed in catching in many situations this year in the islands…..can’t live without them now….I”m spoiled!  All in all some great stuff going on…….come on out and give it a shot!


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | Comments Off on Quick Report, 26 October 2014…….Fishing alot and it’s HOT! I’m Tired! But lov’in it!

Continuous Great Fishing! Lot’s of 2011 born fish along with some others!

Tony with a nice 32″er recently….caught on a yozuri crystal minnow


Todd and a really big skinny water Striper!


I even get lucky on occasion!


I’ve been catching fish on the western side of the bay but mainly fishing in the eastern shore islands has been REALLY good!  Over the last month and a half most places with current/structure and 4′ or more of water has held Stripers.  I cover lot’s of area looking for better fish.  Everyday is different for sure.  Water clarity, wind, current and water level dictates where I fish every day.  I usually don’t do the same thing two days in a row.  Changing conditions make me shift gears daily to stay on quality fish.  I’ve been real lucky getting some unbelievable light tackle fish on the boat!

LIfe is good!

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One of My Emails is not working right now!

My [email protected] email is not currently recieving emails…IT’S FIXED!

[email protected] is working just fine…..or text or call or facebook.  Thanks!

WIll be posting a new report soon!  Lot’s of good stuff going on right now!!!!

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Some Really Big Fish…….and huge numbers of great light tackle fish!

Sam was the HOT STICK on Wednsday!


Some REALLY big light tackle fish lately!  Had a couple of the fattest 32″ fish I’ve ever seen!  They were as big around as they were long….well not quite but pretty darn fat!  They were full of menhaden and little crabs.  Don’t know what the future holds but lately (last month and 1/2) the fishing has been off the hook good!  Here are the two super fatties caught in the last couple of days…..

Tony G. with a great light tackle caught striper!

my buddy mike caught this one on a surface plug……BANG! Released to see another day!


The big fish lately were in a very (hit and miss) place.  Sometimes some great fish are there and sometimes they aren’t.  Nature of the beast…….Over in the islands it’s been pure hit!  Huge numbers of great fish.  Lot’s of keeper size fish in the mix and some big fish also……..

Todd with a 35 1/2 inch local whopper……released to swim many more days!


30+ inch stump fish! Good stuff!


Booked solid on Sunday, 12 October……..weather outlook is PERFECT for fishing the islands.  If interested give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve you spot!


Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Some Really Big Fish…….and huge numbers of great light tackle fish!

Stripers are Snapp’in! A Speck here and there and Even a Flounder! Two Walk-On’s Open Now!

Beautiful Morning Crossing the Bay!

Light Tackle Striper fishing in the eastern shore islands is still hot and getting hotter!  Some really nice fish have been popping up here and there like this 30+incher recently!  Fish nailed a purple glitter 6″ BKD  www.basskandydelights.com  over stumps near shore of an eastern shore island……really good stuff!

Wow!!!!! Great skinny water striper!

Most Stripers being caught are very fiesty 16-20″ Stripers with several fish in the mix bigger.  Lot’s of surface plugging action early in the A.M. or on overcast days.  However, over major structure I’ve been getting surface hits even in mid-day sun.  Always have a plug ready to throw when a slug of stripers shows themselves in an area.

Early A.M. surface plugged beauty!

Experienced angler or new at the game…..fishing is just great over in the skinny stuff!  I’m over there often and never get sick of it……..beautiful and different every day! Had a crew from Texas and PA today in the wind…..couldn’t make it another day.  We rolled out this morning with a stiff south wind….not horrible but scheduled to get nasty by early afternoon.  Rolled up into the islands and found some great fish in 3′ of water in a secluded cove and protected from the wind.  Peanut bunker flopping out of the water being chased by nice stripers.  Game on!  We had many nice fish and the new folks from TX had a ball…..about 1130 am we scooted back across the bay in a NASTY chop……made it back and filleted the fish….great day!Stef was scared of the fish! 

Texas Boy Shines!


Stef was a bit afraid of the fish but she did survive……..whoop, whoop!


WIndy day…..great fish and a better dinner coming this evening!


Adventures over to the islands are a beautiful fish catching experience…….I love every one of them! Hoping for another one of these big boys soon!

Huge Speck caught recently in the islands! Hopefully more to come!


WALK-ON Trips Available Now!

 UPDATED 3pm on 7 oct 14

Thursday, 9 October- 6am-3pm or so- 1 spot available

Sunday, 12 October- 6am-3pm- 4 spots available


Thursday’s weather outlook is favorable for a trip to light tackle heaven over in the islands.  Fish are getting bigger and the numbers are great!  Here is a great chance to get a trip over to islands to experience a heck of a good shallow water bite in beautiful waters….come on out and give it a shot!


COST:  $120 each

Launch from Beacon Marina, Solomons, MD  255 Lore Road

All light tackle all day!

Launch at 6am and return around 3pm…..some trips have stretched a bit longer.  Hard to leave that area!

