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Author Archives: Walleye Pete

Specks 24′

Come on out and give it a shot! I’ve still g a few dates open for May and June. May is the time when Speckled Sea trout arrive in MD waters of the Chesapeake Bay. I fish remote beautiful shallow clean water where wildlife seems to be everywhere in and out of the water. Every … Continue reading »

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2024 is here! I’m back at!

Looking at posting more comprehensive fishing reports here at along with commenting on fishery stuff going on and anything else that comes to mind. Current trends on the water I am seeing I’ll report along with pics/videos etc. I’ve been active on Facebook and instagram for a long time but need to post at … Continue reading »

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It’s been awhile since I’ve been active at It’s important I get this thing going again and originate posts from here. No better time to start than now! Stand by for posts and as much good stuff I can muster up to share! Fishing and catching has been very good this Spring! This shot … Continue reading »

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Florida Fishi With Capt. “Walleye” Pete March/April 2020 Book Your Trip Now!

I’ll be fishing out of Dunedin, Florida, 20-30 minutes from Tampa International Airport and just a couple miles north of Clearwater and south of Tarpon Springs.  Lot’s of wind protected areas to target even with a stiff breeze.  Also, I’ll have a remote water boat up near Homosassa, FL to fish Ozello, FL.  (google Ozello, … Continue reading »

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Walleye Pete’s 2017 Fish Of The Year and Honorable Mentions

  Every year I declare a fish of the year on my boat, this year is a bit different. I’m declaring a fish of the year but its a fish which has never been graced with the title of “Fish Of The Year” on my boat prior to this year.  Also, I’ve got an angler … Continue reading »

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