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Specks 24′

Come on out and give it a shot! I’ve still g a few dates open for May and June. May is the time when Speckled Sea trout arrive in MD waters of the Chesapeake Bay. I fish remote beautiful shallow clean water where wildlife seems to be everywhere in and out of the water. Every … Continue reading »

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2024 is here! I’m back at!

Looking at posting more comprehensive fishing reports here at along with commenting on fishery stuff going on and anything else that comes to mind. Current trends on the water I am seeing I’ll report along with pics/videos etc. I’ve been active on Facebook and instagram for a long time but need to post at … Continue reading »

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It’s been awhile since I’ve been active at It’s important I get this thing going again and originate posts from here. No better time to start than now! Stand by for posts and as much good stuff I can muster up to share! Fishing and catching has been very good this Spring! This shot … Continue reading »

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If you got this email it means you are on my current email list! Had to get some work done on my site….updating etc……big pain. I’ve been posting on facebook and instagram but want to use this platform all the time and share to facebook. I’m about to leave for Florida to guide all kinds … Continue reading »

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Spring 2021 Specks and Stripers!

If you’d like a full day adventure in remote water on Chesapeake Bay chasing Stripers and Specks in May/June call or text now at 703-395-9955! Currently have availability in May/June…..the days will disappear fast! With over 2000 trips and 20 years experience working the eastern shore Islands of the Chesapeake no stone or stump goes … Continue reading »

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