All baits and tackle provided, bring your own stuff if you’d like

Licensing provided

Boat is a Judge 27 Chespeake……great boat for crossing the bay and fishing skinny!  My power poles have been a huge tool over there!  Great stuff!

I will fillet fish at the end of the trip

If you would like to go or have questions give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

Come on out and give it a shot!










Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

Skinny Water Catching is Holding Up REALLY Well!!!!!

Biggest Speck in a Long Time!!!!


Speck fishing this year is way off in numbers compared to the prior three years.  At this point last year I was up to 747 Specks caught.  This year I’m up to 53……that’s it!  The winter kill in VA an NC seems to have really knocked off a huge number of Specks which may have been in Maryland waters this summer.  Well……with that said the fishing is still really good!  While hoping for a speck or two the stripers are really running wild in the shallow water haunts of the eastern shore islands.  Great bent sticks are occuring all day, every day that mother nature lets me ply the waters.  Jigs and surface plugs have been connecting on lot’s of great light tackle stripers to 27″ or so.

Great stick bender in skinny water!


I think the 2011 spawned Stripers are now 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 inches or so………seems like the numbers of fish in this size frame are very robust in the shallow water.  As long as they stay out of nets we may see a great number of really nice skinny water fish next year.  Let’s hope!

Today’s walk-on trip was great!  We had 4 nice specks and more stripers than we could begin to count.  With water temps in the upper 60’s the fish are very robust and when handled properly they are very strong upon release.  Good stuff!!!!!!!

Even a Flounder along with the Stripers!


Henry was the Speck “Hot Stick” today with two really nice specks!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | Comments Off on Skinny Water Catching is Holding Up REALLY Well!!!!!

Great Catching right now! ! Thrilled with the Bite in the Islands! Two Spots Open still For Sunday, 27 Sep!

Holy “Blowfish” Batman! This one was caught on a 6″ Purple Glitter BKD!


Hello Folks!  I’ve been really working hard lately!  Lot’s of trips in the islands with LOTS of great bent sticks in beautiful remote waters!  Water temps today reached as low as 67.5 degrees….prime temp. for a great bite in shallow water.  I’ve had Stripers in every type of shallow water lately!  Stumps, grass, current rips, sod banks, rocks and wrecks……..all these places have had fish over the last several days!  Really good stuff!  They aren’t everywhere all the time.  I’ve had to work hard to locate fish at times but once located I’ve had great fishing!  The one thing loud and clear is CLEAR water is needed for good consistant success!

Biggest Speck of the Year! A true GATOR!!!! Let’s hope there are more to come


I’ve been having a ball fishing in little nooks and crannies all over the islands.  Even in wind I’ve been getting into very fishy water.  I’m always looking for clear water on the windy days.  I don’t even bother fishing the wind blown shorelines…..always check out interior coves, guts and downwind sides of islands on the windy days.  The days where the wind gods ease their wrath I am all over the place loving life!  Most points with current are holding fish if they haven’t been spooked off.

A tremendous skinny water striper!


Even though the Specks and Reds are just about no-shows in Maryland waters right now…….Stripers are filling the void.  Light tackle fishing for these fiesty scrappers is a blast.  With the breath taking beautiful environment and heart pounding light tackle runs……our Maryland skinny water Rockfish are providing lot’s of excitement!

Plenty of keepers for a great Striper Dinner!

beautiful fish and look at the backdrop! Just incredible!!!

This September has really been lot’s of fun!  All trips have been great successes!  As the water temps drop fishing will become more consistant in the islands and I believe we’ll be seeing some bigger fish…..it’s all good!!!



A great bite is on right now!  If you’d like to fish the islands, meet some new folks and have a great time, right now is the time to get out on a walk-on trip!  Here’s what is coming up!

Sunday,  28 Sep- 2 Spots Available

Thursday, 2 Oct- booked solid

Friday, 10 Oct– booked solid

Right now I’m in Beacon Marina at Solomons, MD.  255 Lore Rd, Solomons, MD

Cost: $120 each

We will launch at 6am and return around 3pm.  Launch time could change due to tide/weather

I provide all baits/tackle/license.  Bring what you want to eat and drink…..bring any of your own gear if you’d like!

I will fillet fish at the end of the trip

If you are interested in going on any of these trips give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

Come check out the beauty of it all!





Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Great Catching right now! ! Thrilled with the Bite in the Islands! Two Spots Open still For Sunday, 27 Sep!

Island Fishing is Darn Good and Going to Get Better! 11 Sep 2014

Charles with a great “nook and cranny” Striper on a really windy day!

Rain and wind Monday and Tuesday lowered the Island water temp down to the mid 70’s….last two days heat brought the temp back up a bit but not too much!   Water today was around 77-78 degrees and the sun was shining but that didn’t stop some nice Stripers hitting hard in 5′ and less of water.  Right now Stripers are moving in to some shallow water haunts but not in huge numbers.  Certainly not an easy game right now but really rewarding!  Love hunting hard then scoring on keeper Rockfish in shallow, remote waters.  Makes for a great fishing trip!  Today and yesterday I fished the islands really hard in the wind…..doing great on decent numbers and some really nice Stripers.  The scenery alone is worth the price of admission…..catching is a bonus…..well…you know me…..we HAVE to catch!!!!!!!

