Walk-On Trips Available Now!
Currently I’ve got some walk-on spots available….check’m out! Walk-On Trips available Now! WALK-ON TRIP DATES AVAILABLE Saturday, 19 July 2014- 2 spots available as of july 17 at 630pm -Cost is $120 Each -Launching from Buzz’s Marina at 6am-returning at 3pm -We will light tackle jig for Specks/Stripers/ maybe a red or even a … Continue reading
Plenty of Stripers all weekend Starting on Friday…….Had lot’s of small and medium fish on light tackle!
Fished Friday, Saturday and Sunday……Friday and saturday we had plenty of Stripers and even some keepers on Friday on light tackle. A whole lot of big breeding fish were caught this weekend in the MSSA Tourny. Fishing was good out there for the trollers. I stayed away from all that and fished the islands … Continue reading
Updated Walk-On Spots Available! Water Conditions at the Flats Not Good! Clearing though…..could get good Real Soon! Some Walk-On Spots Available now!
Arrived up at the flats wednsday afternoon…splashed the boat, got it in the slip and looked at the water. Water at the flats was muddy and not a great opportunity to catch in it. Canceled my Thursday and Friday trips. Have a crew Saturday morning who wants to go regardless and give it a … Continue reading
Walk-On Trips Have been a Charm! A Little rain, breeze and Hungry Fish! Not heading to the Flats for this Saturday, Walk-On Trip for This Friday A.M.!
The bite has been pretty good lately. The worse the weather the better the fishing! We’ve had some breeze and rain….makes for good fishing! Last week on two seperate nice sunny days the bite was not on. Everyday is different…..you never know with the bite this time of year. I’ll take it when I … Continue reading
Friend Selling Unbelievable Boat and House! Moving to a bigger boat and moving residence to a new location! Check these things out!
Folks….if you are in the market for a serious boat loaded with a ton of great stuff with very low hours….this is it! Incredible fishing machine being sold by a friend of mine because he is moving up to a bigger boat and moving from his current water front home. He is selling now! … Continue reading