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Author Archives: Walleye Pete


August Is Coming Up BIG! Awesome catching this week!

  August has been a great catching month for as long as I can remember.  Bay Anchovies/Silver Sides are all over the bay and all the fish that eat fish are all over these things!  Stripers, Blues, Spanish Macs, Red Drum etc…….are eating.  I find them with binoculars then the fish finder.  Any school of … Continue reading »

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky | Comments Off on August Is Coming Up BIG! Awesome catching this week!

Fishing Report and Walk-On Trips!

Been a while since I’ve updated here….need to quit slacking! I worked the waters from above the bay bridge to Sharpes Island while slipping the boat in South River.  Had a great couple of months up there but am glad to be back to Beacon Marina at Solomons.  Masses of Stripers and Blues have certainly … Continue reading »

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Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Thursday, 27 April!

  Short Notice Walk-On Trip 4 Spots Available! This Thursday, 27 April! Weather forecast shows S/SE breeze……great temps and warming waters should inspire a great shallow water bite in the islands. Will probably start the day shooting for big fish on plugs/jigs then roll to the islands to shoot shallow structure. Warming waters may give … Continue reading »

Categories: Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Short Notice Walk-On Trip for this Thursday, 27 April!

Updates to the boat…..thanks Judge Yacht, Annapolis Boat Sales and Reliable Marine!

Bill Judge and Walter at Annapolis Boat Sales finished up work by late Jan.  Since then I’ve ran the boat, tested the systems and love whats been done!  Reliable Marine joined the upgrade train by taking care of some electrical issues 7 years of corrosion can cause……. I’ll start with what Bill Judge did at … Continue reading »

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Sticky, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Updates to the boat…..thanks Judge Yacht, Annapolis Boat Sales and Reliable Marine!

Presentation Tomorrow Night In Cambridge, MD……come on out!

Come on out tomorrow night, (Thursday, 19 January) to the MSSA Dorchester meeting where I’ll be chatting about Winter and Spring Light Tackle Catching! I’ll be talking in depth about how, when and where I do it on light tackle……no tricks or riddles! Straight talk on how, when and where! With over 200 trips a … Continue reading »

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