Here’s Ron with a fiesty light tackle caught 21″er in remote beautiful water! Good stuff!

Fishing the remote “nooks and crannies” requires stealth and some stratagy.  Some areas I’m running into are no wider than my boat is long……..some very shallow water but enough….my boat only needs 14″ to float.  My power poles have played a key role in success while fishing points, rock piles, wrecks, weed beds and all the “nooks and crannies”.  Couldn’t have the success I’m having without them!

My power poles stop my boat right NOW! While fishing skinny water, current and structure I’m able to perfectly position my boat to enable my anglers to target the best water without spooking fish……..priceless!!!!  With the wind blowing and the current ripping the fish I caught today wouldn’t have been possible with my Power Poles!

Baits of choice have been BKD’s ( www.basskandydelights.com ) loaded on jigheads made by Hardhead Custom Baits  ( www.hardheadcustombaits.com ) in 1/4 ounce and 3/8 ounce.  The water was so high yesterday and today I didn’t need to use weedless jigs in the grass beds.  The best technique was working quickly over the grass.  Fish were bombing baits above the grass.  You could usually see the strike near the surface.  Great stuff and hopefully much more to come!

Chris caught many nice Stripers today off the bow of my boat…..most hits he could see happen! Cool stuff!!!!


Here’s Joe in some beautiful water and holding a nice Striper caught on a light stick……nice!!!!


Big mike with one of many for him on Wednsday…..went from wind to flat….love when that happens!


Fish On!!!!!


I never get sick of this!


Categories: Advice, Fishing Report | Comments Off on Island Fishing is Darn Good and Going to Get Better! 11 Sep 2014

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter……Walk-on Trips booked solid

check out my latest newsletter at http://www.icontact-archive.com/vPmWQS8mpdRnLJA5MkMWch3-TIdeMtEu?w=3


Current Walk-On Trips!

New Walk-On Spots for this Saturday, 13 September 2014.  Saturday’s crew was a booked trip…..they need additional folks! Come on out and give it a shot!  2 spots available for this trip…..

Check current spots available at https://walleyepete.com

September is here and cooler temps will shoot down shallow water temps.  This all equals a great shallow water bite for Stripers and a great shot at a speck or red.  I will be running out of Solomons at Beacon Marina.  Typical trip will be running the bay over to the eastern shore Islands in search of the bite……we’ll fish beautiful remote waters containing rips, stump fields, points with contour change, grass beds, rock piles and wrecks.  Lot’s of great stuff to fish and it’s all beauiful!  Along with the islands we’ll certainly be aware of main stem structures and working birds.



Here’s what we’ve got! – All current walk-on trips are booked…..will be posting more soon!

Thursday, 11 September- booked

Saturday, 13 September- booked 

Monday,   15 September-  booked

 Tuesday,   16 September- booked


Here’s the Deal:

– Cost: 120 each

– Launch from Beacon Marina, Solomons, MD at 6am and return

about 3pm

– I provide all baits and tackle…bring your own stuff if you want

– We will light tackle jig/plug all over the place with emphasis put

on the eastern shore islands

– I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip….(free)

– We will run 60-90 miles total depending on the bite ect………

– My boat is a licensed charter…you don’t need a fishing license

–  great chance to learn from others…..all my walk-on trips have

been great stuff…..lot’s of fun…come on out and give it a shot!


– If you are interested in going or have any questions give me a call

at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot.


– If I don’t answer the phone, text or message me….I will call you

back or text back whether or not you are in.


– Come on out and give it a shot!!!!!!


-My Judge 27 Chesapeake makes for a comfortable ride no matter where we go!  Big water, skinny water….whatever water….good stuff!!!


Eastern Shore 2012 Speck



Check current spots available at https://walleyepete.com


or call at 703-395-9955










Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter……Walk-on Trips booked solid

Great Stuff Today! Macs, Big Stripers and Lotsa Blues! Short Notice Saturday cancel, walk-on saturday! Also, two walk-on’s for this coming week!

Big Mike….with a BIG summer surface plugged Striper……good go’in Mike!!!!!!

Great stuff going on out on Chesapeake Bay right now!  Massive schools of feeding fish making wild craziness on the surface for hours today!  Only negative thing is keeper stripers were hard to get out of the breaking fish…..countless 17″ers.  Where are the millions of 2011 19″ers?  We did however find some darn big stripers on structure today! Had big mikes 32″er on a surface plug at sunrise and then caught several nice fish on some other structures on the bay.  Good stuff for sure!  We did pick up some Spanish Mackeral today and countless Bluefish.  A great day to say the least!

