Author Archives: Walleye Pete
2015…..A Great Year It Was!
2015 is in the books! I fished from well above the bay bridge to well south of Point Lookout and many places in between. Just added up 205 fishing trips in the book! Great year considering I did zero trips in Jan/Feb. Boat sat in 10″ of ice for 45 days! … Continue reading
Incredible Catching! Walk-On Trips coming up!
I’m pooped for sure! Been fishing every day lately, even Thanksgiving! What a trip that was! Having some technical difficulties with pictures right now…..can’t get any of my newer ones up here. Have stuff on facebook. I’ve been fishing out of Buzz’s Marina every day. The mouth of the Potomac River up to Hooper Straights … Continue reading
Fishing Report, 8 November 2015
Folks, I’ve been crazy busy on the bay, hardly any spare time to write reports. With decent weather overall and a great boat to go out even in “iffy” stuff my time has been taken for sure! That’s a good thing! This “Island Hopping” season has been CRAZY good for sure! It started late … Continue reading
GO AWAY WIND! Was spectacular just before this latest wild stuff! Great catching to come!!!!!!!
Prior to this wild nor’easter and possible hurricane I was out bombing Stripers in shallow water on surface plugs everyday! Skinny water island fishing is off the hook! Don’t know for sure what this weather is going to do to the bite I had. I’ll be out looking hard this tuesday and then have trips … Continue reading
Prior to this wild nor’easter and possible hurricane I was out bombing Stripers in shallow water on surface plugs everyday! Skinny water island fishing is off the hook! Don’t know for sure what this weather is going to do to the bite I had. I’ll be out looking hard this tuesday and then have trips … Continue reading