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Author Archives: Walleye Pete

WALK-ON TRIPS Available now! Come on out and give it a shot!

Hello All, Walk-On Trips are now available! Wednsday afternoon-2pm-630 or so…..March 19, 2014- 5 spots available Thursday-645am-1130pm-March 20, 2014- 5 spots available Friday-645am-1130am- March 20, 2014- 5 spots available click the link for details:

Categories: Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on WALK-ON TRIPS Available now! Come on out and give it a shot!

Short Notice Walk-on Trip this Saturday, 15 March 2014

  Short Notice Walk-On This Saturday, 15 March 2014   Saturday looks like a good weather day and great wind forecast for fishing the power plant.  The power plant went back up to both reactors working full steam ahead which means we’ll have a better water temperature contrast than the last month.  Great chance it … Continue reading »

Categories: Fishing Report, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | 3 Comments

Walk-On Trips Tomorrow and Sunday, 8 and 9 March!

Hello All, Well, it’s time to give it a shot with folks on the boat.  Before the latest storm I marked a good number of fish at the Rips and did catch a few in a pretty short time.  Since the storm it’s been windy and not fishable at the plant.  Tomorrow (Saturday, 8 March) … Continue reading »

Categories: Fishing Report, Sticky, Trip Opening, Walk-On Trip Openings!!! | Comments Off on Walk-On Trips Tomorrow and Sunday, 8 and 9 March!

My Review of Power Pole, Lowrance HDS-10 and Honda 250

Hello All, Nothing happening on the fishng scene with all this cold.  Boat is sitting at my house and won’t be getting dropped in the water until it warms up a bit.  In the down-time I’ll be doing  Fishing Shows and houswork patiently waiting for the temp to go up enough to go scouting.  To … Continue reading »

Categories: "Walleye" Notes Newsletter, Advice, Sticky | Comments Off on My Review of Power Pole, Lowrance HDS-10 and Honda 250

Friend Selling Unbelievable Boat and House! Moving to a bigger boat and moving residence to a new location! Check these things out!

  Folks….if you are in the market for a serious boat loaded with a ton of great stuff with very low hours….this is it!  Incredible fishing machine being sold by a friend of mine because he is moving up to a bigger boat and moving from his current water front home.  He is selling now! … Continue reading »

Categories: Advice, Sticky, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Friend Selling Unbelievable Boat and House! Moving to a bigger boat and moving residence to a new location! Check these things out!