A nice 28″ Striper for a great young “almost 8 yr old” angler!

Millions of silversides were being demolished by thousands of 15-17″ Stripers, Blues and Spanish Mackeral today in water from 7′-25′ of water……quite a spectacular scene for sure!

This activity was going on over a very large area today…..spectacular!



Saturday,     30 August,    booked solid

Monday,       1 September, booked solid

Wednsday,  3 September, booked solid

Had a short notice cancel on this saturday’s (30 Aug 14)  fishing
trip…….with a great weather report and an even better bite going on I though a walk-on trip is in order!

Here’s the deal:

Cost: $120 each

5 spots available

Launch from the Solomons Island Boat ramp under the bridge at 6am and return around 3pm

We will light tackle fish for Stripers, Blues and Spanish Mackeral

I provide all baits/tackle and licensing…bring your own gear if you want!

We will run all over chesapeake bay hunting for the best bite available!  Lots of fun!

I will fillet all fish at the end of the trip! no charge!

If you are interested in going on this trip give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot!

All my walk-on trips this summer have been very successful!!!! Learn some if you want…..or just catch lot’s of fish and meet some new fishing friends!

a real nice first Spanish Mackeral for a great young angler!

First Spanish Mac from today’s walk-on trip! Good stuff!!!!






Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Great Stuff Today! Macs, Big Stripers and Lotsa Blues! Short Notice Saturday cancel, walk-on saturday! Also, two walk-on’s for this coming week!

Mid-Bay Boilers Working all Week! Stripers, Blues and Macs! All Walk-On’s filled…more coming for next week!

Nico with a nice mac he caught using a 3/4 ounce Specialized Baits, Lil’ Bunker…….we were crank’in them hard!


Did several trips this week and one thing was common on all trips……we caught lot’s of fish every day.  Launching from Solomons I averaged about 70 miles a day.  Have located good schools of stripers, Blues and Macs in several locations from Solomons to Sharps Island on both the East and western side.  Every day seems a bit different than the next.  Most Stripers in schools have been 16″ or a bit bigger.  A few keepers are caught each day.  The best stripers I have found have been on shallow structure early.  However, on a couple days recently I had massive schools crashing bait in 4′ of water with a better grade of Stripers.  This particular day I was escaping a NE wind hoping to find something in protected water.  Jackpot was hit……massive breakers in nasty NE wind but in a great protected area.  Flat water, Stripers, blues and even a couple of macs in 4-7′ of water……cool!   Don’t overlook near shore water!  I got lucky on this day but am definetly paying attention to near shore waters more now.  Yesterday I was running to a eastern shore locaton so a lovely lady angler could partake in a nice bathroom.  While running in skinny water I noticed a swirl in real skinny water at high noon with a bright sun…..I slowed down and looked and I’ll be dog-goned if there weren’t a nice school of stripers chasing bait in 1.5-3′ of water.  We stopped and popped several fish with a couple of keepers in the mix then continued on to the indoor bathroom.

Nico with a nice surface plugged Striper! He had the hot stick today! Many keeper Stripers, blues galore and a Mac to boot!


When the wind gods don’t blow you can bet on a great day on the water as long as you are willing to burn some gas.  I have had decent schools near Solomons but more often than not some good runs are needed to locate active fish.  My binoculars have been a crucial piece of equipment on all my trips lately.



With light tackle fishing really good and some open dates this coming week I thought some Walk-On trips should go up!  Game plan will be shallow structure early for big stripers……after that running to the breakers and fishing main stem structures all on the jig/plug……good stuff! Come on out and give it a shot!

Here’s the dates:   MORE WALK-ON’s next week!  Posting them soon……

Tuesday, 26 aug-     6 am-230 pm – booked solid

Wednsday, 27 aug- 6 am-230 pm -booked solid

Friday, 29 aug-        6 am-230pm- booked solid


Here’s the deal:

Cost: $120 each

All baits and tackle provided…you can bring your own if you want

Launch from Solomons Island boat ramp under the bridge at 6am

I will fillet all the fish at the end of the day

You don’t need a license…boat is licensed to charter, you don’t need a license.

If you are interested in one of these trips give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot



Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 2 Comments

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter and Available Walk-On Trips! 17 Aug 14

Lot’s of this going on! Love it!!!!!



                                “Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 17 Aug 2014    


   -Current Fishing Report-

Current WALK-ON TRIPS are booked solid….will be putting up more soon!!!!!!




Thursday’s walk-on was a charm!  Lot’s of great fish on surface and jigs!



