If you got this email it means you are on my current email list! Had to get some work done on my site….updating etc……big pain. I’ve been posting on facebook and instagram but want to use this platform all the time and share to facebook. I’m about to leave for Florida to guide all kinds of great stuff for a couple months! Very excited and since I’ll be living in the boat I’ll have time to post here everyday!
If you don’t want to be on my email list let me know…..I’ll get you off….no problem what so ever. You are on my list because you were previously subscribed to my sight before it went down. I took down the site when “walleyepete.com” was typed in an add for viagra came up! Lol…..thats funny!
There will be no Ads on my site……I may talk about what I use and why but no commercials.
If you have family or friends who’d like to be on email list have them go to www.walleyepete.com and type in their email address in the subscribe box on the left side of page.
My goal is to have as many subscribers as possible so posting to facebook isn’t necessary. Also on this site I’ll report much more detailed stuff!
Glad I’ve got the site back up! Take care all and good luck Fishing in 2021!