Folks, the summer light tackle game is in to full swing in a great way! I love fishing away from the crowd  with light sticks and artificials.  It’s on right now!  Out of Solomons or Deale I’ve been running and finding some great fish active on the surface or on structure.  When the weather is right the game has been on big-time!  Breaking fish have included alot of just below legal Stripers and many blues in the 2-3 pound range.  However, on many occasions I’ve been getting on top of some huge (to the chesapeake) blues and many keeper size Stripers.  Blues to 7 pounds have been pounding surface lures and jigs or anything dipped in the water and moved.  Watch out!  Those things are monsters!  On light tackle it’s one hell of a pull!  For me the western side of the bay has produced good numbers of Spanish Macks casting with Specialized Baits’ 1 Ounce silver Lil’Bunker Spoon.  I llike to throw them out over a school of breakers….let it get down for a few seconds then rip it back with a bit of pause intermitantly.  Those Macs really pull on light tackle!  I’d love to be chasing Specks and reds in the island but they just arean’t there in enough numbers for me to confidently say we’ll catch’m.  However, for any crew that wants to give it a shot…..I’m ready!  It wouldn’t shock me one bit to catch a 1 to 6 specks on a trip.  Also wouldn’t shock me to catch zero.  So……currently I’ve had a hell of a good catching game with nice fish out of Solomons or Deale.


Live lining is still in full swing from Poplar and to the north.  Possibly some activity is happening south of there.  Breaking fish have been in great numbers but still schools of keeper size stripers are lacking but can be found with plenty of miles put under your boat.   Most trips I’ve been catching a limit of keeper stripers along with a slew of Blues.  My last trip I had some folks who wanted blues for the smoker….they kept 25 blues over 4 pounds and several up to 7….some real tackle busters!  Good stuff!!!!


Buzz’s marina to the south out of Ridge, Md is catching great numbers of blues and spanish mackeral with some sub-legal stripers mixed in.  A great place to go to be out of the crowds and get some great bent stick!  Love Mike and Christy down at Buzz’s!  Mike will give you a real time dependable fishing report anytime you launch from his ramp……go on down and give it a shot!


 Walk-On Trips Available now!



Trips lately have been producing lot’s of Stripers and Blues on light tackle along with some Spanish Macs!  Good stuff!!!!

Short notice cancel for Tuesday and an open date on wednsday equals some walk-on trips available now!

With the bite really good and a great wind forecast I can’t resist throwing up some walk-on trips! A great chance exists to catch lot’s of nice Blues, keeper Stripers and a spanish mac thrown in for good measure.  Also, some huge Red Drum are in the region and could show up under our boat.  If that happens hold on!!!


Here’s the Deal and Dates: updated 17 august

Tuesday,    19 August 2014-  Booked solid

 Wednsday, 20 August 2014-Booked solid


Cost: $120 each-all baits tackle, fish cleaning, licensing included…bring your own gear if you want…..


Launch From Solomons Island Boat Ramp at 6am on tuesday and Wednsday and return around 3pm


We will light tackle jig and plug all over the bay…..will cover lot’s of water locating schools of eager Stripers, Blues and hopeful Spanish Macs


We will run the bay in my Judge 27 Chesapeake….great boat to chase down the fish!!!! Speed and comfort!!!


Walk-on trips are a great way to get an incredible fishing trip at a great rate and meet some great folks along the way!  If you are looking to learn how to light tackle jig/plug…this is your trip!  Come on out and give it a shot!


If you are interested in these trips give me a call at 703-395-9955 with questions or to reserve your spot (s)!


Give me a call at 703-395-9955……









Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter and Available Walk-On Trips! 17 Aug 14

Quick Report/Walk-On’s now available!

Quick Report and Short Notice Walk On Spots!

                            August 8, 2014

Have not been fishng the islands lately.  Still fishing out of Solomons or Deale depending on what folks want to do.  Out of Solomons I’ve been getting into good numbers of breaking fish with some keeper Stripers in the mix with lot’s of 2-3 pound Blues.  Occasional larger stripers on surface plugs early and on shallow structure.  Spanish mack’s are showing up and are catchable on light tackle slinging 1 ounce Lil’ Bunker Spoons and work’in them fast!  Out of Deale live lining is in the mix along with lot’s of breaking fish also.  A bit south of Deale I’ve had keeper stripers and huge (for the bay) Blues.  Surface plugs and BKD’s have been catching everything.  A good number of Stripers can be found in eastern bay….gum thickets and the bay bridge region jigging and live lining.  It’s all good!

 Short Notice Walk-On Trip and some more!

Have a crew of two who would like a couple more to fill out their crew out Solomons on this Sunday morning.  Fishing out of solomons on light tackle has been fast action lately with a shot at a Spanish Mac along with lot’s of Blues and Stripers.  Another walk-on trip is thursday, 14 August…a two man crew looking to fill out a charter. Friday may be an island trip!


Here’s the list of upcoming walk-on trips and spots available!


Cost for all Walk-On trips is $120 each.


Sunday, 10 August-booked sold-this trip will depart from Solomons boat ramp under the bridge at 6am. We’ll be light tackle fishing for Stripers, Blues and hopeful Spanish Macs


Thursday, 14 August- booked solid- this trip will depart from Paradise Marina in Deale, MD at 6 am and return 2pm


Friday, 15 August- 3 spots available- this trip will depart from Solomons and will go from 6am till around 3pm.  Thinking about running the main stem of the bay south and digging into the islands a bit.  


-I provide all baits and tackle….feel free to bring your own stuff!

 -license is provided on all trips

 -I will fillet fish at the end of the day!

 -we’ll be running in my Judge 27 Chesapeake….nice ride where ever  

 we go!

 -If you have questions or want to book a spot give me a call at


 A walk-on trip is a great way to meet new fishing friends….learn from others and have a great shot at some nice fish!

 Come on out and give it a shot!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Quick Report/Walk-On’s now available!

Quick Report, Short Notice Walk-On For Sunday Aug 3! Light winds and overcast! Good stuff!

cracking Stripers with keepers in the mix and some real nice blues up to 5 pounds! Great light tackle fun!


All Spots booked up!

Have had some luck recently away from the crowd and slinging poppers and jigs for some real nice Stripers and Blues.  Live lining is still going on but not my preferred thing…….plenty of fish seem to be from the gum thickets and north.  Plenty of fish being jigged up and some breaking fish north of the bay bridge.  Decided to open up a short notice walk-on for Sunday afternoon, 3 Aug starting at noon.  Wind looks to be light with overcast sky………could be some great stuff!  Come on out and give it a shot!


ALL SPOTS BOOKED UP…..will be opening up more dates soon!

Here’s the deal:

-Cost: 120 each

-Launch from Paradise Marina, Deale, MD at 12pm and return around 8pm

-I provide all baits and tackle…….bring your own stuff If you’d like

-Boat is licensed so you don’t need a fishing license

-We will be looking for active fish to surface plug and jig……confidence is high!

-I will fillet fish at the end of the trip

-if you would like to go give me a call at 703-395-9955 to reserve your spot or spots!


Categories: Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Quick Report, Short Notice Walk-On For Sunday Aug 3! Light winds and overcast! Good stuff!

Walk-On Trips Available Now!

Nice Specks are available now in the Islands! Come on out and give it a shot!

Currently I’ve got some walk-on spots available….check’m out!

Walk-On Trips available Now!





Saturday, 19 July 2014- 2 spots available as of july 17 at 630pm

-Cost is $120 Each

-Launching from Buzz’s Marina at 6am-returning at 3pm

-We will light tackle jig for Specks/Stripers/ maybe a red or even a cobia….also croakers

will nail gulps in most places we fish

– I provide all licensing, bait’s, tackle….bring whatever you want of your own

-Long pants and long sleeves recommended in case bugs are bad in the islands

– we will cover endless beautiful water……..typically covering all that water will make it

happen!  Some big Specks are in the area!

– If you have any questions or want to reserve a spot give me a call at 703-395-9955

TAKE CARE ALL AND Good luck fish’in!



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July 14, 2014, Fishing Report and My “Official Stance On Commercial Fishing”

Billy and a great, recent Speck! Hopefully many more to come this summer!


Well folks……I’ve been a bit lazy on the updating front here!  Guilty as charged!  I’ve been fishing quite a bit….not the kind of fishing I love though.  I fished hard late april thru mid-june in the eastern shore islands for Specks, Stripers, Reds and whatever else might bite.  Striper fishing was good until the water temp in the shallows stroked 80.  At that temp I’ve experienced a tough bite on Stripers over 18″.  The speckled sea trout bite just never seemed to happen.  From May-mid June I only caught 15 Specks with only a few of them keepers.  So……difficult at best on Specks.  Red Drum never made a showing.  Not a shocker to me.  The Reds we had so many of 2 years ago and the decent numbers last year of 22-27″ Reds are not “pups” this year.  They’ve changed what they do and where they go.  So…….we just don’t have Reds in any numbers.  There is a chance for a late summer/ fall showing of Reds.

What I’ve been doing since mid-june is fishing out of Deale and Solomons for mainly stripers.  The main slug of Stripers in Chesapeake Bay is from Poplar Island and north.  Certainly Stripers can be caught in other places but numbers and any size is hard to come by other than Poplar Island/Eastern Bay/Bay Bridge and a bit north.   The game I like on the bay is remote running of shallow structure hunting for skinny water species.  A good chance exists that bite is picking up a bit.  Recently I did 2 days in a row of guiding out of Buzz’s Marina in Ridge, MD near Point Lookout.  I had some great crews and we really covered some ground hunting down any gamefish that would bite.  We found quite a bit!  Had Stripers up to 22″ in shallow grass beds, Bluefish in the main stem of the bay up to 23″ and several Speckled Sea trout up to 23″.  Overall some pretty good stuff and exciting fishing.

Striper, Bluefish and Specks! Great light tackle fun!

Timbo with one of 6 we caught on thursday!


Me and My foolish sunhat had to get in on the action….caught this one on a small stillwater smack’it!


My “Official Stance On Commercial Fishing For Stripers/Rockfish”

Shortly after my military retirement in 2004 I aquired a license to commercially fish for Stripers.  My technique for this commercial catch is “hook and line”.  This means I’m catching stripers on rod and reel and I can keep up to the amount the state says that I can keep on a particular day/week.   Back in 2005 Stripers in the bay out of Solomons Island was quite plentiful…..no obvious issues yet with Rockfish numbers.   My intention with this license was to augment my guiding…..at that point I didn’t know how many trips I’d be getting and thought obtaining this license would be a good way to help me “make it” fishing without getting a “real” job.  From 2005-2010 I did commercial fish about 2 days a week and guided 3-5 trips a week from June-November.  So….between commercial fishing and guiding I was able to make ends meet.  Without getting into details……no human in Maryland will ever get rich from being a fishing guide and a part time hook and line fisherman.  However, when you love being on the water and catching fish on light tackle…..this living is a dream come true.  From 2011-2013 I barely hook and line fished at all because the majority of Stripers in Chesapeake Bay are far north in the Summer months from where I was fishing.  I was lucky enough to be fishing for Speckled Sea trout and Reds along with some stripers in the Islands of the eastern shore.  I had virtually no commercial catch for 3 years.  However, because of the commercial fishing cheating going on the state changed to an Individual quota based on a license holders catch records up to 2010.  Because I commercial fished a fair amount from 2005-2010 I was given a quota of 6000 pounds give or take a little.

Jump to this year……….Speckled Sea Trout had a major kill off over the winter in North Carolina and Virginia.  The Specks we see in our waters starting in late April/may and stay through Sep/October aren’t here because they died!  So……instead of taking people fishing for fish that aren’t there I’m fishing up north where all the Stripers seem to be.  I don’t particurlarly care for guiding on the Stripers up north because they are in a crowd of folks all live-lining and that just isn’t my guiding style………So…..in leu of guiding up there I’m using my commercial license and doing some hook and line fishing in the crowd of charter boats/private boats and other hook and line fisherman.  I”d rather guide down south if there is anything to catch…….

Recently I took a public fishing forum “hit” because I was “commercial” fishing and I publicly state I don’t want commercial fishing.  I spend many days on the water per year….have been for over 10 years full time now.  I know based on my time on the water the population of Stripers is in trouble.  So…..some folks out there are confused as to why I would promote getting rid of commercial fishing but still commercial fish myself.  The little issue on the public forum recieved around 16,000 views in a couple days…..most folks I think understand what and why I do what I do…….some don’t.  So….I’ll try to explain it here.

I purchased this commercial license with Striped Bass Allocation in 2005 for a significant amount of money.  I purchased it with supporting my family in mind and backing up my guide business…..it has served the purpose to this point.  Some folks don’t understand why I just don’t quit using it if I don’t want commercial fishing and if I think the Stripers are in trouble.  Here is the deal…….If I don’t catch my quota (6000) pounds in 2014 I will lose what I don’t catch in future years and what I don’t catch will get turned over to other licenses for other commercial techniques.  My (6000) pounds will get caught by someone else.  I would jump up and cheer tomorrow if the state announced a commercial shut-down of Stripers…..I would rather guide than commercial fish.  I think with a price on the head of a striper it is going to get over exploited and cheating will happen  and being the state is short on funds to enforce laws effectively commercial fishing needs to be altered or abolished big time.  I am tired of what I think is over exploitation of the resource the “system” allows.  Political roots are way deep in commercial exploitation of Striped Bass…very difficult to change or end.  I will stand up and cheer if and hopefully when it ends…..however, I’m not giving my quota up to another commercial entity, period!  I’ll happily give it to the state and it’s licensed recreational anglers when they take all others……..hope you understand!


Take care and good luck fish’in!!!!!

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | 4 Comments

“Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 21 May 2014, Walk-On Trips are booked….More to come!

Chesapeake Bay Beauty!

Fishing has sure been good for the whole month of May!  Lot’s of light tackle catching going on every day that mother nature lets me.

Walk-On Trips Available Now!- updated 21 May at 919pm

Saturday, 24 May 2014-  booked solid

Thursday, 29 May 2014-booked solid

Sunday, 1 Jun 2014     – booked solid

For Trip details scroll to the bottom……





May 21, 2014

  “Walleye” Notes Newsletter/Fishing Report                                           

    Walk-On Dates Available Now!



Fishing has been nothing short of really good on Stripers!  Catching large numbers on the light sticks tossing jigs, surface plugs and crank baits.  Early in the morning has been very good on several days on the surface. Gotta love that!  The main stem of the bay has been very active in the last 10 days with small stripers working bait under birds in 40-50+ feet of water.  When I mark fish 30′ or deeper in this situation I’ve been getting many over 24″ fish with some over 30″.  Really good stuff on light tackle!  

Sherry with a great light tackle caught 31″ Striper!


The islands of the eastern shore are very active with Stripers up to 24″.  Great fun catching Stripers in shallow water in the beautiful islands. I’ve had some really large fish in the shallows on occasion around South March and Bloodsworth Islands.


                                                 Mother’s Day Catching!

Scott with mom and some great light tackle Stripers


Had a great trip recently with Scott and his mom, Sherry.  Scott called and reserved a day for him and his mom for mothers day.  I expected an “older” lady who wasn’t going to be overly anxious to fish but glad to be out on a nice day with her boy.  Scott and Sherry rolled up to the boat bright and early and right away I knew it was going to be a great day.  Scott, a nice guy and skilled angler was ready to catch.  His mom did alot of fishing but not much in the line of light tackle jigging.  So…..Sherry had to “learn the game”.  Learn it she did…..in no time flat she was hooking up on nice mid-20’s Stripers with her biggest at 31″.  She was a quick learner and wildy enthusiastic….so much so I had to “reel her in a bit” so not to alert a couple of boats not to far away of our bite on a really nice grade of fish.


Mothers Day Joy……light tackle fun!


Thanks so much for a great day Scott and Sherry…..was a day I certainly won’t soon forget!


The month of may has been a very busy one!  Have been on the water almost every day this month.  What I’m really hoping for is the Speckled Sea Trout!  Last year the first one was caught on my boat on May 3.  This year finally the first one happened….problem is I caught it!


I caught the first Speck on my boat this year…..it was an accident!  Honest it was!  The free t-shirt and Walk-on trip is still up for grabs……I don’t count!  The conditions haven’t been great in the Speck water and the long winter may have them behind a bit.  So…..I’m hoping they come on strong any second now!  Catching in the eastern shore island has been very good…..Specks or no Specks the catching has been great!



 Walk-On trips Available Now!


Had a short notice cancel for Saturday, 24 May and I’ve got Thursday the 29th of May available for Walk-On!  We’ll be launching from Solomons at the boat ramp under the bridge or Buzz’s Marina if I move down there before the Walk-On’s.  We will be light tackle fishing the main-stem of the bay and working the islands hard for Specks, Stripers and a hopeful Red.  Conditions should be rapidly improving for the Speck bite to get good.  Let’s go fish’in! WIN THAT SHIRT AND WALK-ON TRIP!  I’m dying to give it away!!!!!!





Walk-On’s Available Now!


Saturday, 24 May 2014-  5 spots available


Thursday, 29 May 2014-  5 spots available


Sunday, 1 Jun 2014     –  5 spots available


To check current status of walk-on spots available go to https://walleyepete.com


We will launch at 0515 from Solomons unless I move down to Buzz’s Marina before our trip.  We will return around 3pm.  I will fillet our fish at the end of the trip!



Cost: $120 each


I provide all baits and tackle….feel free to bring your own stuff if you’d like


You don’t need a license…my boat is licensed and covers all anglers


We will light tackle fish the open bay and the islands of the eastern shore…..beautiful stuff!


If you are interested in going or have questions give me a call at 703-395-9955


To reserve your spot call me at 703-395-9955.  If you email or text I may not see it right away and you could lose your spot




Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on “Walleye” Notes Newsletter, 21 May 2014, Walk-On Trips are booked….More to come!

Bigger Stripers in the Skinny! No Specks yet……..Hopeful!

C0uple of really nice light tackle Stripers caught today!


Had a friend Simon give me a call hoping to get a trip for him and his out of country visitors.  Both visitors couldn’t speak a lick of english so Simon was the interpreter.  Long story short; we caught alot of fish!  Fishing was great!  Weather was great!  All went really well and some fish went home with the anglers for a fish fry!

Have yet to land the first Speck…..water temps are just hovering around the low end of when the start to bite.  With warm temps scheduled for thursday and Friday the first Speck should be coming soon!

Simon with a nice 30″er caught in the “skinny”……great Job Simon!

Will be putting up some new walk-on trips soon!

Categories: Fishing Report | 5 Comments

Plenty of Stripers all weekend Starting on Friday…….Had lot’s of small and medium fish on light tackle!

Porpoises! Had many near the boat on Friday and Saturday….pretty cool!


Fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday……Friday and saturday we had plenty of Stripers and even some keepers on Friday on light tackle.  A whole lot of big breeding fish were caught this weekend in the MSSA Tourny.  Fishing was good out there for the trollers.  I stayed away from all that and fished the islands of the Eastern Shore….although we didn’t catch any big Stripers over there we did catch many on light tackle.  Lot’s of fun and there is no prettier place to fish!  I have yet to catch a speck yet this year.  Last year the first Speck was on May 3.  Didn’t happen yet this year……with the winter as cold as it was and long winded I believe they are just late.  Hoping they show soon!

I don’t have any walk-on’s scheduled currently but will look at my schedule in a couple days and put a couple up for grabs…..with some nice warm weather and calm seas the eastern shore Island should only get better!  Take care all and good luck fish’in!

Categories: Fishing Report, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Upcoming Weather Looks Great! Light Tackle Fishing Should be Very Good! Walk-On Trips Available Now! Trips are Booking quick, Wednsday, May 7 is booked solid!